2019 China’s mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

On December 7, the 2019 China Mainstream Automobile Market Service Evaluation Index jointly sponsored by China Quality Press and Zhuosi Data was officially released in Beijing. The index continues to collect the “voice of consumers” and measure the sales and after-sales service levels of China’s mainstream auto market through big data analysis. The survey results show that among the 45 mainstream Chinese auto brands involved in this survey, the overall average score of sales service is 64.8%, while the overall average score of after-sales service is only 62.2%, which is 2.2% lower than last year’s evaluation results. It objectively reflects the true performance of China’s mainstream auto brands in terms of sales and after-sales service in 2019.

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

2019 China Mainstream Automobile Market Service Quality Evaluation Index Release Ceremony

It is reported that the service quality evaluation index of China’s mainstream auto market in 2019 has expanded to a comprehensive survey of sales and after-sales services compared with last year’s survey on after-sales services. The number of mainstream auto brands involved has expanded from 43 last year to 45. The scope of the survey Covering the fourth-tier and above cities in key areas of the country, the number of survey samples has also nearly doubled compared with last year, and more than 40,000 target samples have been accurately identified from nearly 800,000 survey samples. This move makes the “Service Quality Evaluation Index of China’s Mainstream Auto Market” closer to the reference basis for car selection and use in the minds of consumers. At the same time, the survey results of the “2019 China Mainstream Auto Market Service Quality Evaluation Index” will also more truly and objectively reflect the core of consumers’ concerns when buying and using a car, shifting from the product power of the car itself to the service quality covering the entire life cycle of the car , Accurately know the true level of car companies’ services, making data the only criterion for convincing consumers.

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

All the highest evaluation honors in the service quality evaluation index of China’s mainstream auto market in 2019

Service quality leverages the market, and industry authorities bring industry observations

At this release ceremony, Pu Changcheng, former deputy director of the State Administration for Market Regulation, Liu Jia, deputy director of China Quality Newspaper, Liu Zhuohui, academician of the International Academy of Quality Sciences, chairman of the China Anti-counterfeiting Industry Association, and former chief engineer of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China Shi Jianhua, deputy secretary-general of the Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Xiao Zhengsan, deputy secretary-general of the China Automobile Dealers Association, and representatives of more than 100 domestic media and institutions attended the event. At the same time, some guests also expressed their hopes for the “Service Quality Evaluation Index of China’s Mainstream Automobile Market” and their thoughts on China’s mainstream auto market.

Pu Changcheng, the former deputy director of the State Administration for Market Regulation, said in his speech that although the Chinese auto market is generally cold in 2019, a series of policies issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation have standardized the service behavior of auto companies and helped them survive the severe winter of the auto market. Laid a solid foundation. At the same time, Pu Changcheng believes that the release of the evaluation results is a stage to highlight the service quality of various car companies, and it is also a good opportunity for car companies to express their market attitudes. For a long time, the quality of sales service has determined whether consumers choose vehicles; the quality of after-sales service is a key factor in cultivating consumer loyalty. The two complement each other, leaving consumers with the first market impression of the car brand. 

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Pu Changcheng, former deputy director of the State Administration for Market Regulation, delivered a speech

Liu Zhuohui, academician of the International Academy of Quality Sciences, chairman of the China Anti-counterfeiting Industry Association, and former chief engineer of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, also said at the press conference that relevant departments have successively issued the “Auto Dealer Management and Service Standards” ( Draft for Comments), “Automobile After-sales Service Specifications” (Draft for Comments) and other industry standards. In this context, the release of the survey results has played a positive role in promoting the development of the industry and giving consumers an objective and scientific third-party evaluation reference. It is also an important reference for relevant departments to carry out effective and targeted supervision and management of the market.    

