8 places to check out this summer

If you live lifeless every day without the vitality and passion of youth, then it’s time to take a trip for yourself.

8 places to check out this summer

Buy a ticket, pack your backpack, and go.

Shanglin County, Guangxi

The Qingshui River originating from Daming Mountain runs slowly through this beautiful land like an ancient song.

8 places to check out this summer

It has a pleasant climate and rich tourism resources. The most eye-catching thing every year is the huge 1,000-acre rapeseed field. You don’t have to go to Wuyuan, Guilin, or Vietnam to appreciate the wonderful mountains and rivers of the karst landform.

8 places to check out this summer

Rapeseed Flower Field in Xiyan Town

8 places to check out this summer

Sanliyang Ferry Scenic Area

8 places to check out this summer

not lonely village

8 places to check out this summer

Sichuan Mosca

Surrounded by three sacred mountains, Mosca Village integrates snow mountains, forests, grasslands, glaciers and lakes.

8 places to check out this summer

The herdsmen living here live an isolated and poetic life following the most natural and ancient way of life of their ancestors.

8 places to check out this summer

The natural scenery here is very beautiful, making people feel like they are in a dreamlike world, so some people call it a lost paradise.

8 places to check out this summer

Sitting down after going around the Golden Dragon Temple for a week, I feel very solemn, very sacred, and have a feeling of emptiness.

8 places to check out this summer

If you bring food, the woodrat will chase you~

8 places to check out this summer

Nanji Island, Zhejiang

In the area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang, various islands have their own characteristics, but counting them down, there are not only clear sea water, fine sandy beaches, delicious seafood, but also scenic islands. Nanji Island, Aojiang Town, Pingyang County, Wenzhou City is the most recommended island.

8 places to check out this summer

This small island that sleeps peacefully among the reefs, 52 islands are like 52 pearls, shining in the East China Sea.

8 places to check out this summer

In this overseas fairy mountain soaked in blue everywhere, we seem to have nothing to do, just let go of our mind and body, and talk about an eternal love with this boundless blue to our heart’s content.

8 places to check out this summer

The Nanji Islands are divided into five scenic spots: Dasha’ao, Guoxing’ao, Sanpanwei, Dalei Mountain and Zhuyu.

8 places to check out this summer

It has only a handful of scenic spots, but it is because of the preservation of this simple scenery, this isolated indifference, that makes this small island unique.

8 places to check out this summer

Xizhou, Yunnan

Xizhou Town is located in the north of Dali City, with Cangshan Mountain in the west and Erhai Lake in the east. It is the hometown of the movie “Five Golden Flowers” and a famous historical and cultural town of the Bai nationality with a history of more than one thousand years.

8 places to check out this summer

In the area under the jurisdiction of the town, there are the famous Butterfly Spring, Cangshan Huadianba where azaleas are in full bloom, and scenic spots such as Haixin Pavilion, a seaside scenic spot, and Haitong, a natural wonder.

8 places to check out this summer

In terms of diet, Xizhou Posu Baba is a famous snack in Xizhou, which has a good color and fragrance.

8 places to check out this summer

You can sit on the swing on the balcony and watch the stars in the sky and the silver moon in Erhai Lake, or you can nest in the room and watch the amazing sunrise in Erhai Lake.

8 places to check out this summer

Anhui Hongcun

Mengli Gallery, ink and wash Hongcun, when the shutter is pressed inadvertently, a beautiful ink painting is displayed in front of your eyes.

8 places to check out this summer

You stand on the bridge and watch the scenery, and the people who watch the scenery look at you upstairs. The bright moon decorates your window, and you decorate other people’s dreams. Standing on the small bridge in Hongcun, I always think of this sentence.

8 places to check out this summer

Unlike Xitang, which is hidden in the busy city, it can be separated by a narrow alley. Unexpectedly, you can see many Huizhou buildings on the way to Hongcun.

8 places to check out this summer

Water has always been the aura of Hongcun. You don’t need to wade through the water, just walk in the long alleys of light smoke, and you can encounter a sense of simplicity and purity.

8 places to check out this summer

The surrounding mountains and white walls and blue tiles are reflected in the lake, like a slowly unfolding landscape painting, attracting many sketchers, photographers and film and television works.

8 places to check out this summer

Shaxi, Yunnan

Shaxi in the southwest of Jianchuan, Yunnan, is located between Dali Scenic Area and Lijiang Ancient City, where the famous Shibao Mountain is located.

8 places to check out this summer

Shaxi is a small dam surrounded by green hills. It is a small town with a long history, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, pleasant climate and rich products.

8 places to check out this summer

In the quiet ancient town inn under the winter sun, the persimmon trees are full of fruits, and you can savor the casual, casual, casual and poetic slow life without being reserved or pretending.

8 places to check out this summer

Shaxi Ancient Town, as an important station of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, was once prosperous for a while, but as the role of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road faded, it was abandoned by civilized society.

8 places to check out this summer

The ancient town of Shaxi has gone through a process of development, growth, glory, and decline, leaving only silent stone bridges, ancient roads, and ancient streets quietly telling its past.

8 places to check out this summer

Qinghai Lake

The most beautiful season of Qinghai Lake is in midsummer, and the most beautiful season in midsummer lies in the sea of ​​rapeseed flowers. In July and August, thousands of acres of rapeseed flowers are blooming by Qinghai Lake.

8 places to check out this summer

Under the deep blue sky on the plateau, golden yellow flowers are intertwined with the green grass beach, and behind this, there is a boundless blue lake.

8 places to check out this summer

There are golden bright yellow scattered around the vast expanse of azure blue, and the wild flowers in the alpine pastures are colorful, like silk like brocade, and countless fat and strong cattle and sheep are dotted among them.

8 places to check out this summer

The grassy beach is so tender and green, the cauliflower is so vigorously yellow, and the lake water is so intoxicatingly blue.

8 places to check out this summer

Only by standing on the edge of Qinghai Lake and looking at the distance where the water meets the sky can you understand why this place is so popular.

8 places to check out this summer

Guangxi Beihai

Sunshine, sandy beaches and sea water are the deepest impressions of Beihai.

8 places to check out this summer

If warm sunshine and clean sea water are not necessarily rare in other places, then Beihai Silver Beach, known as “the best beach in the world”, is undoubtedly the most famous “tourism trump card” in Beihai City.

8 places to check out this summer

The silver beach, whose sand is as soft as a blanket, forms a corridor leading directly to the sea. A special mention is that Weizhou Island in Beihai, which is rated as “the most beautiful small island in China” by China National Geographic, makes it the most popular tourist attraction in Guangxi nowadays.

8 places to check out this summer

Beihai Silver Beach Tourist Resort

8 places to check out this summer

Weizhou Island

8 places to check out this summer

Beihai Old Town

8 places to check out this summer

Some people say that traveling alone is to escape from life

Some people say that traveling alone is to see more

In fact, traveling alone is to meet a better self

8 places to check out this summer

While you are young, go on a trip alone, to see the distant scenery, to meet strangers, don’t care about the distance, and don’t care about the destination, as long as you dare to start, the road is at your feet.