【Industry】The industrialization trend of ice and snow tourism boosts the four-season operation of campsites

We have gradually realized that ice and snow tourism is already a national entertainment, and it has gradually formed an industrialized form. According to the “China Ice and Snow Tourism Development Report (2018)”, the number of ice and snow tourism in my country reached 197 million in the 2017-2018 ice and snow season, and the ice and snow tourism revenue was about 330 billion yuan, which was an increase of 1622 compared with the 2016-2017 ice and snow season. An important starting point for regional economic and social transformation and upgrading.

【Industry】The industrialization trend of ice and snow tourism boosts the four-season operation of campsites

ice and snow heat

Previously, the booking data of Tuniu.com showed that the number of ice and snow tourists accounted for 72.4% of the total number of ice and snow tourists in my country. This means that ice and snow are not only a feast for northerners, but mobile ice and snow travel consumption occupies the main market. Jilin and Heilongjiang successively launched special products such as “ice and snow leisure vacation, ice and snow hot spring health preservation, ice and snow sightseeing experience, ice and snow homestay food”, transforming characteristic resources into characteristic brands.

According to the forecast of China Tourism Academy, during the 2021-2022 ice and snow season, the number of ice and snow tourists in my country will reach 340 million, and the income will reach 680 billion yuan. Ice and snow tourism will drive the output value of tourism and related industries to reach 2.88 trillion yuan. This means that ice and snow tourism will enter a golden age of industrial development driven by the enthusiasm of the consumer market.

【Industry】The industrialization trend of ice and snow tourism boosts the four-season operation of campsites

Industrial prosperity

With the successful bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics, the number of domestic ice and snow events has gradually increased, ice and snow tourism products have been continuously enriched, and infrastructure facilities such as ski resorts have also been continuously improved. The Chinese ice and snow market has entered a period of rapid start.

In 2016, the “Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)” jointly issued by the State Sports General Administration, the Development and Reform Commission and other four departments proposed to actively promote the development of the ice and snow tourism industry and build a number of complex ice and snow tourism bases and ice and snow sports centers. Subsequently, 7 departments including the State Sports General Administration jointly issued the “National Ice and Snow Venue Facilities Construction Plan (2016-2022)”, which put forward a clear plan for the construction of various ice and snow sports venues in the next few years.

The future of industrial development under the policy can be expected, and the industrial form brought about by tourism consumption is also rapidly occupying the market. According to the statistical results of the “2018 China Ice and Snow Industry White Paper” released by Tencent and Analysys, 26 characteristic ice and snow towns have been built in China in 2017, and the number of ice and snow towns will reach 40 by 2020, with huge market potential.

【Industry】The industrialization trend of ice and snow tourism boosts the four-season operation of campsites

winter camp

The popularity of ice and snow sports naturally makes camps smell new opportunities, especially many camps in the north are closed for hibernation in winter, and the north has an innate geographical advantage. The camps with site conditions include ice and snow projects into the service module. The camp breaks the operating shackles brought by the seasons and makes up for the vacancy in the winter market.

Shandong Xinghe·Weifang Bailanghe Campground held two “Snow Village Carnival” activities, organized a professional snowmaking team to implement artificial snowmaking according to the reasonable planning of the campground site, and set up various snow playing, skiing and snow playing activities in the park. Equipment, snow circles, snowboards, ice bumper cars, snow tanks and other projects that citizens and tourists expect. It has received more than 10,000 tourists, and its revenue can be equal to that of the peak season.

The camp can not only set up ice and snow projects for mass tourism consumption, but also develop into an ice and snow training base. In the ski winter camp of Vanke Meisha Outdoor Camp, a 70,000-square-meter junior and intermediate teaching area has been separately opened up to provide targeted teaching for campers of different ages and skiing levels. The “Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)” also proposed the Ice and Snow Campus Plan, and ice and snow sports training focusing on young people will be spread on a large scale. This is another profit model for the camp to open ice and snow events.

Adding ice and snow projects to the camp can not only enrich the service modules and bring direct benefits, but also provide new ideas for the four seasons operation of the camp. In the future, the development of professional camps dominated by ice and snow events, training, and entertainment is just around the corner, helping the development of the ice and snow industry.