【Industry】The five principles of the AARRR model analyze how camp operations escape traditional thinking

As the saying goes, “It is easy to start a business, but it is difficult to maintain a business.” With the emergence of policy dividends and new ideas for cross-border integration, many camps have found the dawn of business on the way forward, and successfully attracted many customers to experience it. How to retain customers, make them a fixed source of customers, and become a mobile billboard has become a problem that every camp operator must think about. Let us apply the AARRR model to analyze how to make the camp a new “landmark” in the city?

When it comes to the AARRR model, every operator should already be familiar with it. The reason why it is used to operate the camp is because it includes all links in the life cycle of the user in the camp. Generally speaking, the customer life cycle of the camp is: “encounter – get to know each other – fall in love – leave”. How to keep customers in the frequent experience stage has become the most urgent goal for every camp owner and camp operator. The reason for the emergence and rise of the AARRR model is that it can really help companies reduce the churn rate of customers, complete customer accumulation, and achieve profitability.

【Industry】The five principles of the AARRR model analyze how camp operations escape traditional thinking

How to let customers find us? 

As we all know, despite the rapid development of domestic self-driving and RV campsites in recent years, there is still a situation of fire inside the circle and cool outside the circle, and the campsite information is relatively blocked. By analyzing user comments on the off-road e-family caravan and camping WeChat public platform, we can see that there are still a lot of people who pay attention to this industry. About 80 users expressed great expectations for the camping industry, and more than 65 users expressed their concern to the public. Ask a question, want to know which campsites in China can experience, play, and how much is the cost? 

Therefore, in the current situation that the concept of camping has not yet established a consumption concept in domestic consumer awareness, we need to properly promote it.

1. Use the OTA platform to help the camp do online promotion; 

2. Cooperate with travel agencies, it can bring a strong source of customers; 

3. Through publicity in major car self-driving tour clubs, win targeted customer groups; 

4. The camp should establish a connection with the scenic spot to attract tourists with the scenery.

【Industry】The five principles of the AARRR model analyze how camp operations escape traditional thinking

Did you have a good experience camping for the first time? 

The importance of first impressions cannot be overemphasized. If a customer has a great experience the first time they camp, the chances of you being prioritized for their next outing will increase dramatically. So how can we leave a good impression and considerate and thoughtful quality service? 

Service quality is closely related to meeting customer needs. The campsite needs to provide parking, catering, entertainment, supply, communication, water and electricity and many other services for people traveling by car, which makes it possible to “use the car as a home”. The improvement of infrastructure ensures the quality of daily life of customers. Many camps now have convenient services such as modern toilets, self-service laundromats, convenience stores, and free broadband Internet. It is necessary to establish a customer’s behavioral portrait, and provide a wealth of activities to allow customers to “move”, so that customers can interact with the camp, and customers and customers, so that customers can get a sense of “I am the camp owner” when they come to the camp .

When it comes to service, what cannot be ignored is the level of sanitation service in the public area. Its quality can directly affect the customer’s first impression of this camp. Take the toilet as an example. The cleanliness of the toilet in the public area of ​​a campsite is an important review standard for testing the service and hygiene level of a campsite. In foreign camp management, a lot of energy is usually devoted to toilet services. In terms of design, they will set up a shower head in each toilet, equipped with shampoo, shower gel, etc., to ensure 24-hour hot water service, and cleaning staff will clean in real time. It will be extremely happy for campers to take a hot bath while camping outside.

【Industry】The five principles of the AARRR model analyze how camp operations escape traditional thinking

How to get customers back to camp again? 

If the first experience determines the quality of the impression, if you want to get customers back to the camp again, you should listen to their opinions and suggestions, and you will know whether your customers are satisfied with your service.

Customers and campsites are an equal trading relationship. While both parties are benefiting, campsites should also respect customers, take all kinds of opinions and complaints from customers seriously, and really pay attention to them, so that they can be effectively improved. When customers complain, listen carefully, play the role of listener, and if necessary, even take out a notebook to record their requirements, so that customers feel that they are valued. Of course, just listening is not enough. We should also promptly investigate whether the customer’s feedback is true, and quickly feedback the solution and results to the customer, and ask them for supervision.

Customer opinion is the source of camp innovation. Many foreign camps require their management personnel to listen to the telephone communication in the customer service area or the feedback information from customers. By listening, we can get effective information and innovate based on it to promote better development of the camp and create more business value for customers. Of course, it is also required that the management personnel of the camp can correctly identify the requirements of customers, communicate them correctly, and solve problems at the fastest speed, so as to provide services that best meet customer requirements and meet customer needs.

【Industry】The five principles of the AARRR model analyze how camp operations escape traditional thinking

How to generate multiple consumption? 

Content is king, and good content activities in the camp will bring a large number of people, which is the prerequisite for multiple consumption. Make full use of the surrounding scenery and make the best use of everything, so that customers can have fun when they come to the camp. 

For example, leisure and entertainment facilities are set up in the camp. According to KOA’s franchisees, they will regularly hold the “Water Splashing” festival in the camp. The camp owner will dress up as a cartoon character, sit on a pumpkin carriage, and splash water on the children under the car. The cost of this activity is very low, but it can make both children and adults have fun. Many children like it very much and look forward to the next camping life.

Fully consider the strength of the camp, choose activities that match the surrounding environment and humanities of the camp, and cooperate with an experienced operation team so that the activities can be well developed and implemented. Creating attractive outdoor activities does not depend on the size of the project, but from the perspective of consumers, creating activities that customers are willing to participate in, and providing customers with an excellent camping experience. Rich outdoor sports can bring vitality to the campsite, thereby attracting customers to return to the campsite many times, forming multiple consumptions.

Are customers willing to help our camp to promote? 

With the rise of social networks, an additional aspect of camp operations is social network-based virality, which has become a new way to acquire customers. “Boost people’s favor and let customers promote you” This is undoubtedly the most effective way of communication, with low cost and good effect. The only prerequisite is that the product itself must be good enough and have a good reputation.

“Word of mouth” is also very important in the operation of the camping industry. There is an infinite power between people called word of mouth, because when word of mouth spreads between people, it exists in a selfless and non-profit form based on the nature of human sharing, so when Word-of-mouth is not only fair, but also extremely fast. The most important thing is that such word-of-mouth will allow us to get the word “believe” from our customers.

In the face of the growing number of self-driving cars and RV camping sites in China, it is very important to seize the opportunity and quickly complete customer accumulation before the market competition becomes fierce. Learning to use the five principles of the AARRR model may help camping sites in the competition leading.