10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

I have seen too many girls who are overwhelmed by obstacles at work and tender in life. Even without a significant other, they can travel alone, learn photography by themselves, and bake by themselves.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

In life, you must always leave yourself a period of time to go alone, and use enough time to feel, meet, and think. These niche travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery are really suitable for walking alone.

Sichuan Mosca

Surrounded by three sacred mountains, Mosca Village is a collection of snow mountains, forests, grasslands, glaciers, and lakes. There is no crowd and noise, giving you more time to enjoy and think.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

The herdsmen living here follow the most natural and ancient way of life of their ancestors, feeding groundhogs and living a poetic life isolated from the world.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Shimei Bay, Hainan

White sand and blue sea, blue sky and flowing clouds form a self-contained picture. This is an undisturbed bay. Residents live comfortably here, and travelers pass by quietly without disturbing or destroying.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

The harbor is usually calm and the sea is calm. The coastal beach is about 7 kilometers long, and the water depth within a hundred meters is less than 3 meters.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Guangdong Yanzhou Island

Yanzhou Island is the only island town in Huizhou City. It still preserves the original fishing and farming life. The village is clean and there are few people. It is very suitable for watching the sunrise and sunset.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Go fishing with the fishermen, or wander freely on the boat, everything is at your own will, without being controlled or restrained.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Inner Mongolia Enhe

Waking up from the dawn every day, walking in the mist, drinking water by the river, and taking a leisurely walk in the vast grassland, it is very pleasant.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

With the arrival of early summer, there are large fields of wild flowers along the way, endless prairie, stretches of woods, cattle and sheep grazing leisurely, and pastoral paintings appear in front of you.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Yunnan Yubeng

If you love someone, please take him to Yubeng, there is heaven, the pure snow-capped mountains are surrounded by clouds and mist, watching them “fight” with each other, the simplest beauty in the world, nothing more.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

I want to travel around the world with you, roam the world, chop firewood and feed horses with you in the countryside, wake you up with a bowl of sweet porridge in the morning, and take a walk under the snow-capped mountains hand in hand in the evening.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Zagana, Gansu

Snow mountains, holy lakes, blue sky, wilderness, quiet villages, vast sea of ​​flowers, Zhagana Tibetan village hidden in the mountains, row upon row of Tibetan-style couch wooden houses, stacked on top of each other, prayer flags fluttering in the wind.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

The mountains here are steep and the scenery is beautiful, just like a large-scale stone palace. It is still a virgin land, which is exactly the same, maintaining its original purity.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Zhejiang Ming’ao

Ming’ao is a village hidden in the deep mountains, where the terraced fields are spectacular, smoke rises from the dense forests, and the terraced fields that store water are like mirrors, and there are many mountains in the distance.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Ming’ao’s terraced fields are already carved works of art by human beings on the earth. If you look around, you can see that the stones are built step by step along the slope of the mountain, and the shape is like a half-moon. Habitat and reproduction habitat.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Guoliang Village, Henan

The towering Taihang has not only the majestic and vast red cliffs, but also the graceful and elegant mountain charm. Guoliang Village is located on the edge of the cliff 1700 meters above the sky.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

83 families live here, retaining the most primitive landscape features and simple human feelings. Everyone who passes by is amazed by it.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Fujian Zhangjiao Village

The lanes here are connected to the lanes, the forks are connected to the forks, and the winding paths lead to secluded places, which is quite mysterious like a maze. Walking through the stone alley made of pebbles, the walls on both sides are within reach.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

The houses built of stone are layered on top of each other and arranged in a well-arranged pattern. The narrow and secluded stone alley made of pebbles has been washed by rain, leaving ancient marks on the stone beams. The old vines wrapped around the stone walls add vicissitudes to the stone house.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Lvjiang Village, Liaoning

There is Dandong in the north of China, and the most beautiful village in Dandong is Tibet; if you ask where the scenery of the village is beautiful, don’t worry about the scenery in all seasons!

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

There are 3,000 mu of rapeseed flowers in Lvjiang Village, which bloom one after another after May 20 every year until late June. Layers of surging waves of yellow flowers are mesmerizing, and against the reflection of the blue sky and white clouds in the river, it is as gorgeous as an oil painting.

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

10 niche travel destinations suitable for one person, which ones have you been to?

Some people say, never travel alone, because…you will fall in love with the feeling of walking alone in a strange town, you will love the local food, you will be nostalgic for the different scenery, you will want to Stay and change your life.

Without anyone to accompany you, you can still go to the end of the world and wander far away.

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