2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

Activity time: December 21, 2019 — December 22, 2019

Activity location: 200 meters from the exit of Zigong Huidong Expressway, Greenland Group, next to the Nanhu Overpass of S305 Provincial Highway.

Event content: event registration/preliminaries/finals/awards and dinner

2. Organization

Sponsor: Greenland Holding Group

Organizer: Cross-country e-family Sichuan Brigade Zigong Team Zigong City Youyang Celebration Planning Company

Co-organizers: (in no particular order)

Zigong Radio and Television Station, Zigong Broadcasting Media

Zigong Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Association

Cross-country e family Sichuan brigade

Cross-country e family Sichuan Brigade Zigong Team, Nanchong Team, Panzhihua Team, Bazhong Team, Liangshan Team, Deyang Team, Yibin Team, Leshan Team, Mianyang Team, LC100 Team

Cross-country e family Sichuan brigade storm racing team

Off-road e family Sichuan brigade owl rescue brigade

Rock Car Club

Sichuan Caravan Club

Chengdu Zongheng Kawagoe Racing Club

Zigong Tyrannosaurus Racing Team

Sichuan Bamboo Buying Car Racing Team

Sichuan Tianyu Motor Sports Club Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Cross Country Heroes Club

Zigong 977 Love Charity Association


Sichuan Woju RV Campground Management Co., Ltd.

Meike Home ART Zigong Flagship Store

VOC smart lock imported from Sweden

American Jinkeer Mattress Zigong Store

Zigong Jincheng Auto Repair Center

Mansfield Fitness Club

Title of the event: Greenland Holding Group

Members of the organizing committee:

Greenland Holding Group

Zigong Youyang Celebration Planning Company

Zigong Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Association

Cross-country e family Sichuan brigade Zigong team

Annual meeting dinner address: Zigong Sophia Hotel on the second floor (Pearl Restaurant)

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

Warm congratulations to the success of the 5th anniversary large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Division of the Cross-country e-family Sichuan Brigade, and congratulations to the establishment of the Fushun Squadron of the Zigong Division of the Cross-country E-family!

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

There are beautiful women directing, more passion!

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

There are beautiful women directing, more passion!

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

Uncle You is more impulsive, the hero is still the same as before!

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

I want to fly higher

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

I must get a 6

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

2019 large-scale annual meeting of the Zigong Team of the Sichuan Brigade of the Cross-Country E Family

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