2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

On May 15, the 2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automobile Cultural Tourism Conference and the 3rd Ulan Nur Outdoor Carnival Press Conference was held in the New Media Building of People’s Daily. The event was sponsored by the Wuhai Municipal Government of Inner Mongolia and China Automobile News Agency, and undertaken by the Wuhai Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, the People’s Government of Wuda District, Wuhai City, and the “RV Times” magazine.

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

Gui Junsong, editor-in-chief of “China Automobile News”, Wu Yewen, deputy mayor of Wuhai Municipal People’s Government, Li Yexun, deputy secretary-general and office director of Wuhai Municipal People’s Government, director of the RV Camping Media Committee of China Automotive Journalists Association Director, Lan Xiangjia, publisher of “RV Times”, Song Yuexia, Director of Wuhai Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Bureau, Wang Lijia, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automotive Journalists Association, Han Junshan, General Manager of “RV Times”, Wuhai Culture and Sports Mu Jianguo, deputy director of the Bureau of Tourism, Radio, Film, Fan Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Wuda District Committee and deputy head of the district, Sun Na, section chief of the Wuhai Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film, Zhou Zhaoshun, director of the Wuda District Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Zhang Zhiyong, chairman of the Wuhai Mountaineering Association, Wu Liu Linna, Director of the Advertising Department of the Media Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, Kong Fanfeng, General Manager of Inner Mongolia Yongfeng Outdoor Sports Co., Ltd. and other leading guests attended the press conference.

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

At the press conference, Gui Junsong, editor-in-chief of “China Automobile News”, mentioned in his speech that Wuhai City has rich tourism and cultural resources, and is famous as the Pearl of the Yellow River, the City of Calligraphy, the Oasis of the Desert, and the Hometown of Grapes. Tourism, which has maintained an average annual growth rate of 10% in recent years, has become a veritable pillar industry. Wuhai is located in the hinterland of Inner Mongolia and has unique advantages for the development of tourism. By holding the China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automobile Culture and Tourism Conference, it will not only promote the tourism resources of Wuhai at home and abroad, but also provide self-driving travel, RV camping, The development of favorite travel destinations for motor sports enthusiasts is also a beneficial attempt to closely integrate media development and transformation with city brand promotion.

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

Gui Junsong, editor-in-chief of “China Automobile News”

Wu Yewen, deputy mayor of the Wuhai Municipal People’s Government, emphasized that from June 15th to 17th, Wuhai will continue to host the 2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automobile Cultural Tourism Conference and the 3rd Ulannaoer Outdoor Carnival. To create China’s first car cultural tourism brand activity centered on RV cultural tourism, enrich outdoor leisure tourism sports, make outdoor tourism a new economic growth pole in Wuhai, and a new way to enhance the attention and popularity of Wuhai City .

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

Wu Yewen, Deputy Mayor of Wuhai Municipal People’s Government

Song Yuexia, director of Wuhai Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, introduced the tourism resources of Wuhai City to friends from all over the country. Wuhai is the place where the desert and the Yellow River fall in love. The 10,000-square-kilometer Ulan Buhe Desert and the 118-square-kilometer Wuhai Lake form a legendary scene of the Wuhai Mountain, Sea, Sand City, and Jingcheng. It is a museum of nature in Northwest China. , the ancient and endangered plant quadrangularia, the totem table mountain petroglyphs of the nomadic people in the Neolithic Age, and the Manbala monk temple, the sacred place of religion and medicine, are gifts of history; it is a natural arena for outdoor sports, where deserts, lakes, grasslands, mountains, and wetlands are juxtaposed natural wonders.

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

Song Yuexia, Director of Wuhai Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Bureau

Fan Li, member of the Standing Committee of Wuda District Committee of Wuhai City and deputy head of the government, elaborated on the specific content of this event: RV self-driving camping cultural tourism event will gather RV enthusiasts from all over the country to display and experience RV camping life, RV fleet Wuhai tourist destination self-driving tour and other activities; Wuhai Lake water sports experience will use the high-quality water resources of Wuhai Lake to carry out water outdoor sports and create a unique water-friendly car camp in the country; An outstanding off-road vehicle field racer will conduct a highly ornamental and eye-stimulating field cross-country race; the Shanshui Music Festival, with the main stage facing mountains and rivers, will bring an auditory and visual enjoyment to fans; On foot, the elites of car cultural tourism will be organized to carry out two-day and one-night camel salt ancient road hiking, outdoor camping, stargazing at night, to appreciate the desert style and feel the spirit of the ancient business road.

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

Fan Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Wuda District Committee and deputy head of the district

This is the first large-scale press conference on cultural tourism activities held in the capital Beijing since the implementation of the “cultural tourism” development strategy in Wuhai City. Brand tourism activities to enhance the image of cultural tourism destinations.

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing

Finally, Gui Junsong, editor-in-chief of “China Automobile News”, and Wu Yewen, deputy mayor of Wuhai Municipal People’s Government, and other leaders jointly launched the 2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automobile Culture and Tourism Conference. The close cooperation between the national media and the local government will be based in Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, covering Ningmeng, Shaanxi and Gansu, and jointly create a brand project with the theme of China’s automobile culture and tourism, and help the rapid development of automobile and RV tourism in Wuhai.

2019 First China·Wuhai Lake (International) Automotive Cultural Tourism Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing