A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A thousand-year-old city, Tongguan Kiln, a desert-like river beach, a small island with withered vegetation, and a dry tributary of the Xiangjiang River.

With the entry of a group of off-road enthusiasts, it brought bright colors one after another in this monotonous winter.

Intensity, romance, and warmth always go hand in hand. Pack your luggage, bring your family and friends or a single person on a bicycle, as long as you want, the task force is welcome to join at any time!

We are here for you today!

We are so far away, we are so close!

Tongguan Hongzhou Island crossing camp simple picnic activities

Time: Saturday 10:00 am – Sunday 10:00 am


1. Chairman

2. Kingoma

3. Muzibing

4. Heavenly Book

5, Prince

6. Natural sincerity

7. Han Shun

8. Iron Peas

9. Between No Tears (two big and two small, no camping)

10. Chen Long alone does not eat Chinese food or camp

11. hills

12. Department

13. Wolf Road

14, Riko

1. Lunch farmhouse

2. Bring one dish per car for dinner! ! !

The site of Tongguan Kiln is located in the area from Tongguan Town to Shizhu Lake, Wangcheng District, Changsha City, 27 kilometers away from Changsha City in the south, connected to the famous Tongguan Pottery City in the north, and facing the Xiangjiang River in the east by rolling hills. Changsha Tongguan Kiln is the birthplace of Tang Dynasty colored porcelain in China.

In the morning, the convoy traveled through the ancient city (there are too many pictures on the Internet, so I won’t introduce them here), and after lunch, we went to the cross-country holy land.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Crossing, the woods lined up rise up…

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

On a small hillside, the sticky grass seeds that are almost below the roof of the car can’t be seen at a glance, interesting…

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

When there is fog, the Tongguan Kiln looks like a mirage from a distance.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The chairman of the special team and Mu Zibing of the women’s team found a treasure—a small rock mountain, and the treasure hunt started.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Hard work pays off, Ruyi!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Miao Bao also joined in with great interest, that’s fine.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

After eating Chinese food, Hongzhou Beidao played in the sand. Being in the sand, the intercom called out. Rescue is not uncommon, and all the equipment was brought. Moving forward, turning, and drifting in this drifting sand, as if in a desert, is very exciting.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The professional sand play group and the children’s group came on the stage. The newly dressed Miao Bao started various mixed games of dry sand, sediment, and water sand.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Hahaha…well done!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Sister Baozi, who has a super-protected head, is she going to eat chicken? Oh no, the sand not only traps cars, but also traps people. Feet and feet cannot escape the attraction of sand and mud. No, just ask if you are handsome… Yueyue and a few children did not take pictures, but you can refer to Sister Baozi who is still cute at this time.

Reminder: For a game like this, you still need an adult by your side, safety first, and you don’t know where the handsome ones are.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Miao Bao’s costume change is complete, Miao Bao and Parrot Xiaobao.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The auditorium is confirmed, the audience is in place, and the muddy land in the off-road area is free for you to gallop.

The creek is dry with some puddles, the mud is soft and powerful, sprinting, moving forward, cool, stuck, moving forward, slipping, moving forward, enjoyable, hard, sinking deeper and deeper. It will be clear at a glance when rescue is needed in this area. Rescue occurrences are also calculated per second. There are also more and more vehicles. Apart from our task force, there are many other teams or they are running wild alone.

Towing ropes, winches, monkey climbing poles, pulleys, engineer shovels, manpower, etc., all go into battle.

The rescue was successful, go on, that’s how it feels, keep it up!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

In this wide mud field, there is no prescribed route, no deliberate planning, free play, handsome digging, and the stage is everywhere.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Although the picture is not as violent as it was at the time, here are a few pictures to feel it!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The weather is fine, although there is fog, it does not affect it!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Over there, the cross-country is exciting, and the children here are playing sand music, with a few shovels and buckets, find a safe area, and the team pulls up. Sure enough, interest is the best teacher, bringing us together!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

As the sun set, the camp began to prepare dinner. Are you hungry? Come, have a picnic…

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Herds of cattle started their way home.

It is quite surprising to see such a scene in the suburbs, but it fits so well with the scene in front of me. It is another harvest.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Brother Han Shun holding the team flag.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The division of labor is clear, and everything is going on in an orderly manner!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Come on, this dish is absolutely sumptuous. When planning the itinerary this time, Sister Hai suggested that each car should bring one dish. I suggested keeping it confidential. Everyone agreed and agreed to implement it. More than a dozen cars, this is definitely a historic moment in the history of picnic self-bring and secrecy, no doubt. The dishes of each family are different, including chicken, duck, fish, goose, bacon, sausage, beef, pork, beans, pickled radish, cold dishes, cabbage, preserved eggs…Of course, besides vegetables, there are also delicious fruits , grapefruit, strawberries, etc… Well, I have to accept it, this dish is absolutely perfect for a table with fruits, drool…

Surprises keep coming, and there will be more surprises in the future…  

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Choose a location, eat seriously, grow taller than Dad, come on! Miao Bao!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

After dinner, at leisure, the contingent’s flag lights were put up.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Dangdang…a surprise is coming!
Today is Tie Wandou’s birthday, what a coincidence, what a fate! On weekends like this, everyone gathers for off-roading, sits around the campfire, chats and sings happy birthday songs. This is a very meaningful off-roading, and it is definitely an unforgettable birthday party for Iron Pea!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Lele and Chenchen performed the show seriously. Childish faces, clear singing voices, lovely dances, in this windy winter, in the wild at night, the bonfire warms our bodies, and our atmosphere is enough to warm our hearts.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Soft and glutinous roasted sweet potatoes, not too sweet.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The night was getting darker, but the rescue was still going on, and we worked together. This time, it was an RV other than the rescue team, which caused the political commissar Jin Gema to get stuck in the car. Tianshu, Chu Feng and Chen Long came out to rescue. Chu Feng Chen Long is too coquettish, the front bars are all up, the chairman, Chu Feng Chen Long (called AV Long Kindness), Jin Gema, Tianshu, Mu Zibing, Tian Tiancheng, brothers use levers to pry together, the solution is always more difficult More, set up your posture, start…

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The gathering with Mu Zibing must be photographed, and the whole process of this event was fully arranged independently. On the way back, we all mentioned by coincidence that the group photo didn’t seem to be taken, haha, I decided to choose a location, get off the car by the side, and took a photo with the street lights and the road as the background. On the cross-country road, let’s persevere together! Shout the off-road slogan: the farther the road, the closer the heart, no brothers, no off-road!

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

Shan Qiu brought an astronomical telescope to watch the moon and the starry sky, accompanied by AV Long’s poems. This itinerary, now recalled, is beautiful, beautiful.

A few years ago, Tongguan Kiln and Hongzhou Island were wonderful off-road!

The event ended perfectly!