8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year’s Tibet travel problems!

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Author: Wanying

Source: Self-driving Geography

Edit: Yellow River

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Yanghu Lake, source/Tibet Travel Online Original image/ZOL Zhongguancun Online

In June, spring on the plateau has come

A seductive scent in the air

Crowds of people, vehicles

From all directions to the snow-covered plateau

Tibet ushers in the peak travel season

But there are also many students who have various concerns

Put the itinerary on hold:

“My car is XX, can I enter Tibet?

Having trouble refueling along the way? “

“I plan to bring my children to Tibet during the summer vacation. Do I need to bring an oxygen cylinder?”

“When is the best time to go to Tibet?

Which route is suitable for the first time entering Tibet? “

Go back in time to 30 years ago

In the 1980s and 1990s, few people traveled by car

Let alone go into Tibet

Everyone knows very little about Tibet

Going to Tibet was really an adventure back then.

Not only do you have to bring your own oil barrels, compressed biscuits, and sleeping bags

No mobile phone or navigation software yet

The legendary road is unimaginable today

Xinzang Line (Kashgar-Shiquanhe) in 2005

It’s not the current asphalt road

Picture by VIP member Li Guanyun

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

30 years later

Tibet’s development is getting better and better

all the conditions are perfect

There is no need to be so nervous about entering Tibet~

Linla Highway almost parallel to National Highway 318

It is the reconstruction project of Linzhi-Lhasa section of Line 318

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

In fact, looking at everyone’s problems

summed up

It is nothing more than targeting people, vehicles, and time

And the lack of understanding of the status of the various lines in Tibet


Let’s talk about time first

From April to June, spring on the plateau is long overdue

As early as March, the snow-covered Jiangnan Linzhi peach blossoms were in full bloom

But the whole Tibet is still slightly chilly

There is a lot of dark ice along the way, and there is rain and snow at the mountain pass

The temperature will not rise until after May

Linzhi is full of peach blossoms, pictured by the photographer The Lancet

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

July-August is the short summer on the plateau

Pleasant temperature and plenty of sunshine

Blue sky and white clouds, spring flowers blooming

It can be said that it is the most beautiful time in Tibet

July and August are the summer vacation, which is the peak period of the Sichuan-Tibet line

But many veteran drivers stay away

I prefer to be quiet

Second, Tibet has entered the rainy season

On July 11 last year, K4061, National Highway 318, Suotong Village, Guxiang, Bomi County

National road traffic interruption caused by mudslide disaster.

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

It’s hard to tell where it will be due to heavy rainfall along the way

resulting in sudden landslides, rockfalls, and mudslides

even cut off

Those with bad moral character will encounter traffic jams and traffic control

It’s really annoying to stop and go

After Bomi interrupted the road to rush through, the scene of traffic jam waiting to pass

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!


Due to the landslide in Jueba Mountain on the Yunnan-Tibet Line, stranded vehicles lined up in a long queue

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

From September to October, it is a dreamy and attractive golden autumn

The climate is also very mild

The amount of rain is greatly reduced, and travel is safer

every time

Different colors are laid out sequentially from the mountain


From November to next March, enter the long winter

dry cold, hypoxia

Contrary to our imagination

Tibet in winter is not a world of ice and snow, the cold is pressing

It’s sunny, I don’t say, you might think it’s summer?

Picture byVIP member suddenly looking back

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Due to the low latitude

The average altitude is above 4000 meters

continental plateau climate

In the high-altitude areas of Tibet, it is basically a low temperature state

Individual high mountains even have snow all year round

but in the meanwhile

Tibet has thin atmosphere and abundant sunshine

The temperature difference between day and night is larger than that of the mainland

The annual temperature difference is small

Tibet in winter is basically sunny, with less snow

(Large-scale snowfall is mostly in spring)

The sunshine in Tibet is still very warm in winter

Picture byVIP member suddenly looking back

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Average daytime temperatures in major cities and towns

Warmer than most cities in the northern part of the inland

So many people like to go to Lhasa to bask in the sun

Tibet in winter

There are no tourists in the peak season

The cultural landscape is more leisurely

Small expenses for board and lodging, transportation, and scenic spot tickets

Lhasa in winter, photo by VIP member Shanyu

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Less mist in the rainy season

Cleaner air and better visibility

You can see the whole picture of Xuefeng

Namjagbarwa Peak, pictured by VIP member Shanyu

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

What are the disadvantages of Tibet in winter?

