A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

This picture comes from off-road e family

This god called “Toyota LC70”

I did three things that I wanted to do in the big circle and haven’t done it yet

First, the classic off-road vehicle is well done

Second, play with film

Third, take the children to Tibet

Allow me to cough for a while. .

his life is my dream

i have nothing to say

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

I have two babies. The eldest is Xiao Mo. The second child is called Mango. There is also a classic car called “cooky”.

“Cooky” is the name Xiao Mo gave to this LANDCRUSER 70. I have a dream, that is to accompany my children to see the world every winter and summer vacation.

In fact, the first time I saw cooky was a few years ago. Sometimes fate is very wonderful. I never thought that it would be by my side in a few years. From transferring it to my name, it took half a year to renovate and renovate it. Restoring this 24 year old classic car.

This time the route is: Kunming – Lijiang – Shangri-La – Deqin – Mangkang – Bangda – Ranwu – Bomi – Lhasa

The tires were changed, and the positioning and dynamic balance were done. To be honest, the front and rear are 70% of the steel plate. I’m also wondering if positioning and balancing can be done? But sometimes the comfort in the heart may be greater than the actual effect.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

The side fender logo is pasted in the wrong position. After returning from Tibet, I only opened it three or four times in half a year. After a few days of busy work, I drove it to Anji Sunshine for a major health care. This repair lasted half a year, thoroughly cleaned the chassis, and replaced all the aging parts. The left and right front doors are replaced with models with triangular windows.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

I stayed in Kunming for six or seven days, and have been solving various minor problems in the repair shop. Water leaks from the front windshield, alarms from General Tiejun, air conditioning, excessive speed, and other problems. I can finally set off, rushing to Lijiang overnight, 1/3 of the holiday has passed. I thought there should be many places to stay in Lijiang, so I didn’t book in advance. When I got out of the Lijiang West Toll Station, I booked five or six hotels online and was notified that the rooms were full, so I quickly contacted my local friends to help find a hotel. After tossing and tossing for a long time, I finally settled down. I was so tired… It was the first time I drove such a hard car, and the feeling after driving hundreds of kilometers at high speed was “back pain”.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

While I was making a room reservation, he said that his butt hurt so much, he wanted to sit somewhere else (he didn’t care at all whether he was going to sleep on the street tonight).

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

I finally settled down, and my mother usually takes more. This is the first time we’ve been alone together. I found that this guy is really independent, he moves his suitcase, brushes his teeth, and changes his pajamas by himself. …

After breakfast in the morning, he said he was going to go for a swim. I was a little apprehensive at the time, because the temperature in Lijiang that day was 15°C, and the hotel’s swimming pool was not a constant temperature pool. In the end, I couldn’t wear him down, so I simply swam with him for half an hour, packed my luggage, and set off for Shangri-La, but I didn’t expect to get stuck on the road only halfway through. The road was blocked for too long, and I was hungry at noon, so I could only make milk for him to deal with it. I was always worried about whether he would be rebellious, because this kid left Yunnan when he was one year old and grew up in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It seems that my worry is a bit unnecessary.

I stayed in Shangri-La for 3 days, mainly to let Xiaomo get used to the high-altitude climate. Before departure, I read a lot of posts about children traveling to plateau areas. I have always been very worried, especially a widely circulated post on the Internet, which roughly talks about a father who took his son under the age of ten to Tibet. There was a serious rebellion in Zheduo Mountain, and the child was not rescued in the end. So in Shangri-La, I played around with my child and kept observing whether he had symptoms of discomfort. The novelty of just getting the cookie has not passed, and I am shooting everywhere.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

The two men never plan ahead when they go out. They had so much fun together that they forgot to book a room. The Shangri-La was completely full that day, and Xiaomo and Xiaomo searched for a hotel for two hours, but they still couldn’t find a hotel. Suddenly, they remembered that there was a boss in the 7-series group who seemed to be In Shangri-La, I thought it was a hotel or an inn, so I looked for it, but before I finished speaking, I was kicked out by that woman. At the end of the night, I couldn’t book a bed in the International Youth Travel, and it was the last one! ! ! ! Originally thought that he would be picky, but when he found out that several people lived together, he was very happy. Sometimes we can’t measure a child’s inner world with the habits and methods of adults. In my eyes, the youth hostel was extremely bad. Later, Xiao Mo told me that it was his happiest night, and the next day he quietly told me : “Thank you dad for bringing me here”.

This is the quadruple room of the youth hostel in Dukezong, and it is also the worst youth hostel I have ever seen.

The moment I walked into the bathroom, I almost collapsed

I want to say that even if you are a youth hostel, there is no need to do this! I don’t quite understand the positioning of this youth hostel.

There was plenty of oxygen in the car throughout the trip. In fact, the little guy has never had a high reaction, but he is always worried. In the end, there was too much oxygen, and there were more than a dozen bottles left before they left Lhasa. The two of them inhaled oxygen all night in the Lhasa hotel.

I originally wanted two beds, but was told that there was only one bed left. The two fathers and sons were squeezed into this single bed, and I hardly fell asleep all night. Because he kept turning into my arms, he almost squeezed me out several times.

We finally booked a hotel the next morning. Hurry up and take a shower, and continue to be crazy after breakfast.

Because of the hotel, I was scolded to death by friends in Moments. Say it’s unsafe, say it’s unhygienic. It’s actually okay. Sometimes where I live is really not that important, just be happy, just because there is only one bed, if there are two beds, maybe I won’t change hotels the next day.

The next day we went hiking at Tiansheng Bridge, and he asked me what the pond below was for, and I said it was a hot spring. Then….we changed our hiking plan to swimming! ! ! ! We both felt like our plans were forever changing.

When I met a herd of cows grazing, he asked me why they had to eat grass without drinking milk! ! ! ! ! I. . . . . . After the last half an hour, I gave up explaining, because children at this stage will never be over, hey, my heart is blocked.

Fortunately, swimming saved me. The first few pictures were taken on film, so the color tone is relatively yellow. It seems that there is a problem with the scanner film holder, and the person is a bit squashed.

He has been very obsessed with swimming recently, so he takes a swimming ring with him all the way, and we will stop and swim for a while when there is almost water.

After staying in Shangri-La for 3 days, the two of us set off again. In fact, when we set off from Kunming, the original plan was to enter Tibet from western Sichuan, but when I asked him for advice, I asked him where he was going. The only place he had been to on this route The place is Dali, so in the end he decided to take the Yunnan-Tibet line, in fact, just to buy a “Xizhou Baba” in Xizhou, Dali.

The day I arrived in Deqin. I heard from the locals that it has been raining for many days in a row. As soon as we arrived, the sky cleared up and the clouds dispersed quickly. Kawaborg appeared in front of us like this. I was more excited than the child, he told me not to yell, climbed into the suitcase and found the telescope and handed it to me, let me take a good look. I remember that we were staying in a hotel invested by CITIC that day, and the hotel’s TV kept playing a documentary about the Japanese Deng Kawaborg. After the little guy fell asleep, I saw the night alone.

On the way from Shangri-La to Deqin, I saw many prayer flags, and this was the first time Xiao Mo saw them. He asked me why the flag was hung on the mountain and what was its function. I told him it was a way for the locals to communicate with the gods, and this guy closed his eyes and leaned against a wind horse flag. I don’t know why he did that, and I didn’t ask him later. He kept and packed the binoculars all the way, even if I want to use it, I have to wait for him to use it before he can consider lending it to me.

I have forgotten what the name of this mountain is. Anyway, at an altitude of 4200 meters, there is no response at all.

Sometimes after driving for too long, he would ask me to remove the child seat and lie down for a while, because the mountain is relatively high. Usually, when he sleeps like this, I choose to go out to take pictures, read a book and wait for him to wake up and install the child seat. Go again, but one day is too tiring. He thought the child safety seat was uncomfortable, so he didn’t sit in it, and the back of the 70 was so small, and the rear seats were facing each other, so he was always worried when driving like this.

When I went to Deqin County, I found a place to wash the car. Because it was a China Unicom number, my mobile phone had no signal for almost a day. I got a local China Telecom number and bought a bunch of snacks.

Kavaborg, Xiao Mo insisted on asking me to buy him two trekking poles that night. He flattered me in various ways, helped me carry my luggage in various ways, and finally satisfied his request. This guy ate hard while eating. I was very puzzled. The kid looked up and told me that we are going to climb the snow mountain tomorrow, and it will be very difficult. Tired, eat more! I just crashed.

I forgot what the name of this peak is. It should be the highest point between Shangri-La and Deqin. The first thing other tourists do when they get off the bus is to take pictures of this trip. The first thing he does when he gets off the bus is to find animals, either yaks or A dog, or a donkey.

We returned to the hotel after having dinner outside, only to find that the hotel also provided dessert and a mascot. This guy is so happy.

