【Industry】How to combine adventurous spirit and security in camp

From a philosophical point of view, new things are often good, with strong vitality and great prospects. Just like the development status of the RV camping industry in China today, there is no doubt that RV camping is an emerging industry with strong vitality and great prospects for China. When people are immersed in the sweetness of the RV camping lifestyle, they often ignore the “sad” side of camping life.

Nowadays, the RV camping industry has developed into an indispensable entertainment and leisure activity in Western developed countries such as Europe and the United States. It occupies an important position in life just like eating and watching movies. Under the background that the government actively encourages the development of all-for-one tourism, RV camping life is gradually becoming more and more popular. The reason why the RV camping lifestyle is so popular is that it is novel in form and comfortable to live in.

With increasing work pressure, narrow and noisy urban life, and crowded tourist attractions in peak season, more and more people are beginning to experience the infinite fun brought by nature and relieve stress through camping activities. According to industry media sample survey data, faced with questions such as “if you go camping, what do you value most”, 6.097% of the respondents chose “related expenses”, 6.219% of the respondents chose “comfort “, 18.53% of the respondents chose “interestingness”, while 69.02% of the respondents chose “safety”. It can be seen that how to ensure safe camping has become the most concerned link of campers. While providing a good trip, how can the camp provide a safe place for tourists? Let everyone feel at ease? 

【Industry】How to combine adventurous spirit and security in camp

Safety Issues Regarding Camp Operations

While people enjoy the wonderful camping experience, the safety issue in camping is also the top priority that cannot be ignored. Generally speaking, campsite safety issues are mainly divided into four types: 1. Injuries caused by improper use or management of service facilities and equipment, traffic accidents, facility safety accidents and accidents; 2. Natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods etc.; 3. fire, drinking water pollution, food poisoning, etc.; These potential safety factors are all key issues affecting camping life.

Polar bears ‘bloodbath camp’ in Norway

As early as August 2009, there was a news report that in a camp in Svalbard, Norway, a polar bear suddenly broke into the tent and attacked a group of sleeping British tourists, killing a 17-year-old man died and four other men were seriously injured. One of the campers eventually opened fire, killing the bear. In foreign countries, similar accidents are not uncommon. When camping in the wild, you must pay attention to whether there are traces of wild animals around and the danger of harmful plants. You should always be alert to the dangers in the surrounding environment of the campsite and be fully prepared to deal with all possible dangers. If you don’t have the skills of the British adventurer Bear Grylls to catch scorpions alive in the wild, eat frogs raw, avoid poisonous snakes, crocodiles and bears in order to save his life, then you’d better choose a relatively safe and well-managed place Overnight in camp. The camp should also be vigilant about such incidents, increase camp enclosure facilities, and add warning signs to remind campers to pay attention to the presence of wild animals around them.

Most of the rainy days in the Southwest are dangerous

Accidents, disasters, business safety, and accidental falls are the most frequent accidents during the Spring Festival, and the car is the location with the highest incidence of accidents. From January to March and September to December, there are fewer tourism safety incidents in autumn and winter, especially in January, accounting for only 4.5%; most of them are caused by frequent thunderstorms and typhoons in summer, accounting for 36.4%; journey delays caused by rain, Incidents caused by accidental falls and amusement equipment occur frequently, with the largest number of tourism safety incidents occurring in rainy days in Southwest China, accounting for more than 1/4; from the perspective of source cities of tourists, most of them are concentrated in first-tier and new first-tier cities with economically developed cities, among which Changsha Ranked first with a proportion of 2.9%.

【Industry】How to combine adventurous spirit and security in camp

Safety Issues Regarding Campsite Site Selection

There are three elements in campsite site selection: drainage, wind and terrain. You should pay attention to stay away from areas prone to natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and strong winds; 1. Pay attention to observe whether the branches and leaves of trees grow in the same direction; 2. If there are traces of water flowing on the ground or water accumulation; It means that there will be a lot of water in the location when it rains, and it may even be attacked by floods; 3. Do not choose a ridge-like location for camping in the mountains, because this place is often hit by strong winds, and there may be chasing all over the place. Funny scene of tent running.

