10% off repurchase within 1 year! When you buy a car, you should “peace of mind · Lide”

At the beginning of the year, a sudden new crown epidemic changed everyone’s life trajectory and even travel habits. From the travel difficulties brought about by the traffic control in the early stage of the epidemic, to the safety concerns of taking public transportation under the new normal of the long-term “epidemic” war, “buying your own car and traveling safely” has become the “small goal” that many people want to achieve most in 2020.

But cars are expensive commodities after all. Especially in the special period of the epidemic, how to overcome the safety anxiety in the car purchase process such as car selection and formalities? How to solve subsequent problems such as loan repayment pressure and vehicle depreciation? … All kinds of worries make it difficult for many consumers who want to buy a car to buy as soon as they say it.

10% off repurchase within 1 year! When you buy a car, you should  

A few days ago, in response to the prominent pain points of consumers in the process of buying and using cars in the post-epidemic period, Beijing Hyundai specially launched the “SAFE BUY” peace of mind care plan. Not only has it created a one-stop car purchase service such as contactless door-to-door agency, but it has also launched a 100% discount repurchase within one year, and a 100% repurchase within 30 days. Expected to enjoy the value, and give back the support and love of the vast number of consumers.

One-stop solution to create a safe and secure customized car buying experience

According to the plan, Beijing Hyundai will provide high-quality caring services covering the entire purchase process of vehicles, such as online car selection, vehicle disinfection, replacement and value preservation, and door-to-door delivery, from April to June, so as to create a safe, comfortable and secure car purchase experience for consumers.

“Choose with confidence” without leaving home. In order to reduce consumers’ concerns about contact with the outside world, Beijing Hyundai has comprehensively upgraded its online showroom, strengthened contactless reception, and provided users with convenient digital online services. Users can scan the code to access the online showroom, and easily realize car viewing and car selection at home.