Coming out of Deqin, I wanted to go hiking in Yubeng, but he rejected it.

At the beginning of Lijiang, I basically drove on the big mountains, so I drove very, very slowly. I was mainly worried that there might be some assembly problems in the newly renovated cooky, so I almost always went down the mountain at a speed of 40 yards. Much to see the scenery.

There was a sudden tremor in the direction of the road yesterday, and I was secretly worried. After washing the car in Deqin, I went to the repair shop to hang it up, but no reason was found. Today, I was still worried when I went down the mountain. Yesterday’s problem will definitely reappear, but I don’t know when. Suddenly the direction disappeared. Fortunately, the speed was only 40 yards. Although the brakes were stopped in time, the car rushed down the road. After inspection, it was found that the connecting screws of the steering machine had fallen off. I was scared to death at that time. Xiao Mo was sleeping at that time. After the violent impact, he woke up and asked me: “Dad, how did you drive? Didn’t you see that you drove off the road?” , he immediately went to the toolbox to find a wrench. But none of the wrenches I found could be used. I stopped the car on the road for a long time, and two convoys from Lu Xun passed by in the middle, and kept waving at them for help, but they all waved at me directly and whizzed by. Fortunately, a car came from behind, and it was only during the communication that I realized that it was a fellow from Yunnan. He helped me tighten the screws and drove back to the surface before saying goodbye to us! ! Really appreciate this buddy, thank you. Finally, I went to the nearest repair shop at a very slow speed, only to realize that this screw is a special one. Judging from the repair traces at the connection, this place should have been loosened frequently before, and it is unlikely to find a special screw here. Replaced it with a screw that worked, and that’s it, for the first few days I had to come down and check every 100km. Although it has not loosened again, I still ordered a new part to replace it after all.

All the way he is communicating with various animals. While resting on the side of the road, a group of yaks passed by, and he blocked the smallest one inside, preventing it from going back. Seeing the herd of cattle going farther and farther, the calf screamed anxiously. Finally, the elder brother who herded the cattle couldn’t stand it any longer, and turned back to rescue the calf.

Dongda Mountain should be the highest mountain pass on this road. I said to take a photo with him, and he showed a very contemptuous attitude. In the end, I said to take a picture for him to visit here, and I persuaded him for a long time before I took a picture together.

The advantage of shooting on film is that you can leave after shooting, and you don’t spend too much time checking whether the shooting is good or not, and whether you want to reshoot.

A section of Mangkang is under construction, and the steel plates around 70 drove us both crazy! ! ! So much so that when Xiao Mo came back to describe the bad road to her mother at that time, she used vibrato to describe it. On bad roads, even the car will overtake us! ! ! My friend told me before that the steel plate would be very uncomfortable, now I understand it! ! ! In the past, when I drove the Wrangler for half a day, I would suffer from back pain, but at 70 it was the whole body pain! ! ! But even if the whole body hurts, liking it is a happy thing.

Since the incident of screw falling off, I must go to a repair shop to check the car every morning, and I have developed a habit in the end.

Checking along the way found that there are still some minor problems that need to be rectified.

When Bangda came out, the tire was punctured by the brake pad of the bicycle! ! The spare tire has been thrown in the trunk, not on the tailgate, mainly worried about being stolen at night! ! ! Fortunately, I brought a spare tire, otherwise I don’t know what to do on the road.

The 72nd turn of Nujiang Mountain, I remember that I passed this place by bicycle at night in 2007. So go out early this time. I want to take a good look at the magnificence of the Nujiang Canyon.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

Since this guy bought trekking poles, he has been clamoring for a mountain to climb every day. The whole person was driven crazy by his noise, and finally couldn’t take it anymore, parked the car on the side of the road, found a slope on the side of the road, let him have a mountain climbing addiction, and then stopped.

The magnificence of the Nujiang Canyon can only be felt deep in it. But in terms of steepness, the section in front of the salt well is even better.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

I was really sleepy at noon, so I found a shady place to sleep. He saw a lot of mani piles on the side of the road, and he piled them up so high by himself.

Time by Ranwu Lake

After dinner. He went to wash the dishes by the river, and I lay in the car reading a book in the sun.