Pay attention to the safety of the camp waters

In addition to ambient air quality and acoustic environment quality, it is also very important that the water quality of domestic water and drinking water provided by the camp should meet the requirements of relevant standards; avoiding areas with environmental pollution is the first choice. There are clear streams or relatively open water areas around the camp, such as lakesides, seashores, etc., but they should not be too close to avoid danger.

With the continuous innovation and improvement of camping products, more and more equipment suitable for camping has also emerged. The Danish company Vestgerd Flanderson invented the “life straw” that can effectively purify sewage into drinking water. This device can filter out dirt through two layers of silk filters, and then use iodine-containing resin to kill Kill 99.3% of bacteria and viruses, and finally use activated carbon to remove the remaining bacteria and viruses that slipped through the net, and finally ensure that the purity of the water meets the standard of drinking water. It is definitely a wise decision to carry this product when camping outdoors.

【Industry】How to combine adventurous spirit and security in camp

Be wary of “extreme adventurism”

In general, visitors are reminded to pay close attention to changing weather conditions while having fun. In mountains, swamps and valleys, pay attention to the flow and turbidity of the water, and the sound of the water flow cannot be ignored. If any abnormality is found, the crowd should be evacuated immediately. In the event of a rockfall or landslide, the most important thing is to remain calm, first determine the direction of the rockfall, and then choose the direction of evacuation. It is suggested that the camp can help tourists prepare rain gear and commonly used medicines to deal with sudden disease situations; be sure to take protective measures when experiencing amusement facilities.

Generally speaking, the camping site should be found in a place that is relatively flat, has warm sunlight, and is convenient for water fetching. But many campers don’t know anything about the tides. They just want to get close to the sea, and they want to plunge their tents into the sea. In fact, this is very dangerous, and it is very likely that they will be slowly swallowed by the sea while they are asleep. This is not only the case at the seaside, but you must not camp near the river when you go camping in the mountains, as danger may occur at any time. Because if camping is by the river, after a heavy rain, the flood in the mountain area may flood the camp by the stream, and the danger will appear.

In addition, the beach alluvial land by the river seems to be a good place to camp, but it will also bear the brunt of the flood. Therefore, if you do not have basic outdoor camping knowledge, try to choose camping activities in the campground. In addition, pay attention to whether there are wild animals around and the danger of harmful plants.

Draw a portrait of “people with problems in danger”

According to data, women are the main group of tourists who are in danger. This group is aging. The elderly population aged 58 and above accounts for 40.3%. They are more likely to encounter falls and sprains. Must contact, not suitable for outdoor sports that consume a lot of energy and cause fatigue, long-distance travel, it is recommended to carry out some short-distance, relatively easy leisure, hiking, and sightseeing activities with the company of family members.

Compared with other places, there are more tourism safety incidents in traffic places during the Spring Festival, accounting for more than 1/3; scenic spots account for 23.7%, which is the specific location with high incidence of accidents, and the accidents are mostly caused by problems related to amusement equipment.

Camping abroad also faces such climate problems. Previously, due to days of snowfall and rain, the area around the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the western United States suffered the most serious flooding in a decade, and many road traffic was interrupted. According to sources, due to the high local temperature, the heavy snowfall in the past few days, and the rapid melting of snowfall, it eventually led to the outbreak of mountain torrent disasters.

【Industry】How to combine adventurous spirit and security in camp

Provide safer packaging lines and products

Perfect travel planning is an important basis for ensuring a smooth journey. However, the current market is full of tourism products, and tourists will inevitably be confused and confused when faced with multiple choices. The requirement for a high-quality camp is that when tourists visit the camp, they must be reminded to follow the routes provided by the camp, and not to underestimate the importance of safety factors in order to get closer to the natural beauty, otherwise it may cause certain dangers. Every route set in the camp needs to be practiced by professionals before operation to ensure absolute safety. Tourists also need to be cautious when choosing outdoor activities, especially for outdoor activities enthusiasts such as rock climbing, skiing, cross-country, mountaineering, and cycling. Camps need to pay more attention to special groups, such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and people with high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. who are not suitable for outdoor high-risk activities, should be reminded or stopped in time to avoid accidents.