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Liu Zhuohui, academician of the International Academy of Quality Sciences, chairman of the China Anti-counterfeiting Industry Association, and former chief engineer of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, delivered a speech

Liu Jia, vice president of China Quality Newspaper, expressed the problems found in actual work: “In actual work, we found that if the overall quality of automobile products goes downhill, car owners need to deal frequently with after-sales service departments, and then 4S stores appear. The after-sales service department is overwhelmed by these tasks, and the quality of after-sales service will also decline. This factor will also be passed on to more potential consumers of the brand through word of mouth, thereby affecting the quality of sales services and forming a vicious circle It can be seen that the quality of after-sales service reflects the most fundamental quality assurance of an automobile brand.

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Liu Jia, vice president of China Quality Press, delivered a speech

How is the true voice of consumers measured? Data experts solve the mystery

At the press conference, Chang Legui, a data expert from Beijing Zhuosi Tiancheng Data Information Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhuosi Data), analyzed the changes that took place in 2019 in the “China Mainstream Auto Market Service Quality Evaluation Index Survey”. And it focuses on analyzing the hot issues that consumers are concerned about reflected in the survey results.

“In fact, NPS itself, as a research theory, has risen in China around 2008, but its mature application in the automotive industry has reached around 2016.” Chang Legui first introduced the NPS (Net Promoter Score Research) evaluation System background. In 2016, Zhuosi Data conducted an industry-forward-looking NPS survey covering 20 auto brands. As of 2018, China Quality News Network and Zhuosi Data conducted a CA-NPS survey covering 43 car brands at the after-sales level. In 2019, as the CA-NPS survey covers both sales and after-sales service quality evaluation, the survey sample size and involved brands have also increased significantly. Among the 788,342 survey audiences covering 45 mainstream auto brands in 159 cities above the fourth tier in most parts of the country, Zhuosi data accurately targeted 40,013 consumers for invitation interviews and listened to their real voices. Finally, these audio files containing consumers’ real voices are processed by NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, analyzed under the CA-NPS data evaluation system, and the final conclusion is drawn.

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Zhuosi data expert Chang Legui shared the survey results on the spot

Hotspots at the sales level are prominent, with luxury brands leading the market

When talking about the hot spots that consumers pay attention to in the sales process, Chang Legui pointed out his findings when analyzing the survey data: the NPS score of sales service quality in China’s mainstream auto market is 64.8 out of 100. From the perspective of the brand camp, luxury brands have a relatively obvious lead, exceeding the industry average by 6.4 points. From the point of view of consumers’ concerns, the factors that consumers are most concerned about in sales service providers are the attitude of sales consultants, qualifications and comprehensive capabilities, and vehicle delivery links. Judging from the performance of each brand, most brands in the luxury brand camp are better than joint venture brands, and the scores of joint venture brands are generally higher than that of self-owned brands

These three findings show that luxury brands have a significant head effect on sales and service. Consumers of all brand camps generally pay more attention to service attitude and car delivery experience. At the same time, in the expectation matrix, Zhuo Si data also concluded that the needs of consumers are basically “one core and one peak”. “Core” means that the core of concern is people, and attitude and ability are both requirements for sales consultants; Refers to the peak of the consumption process – vehicle delivery.

Four major discoveries of after-sales service, focusing on the key points of after-sales service improvement

In terms of after-sales service, Chang Legui also shared his findings with the guests: the NPS score of after-sales service quality in China’s mainstream auto market is 62.2 points. Compared with last year, the overall score of each brand has declined slightly this year. From the perspective of the brand camp, luxury brands have a relatively obvious lead, exceeding the industry average by 14.3 points. Judging from the performance of each brand, the elements that consumers care about are consistent, and they are all very basic issues of attitude, quality and cost.

For the above after-sales service evaluation conclusions, Chang Legui also gave a corresponding analysis: “At the after-sales service level, combined with consumer feedback and ratings, we can see: consumers think that the attitude, qualifications and capabilities of service consultants and maintenance Quality is the most basic. And if they want to further win the recognition of consumers, all auto service companies must improve the maintenance center facilities and maintenance efficiency to the leading level in the industry. From the expectation matrix, we can see that consumers are more satisfied with the after-sales service of automobiles. It is still very pragmatic in terms of demand, and the core concerns are how it treats me (attitude), how it affects my car (quality) and how it affects my wallet (cost).”

