【Lifestyle】Falling into the blue world

Do you know how to meet a mermaid?

When you swim to the bottom, where the water is bluer,

There, the blue sky becomes a memory,

You lie in the silence, stay there,

Determined to die for them.

Only then will they appear,

They come to greet you and test your love.

If your love is sincere and pure enough,

and they will be with you,

And take you away forever.

——“blue sea, blue sky”

【Lifestyle】Falling into the blue world

“The pain of diving is that when I’m at the bottom of the sea, I can’t find a reason to come out of the water.” This is the classic line of the protagonist Jacques in the movie “Blue Sea and Blue Sky”. At the end of the film, he slowly slides into the depths of the sea , followed the dolphins to swim in the blue world, and found the belonging of his life and emotion in the light sea water.

Diving does have such a magical power, once you touch it, you can never put it down again. When in the state of weightlessness on the bottom of the sea, people enter a completely different space, floating and sinking freely and naturally in the sea, without hindrance or end. From the hustle and bustle to the tranquility, on the bottom of the sea, you will be with all kinds of colorful and exotic corals and fishes, and communicate with your companions with gestures and eyes. This

It is a sense of freedom that cannot be obtained at all on land, and it is also something that people who have not really dived into the bottom of the sea will never experience. No wonder some people say that diving is the blue opium, its attraction to you is as deep as the ocean.

【Lifestyle】Falling into the blue world

Do you know about diving?

Diving, originally intended to refer to underwater surveys, salvage, repairs, underwater engineering and other operational activities, gradually developed into an underwater sport. Technical diving and industrial diving are not considered here, and recreational diving activities are generally divided into three categories:

If photography is your thing and you have a penchant for adventure, then freediving is the way to go.

Free diving is the movement of holding your breath and diving deep underwater without carrying an air bottle, and only adjusting your breathing through your own lung capacity. Of course, the risk factor is very high. Freediving was once called the second most dangerous sport in the world by Forbes magazine, second only to high-rise skydiving, and it is an underwater extreme sport.

If you are new to diving and don’t know anything about the underwater world, why not start with snorkeling!

Activities that only float on the water surface and do not dive into the water are called “snorkeling”. The skills of diving, ascent, drainage, ventilation, breathing, self-rescue and equipment selection and use are connected in series. Snorkeling does not need to obtain a certificate for the time being, and snorkeling activities can be carried out after certain training.

【Lifestyle】Falling into the blue world

If you don’t want to take a breath-hold dive into the ocean and want to spend a lot of time underwater, try scuba diving.

Scuba diving refers to diving activities carried out by divers who carry their own underwater breathing systems. Among them, there are open breathing system and closed breathing system. The principle is to use a regulator device to convert the compressed gas in the cylinder into a pressure that can be used by the human body for normal breathing.

Can’t swim, can I dive?

In theory, diving is possible without swimming. Because swimming is a water event, and diving is an underwater event, swimming mainly considers the problem of breathing, while diving is an activity of holding your breath or carrying breathing equipment. Although they are all in water, their properties are fundamentally different.

However, it is recommended to learn to swim before diving. Because people who can’t swim are prone to panic because they are not familiar with the water after entering the water, and panic is the most avoided in diving activities. For your own safety, before diving, even if you can’t fully grasp the essentials of swimming, you must at least fully understand the nature of the water.

How to obtain a diving certificate?

Learning diving skills and knowledge in diving organizations can obtain different levels of diving certificates to prove what kind of diving skills and technical levels you have. For beginners, they will generally take the OW (basic open water diving certificate, short for Open Water Diver) first, and can dive to 18 meters underwater. Then, take the advanced examination to obtain AOW (Advanced Open Water Diving Certificate, short for Aivanced Open Water Diver). Divers holding AOW can dive to 30 meters. The most important thing is to dive at night. very different.

What are the benefits of taking a diving certification?

If you don’t have a diving certificate, except for the snorkeling floating on the sea surface, you can only be pulled by the diving instructor for experience diving, and the diving depth cannot exceed 12 meters. After obtaining the diving certificate, it means that you can go to most diving sites in the world and conduct diving activities by yourself with your partners (the threshold of each diving site is different, and there will be corresponding requirements according to the level of diving certificate). In addition, if you hold a diving license to dive, it is more than half cheaper than the experience diving price.

【Lifestyle】Falling into the blue world

Where can I get a scuba diving certification?

The waters in Southeast Asia are warm and rich in underwater life. At present, a certain diving teaching industry has formed, and most of them have Chinese-speaking instructors. It is the best place for Chinese people to choose to obtain diving certificates and participate in diving activities.

What should I pay attention to?

Whether you are participating in a diving experience or obtaining a diving certificate, you must choose a formally operated organization. There are certain risks in diving. You must not blindly pursue low prices. Safety is the most important thing.

Patients with ear and nose diseases, patients with heart and lung diseases, and patients with cardiovascular diseases are not allowed to participate in diving activities.

There may be many hidden dangers under the sea, so remember not to act alone. If you find that your companion is missing when you are at the bottom of the water with your companion, you are generally only allowed to wait at the bottom of the water or search for a minute before leaving.

The last dive should be separated by 24 hours from the plane, otherwise it will cause harm to the body.