Provide necessary insurance services

Accidents, disasters and business safety account for a large proportion of accidents. Among them, journey delays and accidental falls are the most frequent accidents during the Spring Festival; accidental injuries are the main cause of accidents, accounting for more than 1/4, and they are also the main causes of accidents. The main cause of falls; and the occurrence of journey delays is mostly related to transportation and hotel mistakes.

In outdoor activities, accidental injuries are the most common. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the economic level, people have more time and economic foundation to travel as soon as they say it, so self-driving travel has become the first way for these people to travel. At present, self-driving travel is developing rapidly like mushrooms after rain, but this kind of outdoor travel method itself has certain risks. As a short-term base for self-driving travelers, the camp should provide tourists with the necessary insurance services and actively escort their self-driving trips. For extreme sports such as skiing, rock climbing, surfing, and hot air balloons, there are also special adventure insurance or outdoor sports insurance coverage. The campsite can reach a cooperation with the corresponding insurance company, and provide insurance advice for tourists while mutual benefit is mutual.

【Industry】How to combine adventurous spirit and security in camp

Tourism Food Safety White Paper

The saying “people put food first” has been verified in both daily life and camping life. Incidents of vomiting, diarrhea, food poisoning and other incidents caused by food problems in major scenic spots have been staged one after another. Therefore, the campsite should pay attention to remind tourists to try to avoid eating at unlicensed stalls during the camping period, pay attention to the restaurant environment, tableware and food hygiene, and eat fresh food.

In terms of food, whether it is internal sanitation, facilities and equipment, cleaning and disinfection, and personnel health conditions, etc., regular inspections must be carried out to avoid potential safety hazards. Food safety related standards. In addition, some tourists choose to cook by themselves in the camp. Therefore, the camp needs to ensure the freshness and quality of the ingredients provided to them, so as to experience the fun of outdoor camping.

It is a very pleasant and happy thing to cook delicious food by yourself in the camp, but the menu must be suitable for camping. First of all, choose foods that are both nutritious and delicious, especially those rich in carbohydrate-containing ingredients. The cooking method should be as easy to operate as possible, and simple cooking utensils can be used. If the operation process is too complicated, and the outdoor conditions are not very convenient, it may take several hours to eat. In the outdoor environment, there is usually a problem of insufficient water. Therefore, foods such as potatoes and fungus that need to be treated with a lot of water in advance are not recommended. Try to save water and consider whether it is easy to clean up after meals. Roasted sweet potatoes, corn, eggplant, green peppers and many other vegetables are all good choices, and with the well-adjusted sauce, it is easy to make a hearty meal.

Special attention: Some friends who like to eat wild vegetables and wild mushrooms must carefully identify them when picking them, and be careful of food poisoning! 

【Industry】How to combine adventurous spirit and security in camp

Safety Risks During Your Stay

Campsites usually have beautiful scenery and are surrounded by mountains. The magical power of nature creates a natural habitat for us, allowing us to breathe fresh air in our spare time. The sense of emptiness in our hearts often comes from nature. call. When we enjoy freedom and the unfettered state is turned on, it is often easy to ignore security issues.

Campsites should strengthen security precautions, install 24-hour monitoring facilities, add night security personnel to patrol, implement a membership system, and protect the privacy and personal information of guests; pay attention to the safety of doors, windows, and key locks in the hotel, and remind you to plug in your room before going to bed. Fasten the buckle well; set up safety signs for the use of public goods in the room, especially electrical appliances.

Relevant data show that compared with the number of casualties and the amount of property damage in the areas of living, traveling, and entertainment, the shopping area is the safest, and it also finds a reason for going out to “buy, buy, buy”.


The improvement of people’s material living standard will eventually lead to the improvement of consumption level. Against this background, the development of campsites will become even more rapid in the future. For many tourists, the need for camping is to enjoy life and relax. People can liberate themselves from the houses of cement tiles, set up tents in the wilderness, and breathe the free air after escaping from all worldly customs. Then, the safety precautions of the campsite are the key to ensuring the perfect camping experience for tourists. In the camp, the construction of safety facilities and the deployment of security personnel are also essential. Moreover, as people’s safety awareness continues to increase, the requirements for safety guarantees will also become higher and higher. Therefore, providing tourists with a safer and more considerate travel experience may give the camp an advantage in the market.