That is the color is too monotonous

Mountains and roads closed due to heavy snow in some scenic spots

And the low flow of people in the off-season leads to the closure of most service industries


and when we

When talking about which car is more suitable to enter Tibet

can not be separated from Tibet entry time

From this important factor

Tibet in rainy season

Wading through water, crossing landslides and falling rocks and other bad road sections

At this time, if you drive a car with a low chassis and poor passability,

It’s more hanging all the way

(Ordinary urban SUVs are also better than sedans)

The big puddle at this landslide

Off-road vehicles are barely passable, and small cars are a bit dangerous

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

The four-wheel drive SUV with high chassis and strong passability

will make you feel like a fish in water

However, it is best to keep a larger car model

Otherwise, once the car breaks down

It is hard to find matching parts in Tibet!

If it is May-June, which is not the peak of the rainy season

Autumn September-October

(Snow begins in mid-November)

Choose a flatter route

(318/Qinghai-Tibet Line/Yunnan-Tibet Line)

It is also possible to drive a car

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

However, the roads on the plateau mostly go up and down the mountain, with big bends.

It is necessary to choose a larger displacement

(at least not lower than 2.0T, preferably with turbo)

In general

Four-wheel drive SUV can enter Tibet anytime

(In winter and spring, there is snow, dark ice on the road, and heavy snow on the pass, so you need to be cautious when driving)

Urban SUVs and sedans are not forbidden to enter Tibet

But it depends on the specific time and route


About refueling

China’s “two barrels of oil”

Tibet is almost dominated by CNPC

and other Tibetan areas

Such as Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places

There are also many Sinopec

Picture by Songxia Yangzong Travel

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Three certificates are required to refuel in Tibet

Driver’s license, ID card, driving license

If you apply for a PetroChina fuel card

This procedure can be avoided

Gas stations in Tibet are almost common now

There must be a gas station within 300 kilometers

So as long as your car can last 300 kilometers

basically no problem

Even in some remote areas of Ali, there are container gas stations

Picture byVIP member Tianruoqing

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

But many gas stations in Tibet

Not 24 hours a day

they have strict schedules

So be on time during the day

And in order to deal with sudden traffic jams,

The next gas station may not be able to refuel normally

best condition

It is to keep the remaining oil volume at more than half

In many cases, due to road construction and other conditions, oil cannot be transported into the county

I really have no choice but to ask for help from local people’s private oil

Picture by photographer Zhao Lei

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

No. 92 gasoline is basically available throughout Tibet

But in some small counties or gas stations in small towns

No 95 gasoline

Diesel is available where gasoline is available

requires attention

Since the country forcibly promotes the National V and National VI

To meet environmental standards

The engine technology of many manufacturers has not changed

Only on front intake and rear exhaust

Forcibly remodeled

Three-way catalytic operation principle

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Make the original three-way catalysis more detailed

There are fewer impurities in the exhausted smoke

But these impurities are like constipation

stuck in the engine

So once the oil is bad

It affects the engine, and the fault light appears

So try to refuel in the “two barrels of oil”

Private gas stations in Tibet can provide emergency relief

But the oil is not guaranteed

It is recommended to put on my wife’s stockings and filter

Or stock up on some fuel additives

Especially the friends of the founding five countries six diesel cars

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!


About high anti

When it comes to Tibet

This problem cannot be avoided

from the plains

After quickly entering the plateau above 3000 meters above sea level

Human body responds to hypobaric hypoxic environment

produce various symptoms

China’s four major plateaus, picture by “China Self-driving Geography”


8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

in fact

people who go to the plateau

More than 90% of people will not have major problems

As long as you are healthy, relaxed and getting enough sleep

Gao Fan is a paper tiger

Some symptoms of hyperactivity


8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

but if you have a cold

or have severe cardiovascular,

Respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and other diseases

I have to consider whether to enter Tibet

due to high altitude pulmonary edema

and high-altitude cerebral edema will be very likely

Pro-test that butter tea can relieve hyperactivity


8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

People often ask if they can bring their children into Tibet

Recommended for children under 10 years old

It’s better not to take him into Tibet

(at least not less than 8 years old)

Plateau hypoxic environment not only affects children’s development

And live in low altitude areas all year round

developing child

Comprehensive resistance is worse than that of adults

More prone to hypoxia, causing altitude sickness

For people over the age of 70

It is recommended to enter Tibet with caution

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!


