A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

It’s the first time to register for the forum and write a post about cars for the first time. My work is also related to the Automobile and Motorcycle Federation, and I have heard a lot of stories about the E family, haha. I think I should share my feelings.

Let me tell you some short stories with FJ first: I remember when I was about to graduate from college, probably at the beginning of 2009, because I liked cars very much, and I kept reading car magazines when I was studying, so I found a car salesman during my senior year internship. At that time, I already had my first car, selling Dongfeng Nissan, Tiida Tiida and Tianlai on Luoshan Road, but I always felt that it was not unconventional enough. I will never forget the scene when I saw the FJ for the first time. On a hot afternoon, Yongda Group was conducting sales training. The address was at the Toyota 4S store on Shanghai South Road. At the door, there are some crushed stones for decoration, and the shape is simple, like a toy. . . Let’s describe it in one line, I just glanced at you in the crowd, and I will never forget your face again.

Later, during the training, I never listened carefully to what the teacher said, and I did chat with the Toyota salesman next to me, and of course it was about the FJ. Later, my memory became blurred, but in my impression, I thought this car was very expensive at that time, with a price of 55W? I always felt that this car was a rich man’s toy, an artifact for Tibet and Xinjiang, and it was within reach. An impossible car. After returning from the training, I was deeply fascinated by this car. At that time, I remember seeing some on the road, and I always took a second look. I imagined driving this big toy-like car and going to Tibet with the girl I like. anywhere.

Thinking about it now, the little boy’s weird ideas are really naive. Later, after resigning from the sales job, he went to work in a well-known tuning shop, became obsessed with motor sports, and then started his own racing company. Gradually, the dream of owning an FJ slowly faded away. . . . Because of my work relationship, some high-end performance cars may occupy the place in my heart. FJ is like a girl who had a vague crush on her when she was a student. As time goes by, the ripples in her heart gradually disappear. When she sees her on the road occasionally, she will only say hello, oh, it’s an FJ. .

Other than that, there is no other concern. Ten years have passed in a flash. With the development of the business, I also have my own steel gun with superior performance, a sports car, and the fastest SUV in the world to carry my family, at least when I bought it. In September 2018, due to work reasons, I went to Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia to build a racing track. A series of wonderful stories happened, and the broken relationship with FJ continued from then on.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

Flock of sheep in Wuhai City

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

The scene of Ulanbu and the desert is a handsome photo in less than three seconds

Although I have never been to Wuhai, I know that Alxa League, where the Heroes Association is located, is only a few tens of kilometers away from Wuhai. So I still have some expectations for the trip to Wuhai. From Shanghai to Yinchuan by plane, Yinchuan rented a cheap Buick Excelle and drove to Wuhai. Along the way, you can enjoy the scenery of the Great Northwest and see the five-star scenic spot Shahu.

Party A in Wuhai is a well-known local coal boss and a senior off-road enthusiast. It is said that the level of sand washing is comparable to that of professional drivers…very good. After work that day, I drove to Dengkou for a walk to feel the scenery of Ulanbu and the desert. On the way, my girlfriend said that I wanted to get out of the car to take a panoramic view of the desert. Relying on the stupidity of the ignorant and fearless, I planned to leave the national highway and choose a place Take a good photo of your girlfriend, but after driving into the 5M, the car will no longer be able to move.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

It took an hour and there was no way to get the car out of the sand.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

I have used all the methods of searching on Baidu, but it doesn’t work. I am going to give up calling Party A’s father for help.

When I was at a loss, I saw a large number of old Cruisers driving towards us in the distance. I really saw a savior, waved for help, and then they stopped in front of me. It turned out to be a car of Big Brother Wu Hai, who had just returned from sand washing. They said they knew it was stuck when they saw the car parked here from a distance, so they came to ask for help. It really is the embodiment of off-road spirit. I am still very grateful to them. They pulled my car to the side of the road, left each other’s contact information, thanked them, and watched them leave gracefully.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

The off-road spirit, strangers but deliberately detoured to rescue us, I am really touched.

