A good start to the new decade! With outstanding digital transformation results, SAIC Motor won two more industry awards

When cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud technology, perception technology, and machine learning permeate traditional industries, digitalization and information transformation have become survival propositions that all industries must face. For large-scale traditional enterprises , the transformation is more difficult and more intensive. As a Chinese auto brand under the largest auto company in China, SAIC Motor has responded quickly to the new situation and achieved fruitful results. In the recent two informatization events, Zhang Liang, chief digital officer of SAIC Motor, won the “2019 China Digitalization Contributor” award and the “2019 Excellent Industrial Internet Enterprise CIO” award respectively, showing that SAIC Motor has a large-scale presence in China. The leading role played in the process of enterprise transformation has established an advanced model of the industrial Internet.

A good start to the new decade! With outstanding digital transformation results, SAIC Motor won two more industry awards

On December 13-15, 2019, the top event in the domestic informatization industry, the 15th Informatization Leaders Summit and the 2019 China Digitalization Contributor Award Ceremony were successfully held. The summit was guided by the China Electronic Information Industry Federation, co-sponsored by the Shanghai Computer Users Association and the ITSS Data Center Operation and Management Working Group, and more than 300 CIOs and senior managers of enterprises and institutions attended the meeting. The conference conducted in-depth interviews and panoramic surveys of China’s digital contributors across the country, and selected the top ten annual Chinese digital contributors from nearly a hundred candidates. Zhang Liang became the only winner from an automobile company.

A good start to the new decade! With outstanding digital transformation results, SAIC Motor won two more industry awards

And on January 9 this year, the 2020 Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Conference and the Industrial People Resonance Carnival were also successfully held. An important measure to build Shanghai’s industrial Internet ecosystem and create a “Made in Shanghai” brand. Zhang Liang, as the chief designer of the SAIC Ningde smart factory construction project, builds a trinity of “smart equipment”, “smart supply chain” and “big data smart brain” by building a smart factory with the goal of production interconnection and data decision-making. The manufacturing system has played a good demonstration role in promoting the implementation of “Made in China 2025” in the automotive industry. He was elected as the CIO of the 2019 Excellent Industrial Enterprise and became a role model in the process of enterprise industrial informatization, manufacturing and Internet integration.

A good start to the new decade! With outstanding digital transformation results, SAIC Motor won two more industry awards

Successful transformation and integration benefit from a deep understanding of the industry and forward-looking insight into digital technology. As early as 2 years ago, SAIC Passenger Vehicle created an exclusive digital team in the industry and established the first CDO in the history of China’s auto industry. SAIC Motor also proposed a “1+4” digital strategy, “4” represents the digital transformation of the business system, that is, digital marketing, intelligent manufacturing, digital R&D, and smart parks, and “1” represents the digitalization of products, that is, intelligent network connection. car. In August last year, SAIC Motor released the “AICS Smart Cockpit” in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. At present, SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle has gone through the development path from Internet car to smart car and then to smart cockpit, and continues to lead the wave of intelligent networking in the automotive industry.

As the first launch of the smart cockpit, the Roewe RX5 MAX is equipped with functions such as SKY EYE system, BYOD multi-user control, AR-Driving real-scene driving assistance system 2.0, car letter, flash assistant and other functions, realizing interactive means, interaction to communication And the three major upgrades from focusing on the driver to focusing on the whole cabin crew. The smarter, more convenient and more user-friendly new intelligent experience has made the Roewe smart cockpit widely favored by users. The Roewe RX5 MAX sales have exceeded 10,000 for two consecutive months, quickly occupying a place in the 150,000-class SUV market and winning the 2019 China Automotive Technology Innovation Award. Its plug-in hybrid version, the Roewe RX5 eMAX, became popular as soon as it was launched, and sold nearly a thousand units in December 2019.

The road to digital transformation is to cross the river by feeling the stones, and the success of SAIC Passenger Vehicle’s “turning giant elephant” has set a model for more large enterprises and will accelerate the process of digital construction of Chinese enterprises. In the new decade of 2020, SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicles will continue to deepen the “1+4” strategy to achieve high-quality and sustainable development, and continue to empower products with corporate power to create a smarter and better travel life for users.