Today, I took Xiaomo on foot on the Midui Glacier, starting from the parking lot of Midui Village, taking a break at the viewing platform and continuing to the ice tongue. In order to reach the glacier as soon as possible, I only brought a bottle of water and a piece of biscuit with me, and packed as lightly as possible. At the beginning, there was still a way to go. After an hour, it was up to Xiaomo and I to find the way forward. Several times I suggested that if we were too tired, we would return, but the little guy refused. After two hours, we finally arrived at only a few meters away from the glacier. A hundred meters away, a large number of gullies and caves created by melting glaciers straddle the direction we are heading. I saw with my own eyes that the flat ground suddenly collapsed due to the melting of underground glaciers! I hesitated at this place for a long time, and finally decided to give up and move on. At this moment, Xiao Mo hugged me and cried loudly: “Dad, we walked for a few hours, and the snow-capped mountains are so close, I don’t want to give up!” Pointing to the direction of the snow-capped mountains while crying, this guy walked for two hours without letting me hug him, and kept saying, “I want to find a stone for Mom and Little Mango on the glacier to take back as a gift!” I hugged him , kept comforting: “Some things we just do our best, and we may not succeed every time. Xiao Mo stood up and Dad took a photo of you and the glacier. Although we didn’t finally reach the glacier here, we don’t regret it baby! “I gave him biscuits during the break on the way, and he wrapped them up and put them in his pocket after eating half of them! I asked him why he didn’t finish eating, and he said that he would go to the glacier to eat for Dad later. Thinking of this and him falling down countless times, I couldn’t hold back my tears, and I was a little out of control! Finally, on the way back, he had reached the viewing point before he drank the last sip of water, and kept it until the end! Barely woke up today on the way to Bomi! The little one is so tired. Good night Xiaomo.

Considering the load, I only brought two films with me in the end, so most of the recordings were made with mobile phones along the way.

The road was very good at first

Xiaomo was very excited to see ice cubes falling from the glacier by the lake.

The further you go, the more difficult it becomes. There is no road at all in such a place, so I have to keep going to the front to find the way and go back to pick him up. He will also obediently stay where he is and wait for me to come back.

After taking this bite, he put away the biscuit, not expecting to save it for me to eat.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

When I decided to give up, the little guy wailed and kept pointing in the direction of the glacier. The seemingly short distance, even if there is no melting zone, it will take us several hours to reach it.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

I asked him to stand up and take a photo with the glacier, and the little guy was still very sad.

when retreating

He said he was a little tired, let him catch his breath. Squatting on the ground, panting with my tongue out, and asking me if I looked like a puppy, I broke down a bit.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

Not far from the viewing platform, he drank his last sip of water

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

After returning safely, we opened a bottle of drink to celebrate. From departure to return, it took a total of nearly 4 hours. The little guy collapsed from exhaustion, and wanted to find a horse for him to ride down the mountain, but this stubborn guy insisted on a red horse. He didn’t meet a red horse until he walked down the mountain. Hahaha.

The Tongmai natural barrier will become history after one year, and it will be blocked again at the last moment, from morning to night. . . . It was really powerful.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

This guy fell asleep all the way, but fortunately, all kinds of car friends came out to chat on the traffic jam, and the time didn’t feel so difficult.

Every morning, I use a thermos cup to fill a cup of hot water for Xiaomolu to make milk for. However, when there is no hot water for a whole day, I thought this stove would not be useful, but I use it almost every day. Because Xiao Mo loves milk too much.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

How many friends, like me, especially like this tree-lined road in Bomi

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

Saw a lot of car accidents on the road. I keep reminding myself to slow down, slow down.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

I heard from the driver of this car that he just lowered his head and fastened his seat belt, and the car rushed into the swamp. They thought my car had a winch, but since the winch was rarely used, they removed it before the trip. When everyone had nothing to do, a few construction excavators came, and I left with peace of mind. I thought about it later, even if the 70 is equipped with a winch, I don’t know if it can drag this 200.

I must give special thanks to the fellow who helped me, he is an enthusiastic person. Helping different friends along the way, good people have a safe life.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

Arrived in Lhasa. I really didn’t have the strength to continue driving. The fellow villagers who had helped me before continued to Mount Everest. Xiao Mo and I wandered around in Lhasa for a few days. Arrange the consignment company to ship the cooky back to Hangzhou in advance. We finally flew back directly from Lhasa, returned to Hangzhou for 7-8 days, and received cooky who returned home from Lhasa.

It was night in Lhasa, the little guy and I were in a daze

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

In the next few days, I went to Drepung Monastery and the Potala Palace.

A LC70, a trip to Tibet with a dad and a cute baby!

Cooky was about to be checked back to Hangzhou, so he washed it clean before leaving. Eight days later, when I received it in Hangzhou, it was so dirty that only the approximate color could be seen.