7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

Upward flow of water is a scenic spot in Taiwan. It is located near the fishing bridge in Dulan Village, Donghe Township, Taitung County. This is a farmland irrigation ditch. At first glance, the gurgling water flows along the ditch from the lower to the higher. Go, it’s amazing. In fact, it is because the scenery on both sides here is steeper than the road surface, so it creates the illusion of water flowing upwards.

Although this scenic spot is not worth seeing, the nearby scenery is really beautiful. The sky is high and blue, clear and transparent, and flowers are blooming everywhere. It was refreshing to see.

Not far away is the sea, and the air is filled with the smell of the sea.

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

The Eight Immortals Cave Ruins, located in Changbin Township, Taitung County, Taiwan, is a huge rocky mountain rock next to the highway, facing the sea.

We ate at the small restaurant on the opposite side of the sea. I quickly finished a bowl of rice and then rushed to the Eight Immortals Cave. Although the sun is as hot as summer, I was sweating profusely after walking for more than ten minutes, but it is really beautiful here.

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

The Eight Immortals Cave and the road by the sea are so beautiful in casual photos.

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

The Tropic of Cancer refers to the northernmost boundary where the sun’s rays can shine directly on the earth. The position of the Tropic of Cancer is not fixed, but changes within the range of 23°26′±1° north latitude. It crosses the four counties of Penghu, Chiayi, Nantou, and Hualien in Taiwan. Taiwan has monuments on the east and west sides of the island.

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

7-Day Tour Around Taiwan Island (4)

(to be continued)