The analysis of data experts not only reflects the real car sales and after-sales service market, but also a complete picture of China’s car service field from the most authentic feedback from consumers. Among the 45 mainstream auto brands surveyed, 9 companies stood out and received the highest evaluation of after-sales service and sales service from different camps.

At the index press conference, Mercedes-Benz won the highest evaluation of luxury brand sales service and after-sales service in this survey with an excellent score surpassing its peers, and won the highest evaluation of the comprehensive index. FAW-Volkswagen Volkswagen brand won the highest evaluation of joint venture brand sales service and after-sales service. Changan Automobile and China FAW-Hongqi brand respectively received the highest evaluation of self-owned brand sales service and after-sales service. The FAW-Volkswagen Audi brand, BMW Brilliance, and Lexus China received the highest evaluations for sales service transparency, transparency, and sincere service respectively; while the highest evaluations for after-sales service transparency and sincere service were awarded by SAIC-GM Cadillac and Volvo Cars China respectively. picked.

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Liu Zhuohui, academician of the International Academy of Quality Sciences, chairman of the China Anti-counterfeiting Industry Association, and former chief engineer of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, awarded Zhang Rui, the spare parts and service market director of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales and Service Co., Ltd., the highest comprehensive index of the mainstream auto market in the audience Evaluation

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Xu Mengchen, Director of User Experience Business Department of FAW-Volkswagen Audi Sales Division, came to the stage to receive the highest professional evaluation of sales service

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Liu Jia, Vice President of China Quality Press, awarded the highest evaluation of sales service transparency to Wan Lin, Senior Manager of BMW Brilliance Sales Operations

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Xiao Zhengsan, vice president and secretary-general of China Automobile Dealers Association, awarded the highest evaluation of sales service and sincere service to Cao Dayong, director of Lexus China Customer Service Regional Operation Department

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Shi Jianhua, deputy secretary-general of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, awarded Li Dongmin, service director of SAIC-GM Cadillac, the highest evaluation of after-sales service transparency

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Liu Jia, vice president of China Quality Press, awarded the highest evaluation of after-sales service to Tu Ningnan, Operation Improvement Director of Customer Service Department of Volvo Car Group Greater China Sales Company

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Shi Jianhua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Zhang Rui, Director of Spare Parts and Service Marketing of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales and Service Co., Ltd., took the stage to present the highest evaluation of after-sales service luxury brands

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Xiao Zhengsan, vice president and secretary-general of China Automobile Dealers Association, presented the highest evaluation of after-sales service joint venture brands to An Libo, deputy general manager of FAW-Volkswagen Sales Co., Ltd.

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Pu Changcheng, the former deputy director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, awarded the highest evaluation of self-owned brands in sales and service to Xiong Fuqiang, director of Changan Automobile Passenger Car Marketing Division in North China

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Zhang Rui, Director of Spare Parts and Service Marketing of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co., Ltd., came to the stage to receive the highest evaluation of after-sales service luxury brands

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

An Libo, deputy general manager of FAW-Volkswagen Sales Co., Ltd., came to the stage to receive the highest evaluation of after-sales service joint venture brands

2019 China's mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index released in Beijing

Liu Zhuohui, academician of the International Academy of Quality Sciences, chairman of the China Anti-counterfeiting Industry Association, and former chief engineer of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, awarded the highest evaluation of after-sales service independent brands to Jiang Nan, director of the brand public relations department of China FAW

The release of the results of the service quality evaluation index of China’s mainstream auto market in 2019 marks a new page for the “China’s mainstream auto market service quality evaluation index”. Active efforts have been made to make the evaluation index a fair and objective measure of the service quality of China’s mainstream auto market and provide a strong reference in the field of auto consumption. In particular, the increase in the sample size of the survey and the changes in the survey’s coverage of sales services and after-sales services are even more impressive. We believe that the improvement of service quality will help China’s mainstream auto market get out of the temporary haze. At the same time, the service quality evaluation index of China’s mainstream auto market will also make an indelible contribution to the growth of China’s mainstream auto market.