【Industry】It is hard to find management talents in camps

According to the 2018 “Camping Practical Handbook for Bikers”, as of June 2018, the number of campsites in my country has reached 770, which has made rapid progress in terms of quantity, scale, and subdivision of the industrial chain. However, camping management talents are far from adapting to the rapid development of the camping industry, and there is a serious problem of talent shortage in various camps.

With the growth of individual demand for tourism in our country, the new lifestyle of self-driving cars and caravans has formed a huge market consumption demand. With the establishment of the national policy vane, tourism management departments in various places and private capital are rapidly entering this large field. Faced with such a large-scale investment and construction, the weakness of the campsite’s scarcity of talents was quickly exposed.

【Industry】It is hard to find management talents in camps

Whether it is self-driving tourism, RV tourism, or characteristic towns, campgrounds, and traditional tourism industries, the focus is also very different. At present, the training of tourism talents in various colleges and universities in China is obviously lagging behind the development of the industry, especially for the management of campsites, which the country attaches great importance to, and it is even more difficult to find a “general”.

Relevant government departments have also noticed this problem. The “Thirteenth Five-Year” Tourism Talent Development Plan issued by the Office of the National Tourism Administration proposes that by 2020, the number of tourism talents will increase from 6.7 million at the end of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. Reached 8.25 million people. The “Outline” proposes to implement the tourism innovation and entrepreneurship talent development plan. By 2020, the distribution, level and type of tourism talents will be more reasonable. And scientific research institutions, etc. form a group of highlands for tourism talents.

The reason

According to the survey, most of the founders of the campsite industry came from traditional tourism, real estate, design, media, and the Internet . After lack Gold .

The reason is that from the perspective of camp operators , there are obvious differences between the characteristic and non-standard operation of campgrounds, but at present , few people in our country know about the camping industry, let alone those with a professional background in camping. It takes a lot of time to cultivate a person recruited , so as to maintain the local cultural characteristics and the tonality of non-standard accommodation. The high cost of time will also increase the turnover rate. It may take three months to cultivate talents who will leave in less than a year, so there is a difference between talents and needs.

【Industry】It is hard to find management talents in camps

From the perspective of job seekers, most of the campsites are located in scenic spots, suburbs and other places with beautiful scenery but remote areas. The remoteness can easily lead to a small social circle. The most important thing is that most individual campsites are self-employed or small and medium-sized enterprises. Limited by the size and organizational structure of the campground, it is difficult for practitioners to Gain room for career development, as well as salary increases, etc.

There are “traces” to follow

How to make the development of campsites more standardized and professional, and how to use professional talents to manage professional tourism projects can be said to be an urgent “project”. If there is no professional talent reserve and talent output, the development of the industry will become an unbreakable bottleneck. The rise or fall of any major follows the general direction of national development. Take e-commerce as an example, its development has gone through three stages: trial period, normative period and vigorous development period. .

At the beginning, it was only through the establishment of e-commerce majors in the form of public electives and professional electives in various schools. With the close connection between the network and human life, the role and influence of the network cannot be ignored more and more, and people pay more and more attention to it. In order to meet market demand and standardize and scale the cultivation of e-commerce professionals, the Higher Education approved a total of 13 colleges and universities to try e-commerce undergraduate majors in 2001. In 2010, the Ministry of Education approved a total of 339 undergraduate schools and more than 800 specialized schools to offer e-commerce undergraduate majors, which also marks that e-commerce education has entered a high-quality development stage in China.

【Industry】It is hard to find management talents in camps

In the same way, there are currently many , but they are all aimed at the cultivation of talents in the traditional direction of tourism. With the rapid growth and the strong support of national policies, colleges and universities in our country have begun to pay attention to it, and the majors in camp management have entered the trial stage, such as Taibai Xingkong Qiushan Hidden RV Holiday Camp and Xi’an Urban Construction Vocational College co-founded Wowo Camp Management College.


Therefore, we interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Wowo Camp Management College. According to his introduction, the Wowo School of Management is quite different from the traditional colleges that focus on theoretical knowledge education, whether it is copying foreign theories or applying them mechanically. The teaching system that injects similar majors is far from the actual requirements of the industry for talents. Therefore, Wowo School of Management finally decided to choose a teaching mode that is more popular in international vocational education , that is, a scene-based training education system. Specifically , the course includes 40% of the basic courses, covering some basic knowledge of hotel operation management and tourism management, etc., and this part is mainly taught by teachers classroom. The other 60% are all practical training courses, including outdoor first aid operation, outdoor survival practice, professional driving skills, etc., all of which are presented as practical training. The purpose is to allow students to integrate into the camp situation more quickly, and to truly achieve a . The training courses invite senior practitioners in the camping and outdoor industries to teach as guest instructors .

【Industry】It is hard to find management talents in camps

From another perspective, we interviewed students who graduated from the college. Through understanding, we learned that camp management was not the first choice when choosing a major at the beginning, but we finally chose this major after the teacher’s explanation and the on-site visit to the camp. In addition, most of faced with the severe situation of being unemployed upon graduation, and Wowo School of Management provides students with a package of graduation benefits, which undoubtedly attracts a large number of students and attracts public attention. However, since our country is only in the experimental , and the camping industry is in the stage of “fire in the circle”, there are still many challenges in training camp management talents . For example, at present , there no very mature educational theory system for camp management talents in China, and the teaching staff is not professional enough, which will lead to relatively unsatisfactory talents trained both in terms of theoretical system and practical operation. Secondly, although more than 700 campsites have been built , the quality of each campsite varies, and there is no room for broader development after the talents are matured.

Now some companies are negotiating with undergraduate colleges and the Ministry of Education to jointly set up majors specifically for camps. After learning theoretical knowledge for two to three years they will conduct practical training in camps . Students with outstanding performance will still have the opportunity Go to a mature camp management school abroad to learn its professional and systematic camp management education philosophy.

【Industry】It is hard to find management talents in camps


To revitalize an industrial chain, the easiest problem to solve is “money”, while the most difficult problem to solve is “people”. The construction of the camp is easy, but the operation is difficult. After the money is spent and the camp is built, how to use it to make money has become a huge problem faced . Chinese campsites want to be more standardized and professional, and the cultivation of talents is an important link that cannot be ignored. The lack of talents is an important factor restricting the development of campsites.