Back on the national road, I was laughed at by my girlfriend. I really didn’t feel like it. After such a long delay, she took a good photo, but I was miserable. According to the established itinerary, after work, I returned to Yinchuan and took a plane to go home. Because there was a section of high-speed road construction, all the national roads I took were coal trucks. Played, and got into trouble again.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

I hit a big hole in the oil pan and the car fell down again.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

Engine oil spilled all over the floor, the car couldn’t be started

Helpless, I had to call Party A’s father for help again. At about the same time, the tow truck and rescue vehicle arrived. Party A’s father sent me to Yinchuan Airport to change cars and negotiate insurance matters. The plane must be late. Party A’s father suggested that I should come back and take you to the desert for a while. It’s over. Then I will change the car and continue driving back to Wuhai City.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

trailer preparation

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

Unparalleled wonderful experience

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

switch me up and open

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

As a result, Party A’s father’s car was overturned.

Well, I set off on time to go to Ulanbu and Huosha the next day. It was really cool, and the people who led me were of a high level. According to my racing experience, I thought I could try bravely, but the car turned over again. Yes, many firsts in life have been handed over to Wuhai City. The ears, eyes, clothes, and sand are everywhere.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

At the same time, I lamented that the game this time was very difficult but very enjoyable. When I returned to the hotel, there was this FJ parked at the door. I really hope that the owner of this car can also be in this forum and see this Article, because I met your car, I started my FJ road.

After encountering this yellow FJ, I finally started to get down to business. Me and my FJ road

After playing in the desert and eating a good meal, Party A’s father sent me back to Wuhaige Lanyuntian Hotel. I ran into this yellow FJ at the door. In just a few days, after a lot of wonderful things happened, maybe I experienced it there. When I saw this FJ, I instantly recalled everything I loved about it. If I had this car, would I be so messed up in the desert? Will you wait for rescue on the side of the road?

The scene at the beginning of this article instantly recalled in my mind. It happened to be the National Day when I came back. In my impression, during the Chinese Day holiday, I was holding an IPAD at home to watch the E-family forum and the quotations of Tianjin Port. Learn the basics of FJ and even off-road from scratch. Slowly, the love for FJ got deeper and deeper, and I couldn’t extricate myself. So here I am very grateful to this forum and the masters in the forum, all my knowledge is learned from here.

First of all, I am sure whether I need this professional ORV, because I already have 3 cars and an SUV, but I am also sure that I need it, because I once dreamed of driving this car when I was young. Let’s go to the end of the world with a sword. Second, what do I plan to do after I buy it? Since I pay for my feelings, then let’s go according to my previous feelings. I plan to transform it into a bed car. I can drive it to any place I want to go. Can sleep in the car. In my impression, I have been thinking about these issues throughout October, which color is better to buy, how to modify it, and what is a more reasonable solution? How to hide from my parents, where to park the car, a series of sweet troubles.

When I learned that after the global shutdown in March 2018, only the Middle East version was sold in Tianjin Port. What I hated the most was that when I wanted such a thing, he couldn’t buy it anymore, so I pooled some money and found it that used to be in Forever. Da’s younger brother, who is younger than me, started his own business and opened a store selling parallel imports in the Free Trade Zone. After a simple communication, directly pay the deposit and help me arrange the car booking.

Color: In fact, orange is my favorite, but unfortunately it will not be available in 2013, so the second choice is lemon yellow. The first time I saw it in the 4S store, and the reunion in Wuhai was lemon yellow, so I chose this one.

Configuration: consistent style, just top configuration. I wanted to buy a manual one at first, because I like to drive a manual handlebar, but I saw the forum saying that the manual one is not good, and I can’t buy it at all in reality, so I gave up the idea.

License plate: There is really no extra license plate, so I can only hang up a Shanghai C license plate and buy it later. Let’s talk about buying a company license plate or transferring a motorcycle to a car later. I went to the Sanguan Office to get a license plate. The people there told me what to do, but I forgot. It basically means that this car has not been licensed in 2018. This is the first one. Although I think there is a reason why it cannot be sold. But it’s a pity that such a beautiful car has fallen to this point. The FJ I saw in Inner Mongolia has 088, and my license plate also has 088. