【Industry】How to establish new media marketing thinking for RV camping enterprises

Since Weibo and WeChat entered our lives, almost the entire Internet world has undergone tremendous changes. However, my country’s social media has entered a period of rapid development, and new media platforms rely on mobile Internet technology to grow rapidly, detonating the entire social media era.

From the original corporate website promotion model that focused on product packaging and corporate news expression with low-frequency updates and high-frequency interactive promotion, to today’s new media model of high-frequency content marketing and real-time interactive promotion. New media operation has become the fastest and most convenient way for enterprises to expose their brands, acquire customers and accumulate users in the market. Then how to use the advantages of enterprises and use new media platforms to promote products so as to create value has become a challenge for every new company that has created. RV and camping businesses on the media platform pay close attention to the issue. 

【Industry】How to establish new media marketing thinking for RV camping enterprises

know why know why 

John Wanamaker posed the advertiser’s dilemma about a hundred years ago – “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I don’t know which half”. Compared with traditional media marketing, the emergence of new media marketing has broken this dilemma. It can more accurately find potential customers of enterprises, and has great advantages in terms of advantages, interactivity and cost. In addition, new media has a wide audience and great influence, so more and more companies use this platform to reduce advertising costs, but product sales still achieve huge growth, so many traditional companies are now using new media for marketing .

However, when many companies are working hard and stepping into the new media field with the mentality of winning, expecting to get a huge profit, they often start with excitement and end with disappointment. This has become the “new media operation” of today new normal”.

“Already focusing on new media promotion, but the performance has not achieved the expected effect”

“The content is obviously great, and it can catch the hot spots in time, why the reading volume can’t increase” 

“I have opened accounts on all mainstream new media platforms, but the number of fans and attention is still not high” 

At its root, these companies often only notice its appearance, knowing it but not knowing why. When it comes to new media marketing, we must first recognize what new media is. The American “Wired” magazine stated that new media means “communication from all to all”. Baidu Encyclopedia defines it as: New Media (New Media) refers to the current environment where everything is a media. Simply put: New Media is an environment. Traditional media is a one-to-many, one-to-all centralized structure. An authoritative media spreads in all directions, focusing on the breadth and breadth of the scope of distribution, while new media is a decentralized structure. Everyone is information. producers, disseminators and recipients.

In the era of traditional media, marketing and brand promotion rely on wide advertising. For consumers, they often learn about brands through TV, magazines, newspapers and other media. For enterprises, the disadvantage of this is that advertising costs are very high. , and cannot get feedback from users in a timely manner. However, the emergence of new media is distributed, social, and interactive. It is a process of knowing and spreading that can understand the needs of users in real time. Therefore, we can understand new media marketing as that it uses new media platforms (Weibo, WeChat, Zhihu, Maimai, etc.) , in order to form memories and likes, so as to realize marketing activities for brand promotion and product sales purposes.

【Industry】How to establish new media marketing thinking for RV camping enterprises

To know the enemy and also to know oneself 

Keep a clear mind at all times and clarify what your purpose of doing new media is? Understand what the industry’s needs (brands, products and consumers) are? New media marketing is just a tool for companies to complete marketing or public relations. Any The premise of marketing is to know yourself first, know what you are and what you need? This includes our product positioning, tonality, where are our consumers? Consumer preferences and preferences? What about competitors? The current status of the Internet How? Only by knowing enough about these things can we decide what social media platform to use and formulate the overall new media architecture strategy and tactics.

If you want to promote your corporate brand image, convey industry trends, advocate a behavior or lifestyle (for the purpose of communication) and build stickiness with users, then you need to open a subscription account and do some promotional activities according to the needs of target users every day Articles and divergent content related to your product. But if you want to have one-on-one interaction with users to establish your good brand image, then the development of platforms such as enterprise service accounts, micro stores, and e-commerce is very critical.

【Industry】How to establish new media marketing thinking for RV camping enterprises

Hit the pain point 

Canadian communication scientist Marshall McLuhan once said: “For the first time in history, in our time, tens of thousands of highly trained people spend all their time trying to break into the collective public mind. Breaking in The purpose of the new media is to manipulate, use and control, and it aims to incite fanaticism rather than inspire people.” In fact, the essence of new media is to win the right to manipulate the minds of the target group, that is, to grasp the pain points of the target group, so as to prescribe the right medicine for the pain points , so as to achieve consumption.

The short video of papi sauce makes users feel interesting after watching it and satisfies the joy of the process. You might say that the new media output of RV camping companies is not like them, and it is difficult to find user pain points. In fact, you need to understand that the user’s boredom is the pain point, the curiosity about new things is the pain point, and the curiosity about entertainment and gossip is the pain point… Then can our new media solve these problems for them? Or give them Guidance on lifestyle and life experience? For example, an official account for parenting, he conveys the correct parenting methods to parents every day, hires professional child psychology experts, and fashion parenting bloggers to teach everyone how to understand children through various behaviors of children , then it also solves the current pain point that many parents do not know how to educate their children to get along with their children. Therefore, only by understanding the psychology of users and grasping the pain points of users can we be targeted.

【Industry】How to establish new media marketing thinking for RV camping enterprises

content is king 

Zhang Liang, the author of the book “Operation from Scratch” and also a great god in Zhihu, wrote in the article “How I Got 100,000 Fans in Zhihu” that he relies on the value of 100,000 fans, Let more than a dozen publishing houses offer olive branches, and at the same time he established a subscription account, and opened the traffic master in less than 7 months. In the era of new media marketing where content is king, content will become a powerful weapon for reducing dimensionality. Good content with its own traffic has a strong value of communication and sharing. In addition, public relations and advertising are increasingly integrated, and cross-border cooperation has become a marketing trend. , Artificial intelligence is gradually changing the marketing landscape. In the future, everything will be online and everywhere.

Through content dissemination, tell users what kind of company you are, and which part of the people’s interests or lives you are concerned about. Content alone is not enough. In order to avoid homogenization, you must also have characteristics. For example, in the past Jay Chou’s albums, each one has a different theme, but essentially the music style and tonality remain the same. Use uniqueness to build the cognition of others, so that when everyone mentions something related to the company, people in the circle and industry may think of the company.

The ultimate goal of new media is to win the right to manipulate the psychology of the target group, foresee and control the desire of the target group, and make them indulge in the illusion of consumption. You need to know which part of human nature the information you convey needs to pass through? What is the heart of satisfying the target group? Respect every customer, and strive to turn customers into customer service, brand spokespersons and sources of opinions.