【Industry】The sustainable development of the event camp must be small but fine

A series of policies on the sports and leisure industry and the construction of car self-driving campsites have been issued one after another. The favorable policies and market environment have brought new opportunities for the coordinated development of campsites and the sports industry.

【Industry】The sustainable development of the event camp must be small but fine

To create a camp + event mode, first of all, the concept of the event must be clarified. The events we are talking about that can be joined in the camp should actually be understood as activities that focus on outdoor leisure and entertainment while achieving the purpose of strengthening the body. Among the characteristic towns called by the government, sports event-themed towns can be in camps, existing villages and towns, or even cities. Although RV camping belongs to the category of sports vacations, people’s needs for activities in camps are diverse, so currently camps generally focus on sports, leisure and entertainment.

Building a sports camp or small town will encounter many problems in the landing operation, especially factors such as geographical environment and climate. Therefore, it is necessary to use local special resources according to local conditions to create distinctive and high-quality sports events. For example, a car cross-country event is held in the desert area of ​​Northwest China. Maximize the geographical advantages. If there is no regional characteristics, develop some professional sports such as football and tennis that have few venues on weekdays but are fun, instead of just installing some fitness equipment and trying to attract tourists with the name of the event town. It is very important to meet the needs of tourists for the concept of “fun”. While creating a hot spot for consumption, we must also know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and learn from each other’s strengths.

【Industry】The sustainable development of the event camp must be small but fine

The profit model of the event camp is also diversified. If the event can create its own IP advantages and become the main factor to attract tourists, then naturally the fees for sports events will be the main ones. In addition, it can provide related products around the event, introduce automobile manufacturers, add services for other sports, equipment, etc., to form an industrial chain development. Profit is relative, light assets, heavy service is a good way to create profits. The camp should achieve personalized environment, intelligent facilities, standardized management and humanized service. In addition, the success of brand marketing is also an important part of whether it can make a profit.

Any activity that people participate in should be spontaneous and demanded. Without demand, it is difficult to have a market. How to reflect the characteristics and attract people to experience is the biggest difficulty in camp management. Whether it is a campsite or a small town, these are all carriers, and we need to fill in content with characteristics and themes so that guests can get a novel experience. I believe that the event towns or camps that can continue to develop in the future will not be those companies that invest too much in real estate or large traditional facilities. Small and essential is better than big and comprehensive.