About 8 routes into Tibet

The most popular and easiest four:

Sichuan-Tibet South Line

traditional line to Tibet

Focus on natural scenery, most people go

 Important highways protected by the state

Many tunnels have been opened at the pass along the way

The first expressway into Tibet will be here

(Scan the code to jump to the detailed road book)


8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Northern Sichuan-Tibet Line

Slightly more difficult than the South Line

Focus on humanities and customs, mostly temples

Passing through the core area of ​​Kham culture

There are also Jiarong Tibetans, Diaolou Group, Dege Sutra Printing House…

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Yunnan-Tibet Line

The most romantic one in the Hengduan Mountains

Rich in humanities, many ethnic minority areas

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Qinghai-Tibet Line

Tanggula Tianlu

The average altitude is above 4500 meters

Traveling through Hoh Xil, you can see Tibetan antelopes

The whole asphalt road, the road condition is the best, and the altitude difference is small

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

There are two difficult ones:


Unconventional off-road route from Yunnan to Tibet

It used to be the hardest way to enter Tibet

The geology along the line is fragile, and there are many landslides and rockfalls

It has been basically upgraded to “New Yunnan-Tibet Channel”

It is easier to cross in the non-rainy season

(The picture below shows the Meili Ring Road connected to Bingchacha)

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

Xinzang Line

Over the Kunlun Mountains

The highest plateau road in the world

Over 4000 meters for several days

Walking on the roof of the roof of the world

The most passes, the most Daban

Easy to reverse, basically all asphalt roads

But all the long way up and down the mountain

Difficulties and sorrows are different

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

The two most popular:

Tang and Fan Ancient Road

Traveled to Qinghai and Tibet since the Tang Dynasty

Even the “South Silk Road” in Nepal, India and other countries

left a lot along the way

Traces of Sino-Tibetan cultural exchanges

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!


The most primitive, the most mysterious, and the least known

Poor road infrastructure along the route

Starting from Yushu, the must-pass point of the ancient Tang-Fan Road

Cross Tanggula Mountain after too much miscellaneous

Enter Tashi and join the Northern Sichuan-Tibet Line

one of the legends

The Zhengyuan of the Yangtze River, which has not yet been officially named, is marching in a straight line

8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

There is also the ninth line into Tibet

Zaduo-Chadan Township-Dangqu-Chawula Mountain Pass-Nie Rong-Anduo

(Click to jump to the article)

Tangfan Ancient Road North Line

Passing the Yanniu Ancient Trail

as little known as original

According to the legend, the real route to Tibet of the Chinese princess

Crossing the Tanggula Mountains into Tibet from Another Mountain Pass

Hundreds of kilometers of barren land along the route

It is not recommended for non-veteran drivers to go


About border defense certificate

Currently Lhasa is tightening the border control permit policy

No travel agency wants to take the risk

(First, a formal travel contract is required. The master’s road list and the number of people handling border defense certificates must be the same as the number of people on the contract. After the process is completed, the staff of the Border Defense Bureau will come to the travel agency to check the number of people and the master’s license plate number. If there is a problem with that link, I am sorry to suspend it. …)

Mount Everest North Slope. Picture byVIP member Shanyu


8 road maps, comprehensive answers to this year's Tibet travel problems!

so near future plan

Ali, Mount Everest, Loza, Shannan, Yadong

Waiting for friends who need a border defense card for their itinerary

Remember to register in advance at the place of residence or residence

Apply for a border certificate

The basic process is to go to the frontier police station to pick up the form and fill it out

(some places can be downloaded online)

then bring your ID

Go to the local police station to get a stamp to prove that you have no criminal record

Finally, turn back to the border police station to get the border certificate

(The validity period is 1 or 3 months, depending on the local conditions)

Which places in Tibet need to apply for a border defense permit?

Shigatse area

Zhongba County, Saga County, Nyalam County, Tingri County, Kangma County, Yadong County, Gangba County, Dingjie County, Jilong County

Shannan area

Cona County, Longzi County, Luozha County, Langkazi County

Nyingchi area

Milin County, Lang County, Zayu County, Medog County

Ngari area

Pulan County, Zada ​​County, Ritu County, Gar County