【Lifestyle】The Power of Walking

Every mountain has a beautiful legend, and every mountain has devout followers. Hiking around the mountain requires courage and physical strength, which is an experience of body and spirit.

After the movie “Kang Rinpoche” was released, more people felt Tibetans’ cultural beliefs up close, and the mountain of Gang Rinpoche also came into the public eye. In the process of hiking around the mountains in Tibetan areas, the visually and spiritually impacting cultural landscapes along the way, as well as the breathtaking natural scenery, have become the first choice for outdoor hiking enthusiasts.

【Lifestyle】The Power of Walking

To this end, we have teamed up with the “Hands on the Map” app to provide friends who are interested in turning mountains with Gangrenboqe, Gaduojuewo, Animaqing, and Genie, the four most popular mountains in Tibetan areas. Measuring walking route Raiders.

Gang Rinpoche

Mount Kailash stands in Pulan County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet. For centuries, Kailash has been a place of fascination for outdoor enthusiasts and explorers, but no one has been able to climb the mountain so far.

【Lifestyle】The Power of Walking

Hiking around Gang Rinpoche is divided into the outer ring route and the inner ring route. The outer ring route is longer, with Gang Rinpoche as the core of the Great Ring Mountain Route, and it takes two to three days to walk; The circuit around the mountain can usually be completed in one day.

Ga Duo Jue Wo

Ga Duo Jue Wo, commonly known as Ga Duo Jue Wu, belongs to Ga Duo Township, Yuduo County, Yushu Prefecture. It is a famous mountain that Yushu people regard as their “guardian god”. Although Gaduojuewo is only 5,470 meters above sea level, it is not outstanding in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau where there are many peaks, but its sharp and straight mountain shape makes anyone approaching it daunting and fearful.

【Lifestyle】The Power of Walking

Gaduojuewo hiking around the mountain is divided into three types: the big ring, the middle ring and the inner ring. It takes about 8-10 days for the big ring to pass through the Tongtian River. People and animals are usually sad. Only in winter can the Tongtian River freeze. It takes about 2-3 days in Central, and the whole journey is about 55 kilometers. Some sections can be opened to traffic, and the full hiking section is about 29 kilometers. There are also some who choose to walk in one day, and it takes at least 16 hours to walk non-stop. The inner ring only turns to the main peak. It is known as “steep”. It takes 1 day, but the journey is dangerous and there have been many accidents. At present, the most popular route is the middle ring route. Few people take the other two routes. Women and children are prohibited from walking. This way.


As early as 1877, a foreign traveler, William Gill, came to Ghenie and praised: “There is no word to describe this tall mountain, where any traveler can feel the mood of Tibetans, and he can’t help but call it It is a holy mountain.” Looking from a distance, the extremely clear air makes the snow peak within reach, and the close gaze brings a suffocating beauty.

【Lifestyle】The Power of Walking

The main peak of Genie is 6,204 meters above sea level. It looks gentle on the outside, but in fact it is steep and hides the mystery of avalanches. , but none of them succeeded, so far Genie is still the virgin peak, which also adds a bit of holiness and mystery to the holy mountain.

Anima Qing

The majestic Animaqing Snow Mountain means “grandfather of the Great Snow Mountain through which the Yellow River flows” in Tibetan, and “Ani” in Tibetan means ancestors and old men, and contains the meaning of happiness or greatness. “Maqing” in Tibetan means the largest mountain at the source of the Yellow River, and it also means majestic. The main peak of Animaqing, Maqing Gangri, is 6282 meters above sea level, and the mountain is majestic and majestic.

【Lifestyle】The Power of Walking

Plants in Animaqing Mountain are scarce. Except for grassland, there are few shrubs and forests. Because of the lack of vegetation that produces a lot of oxygen, the oxygen content in Animaqing area is the same as that in other areas at the same altitude. Half of the time, altitude sickness seems unavoidable here.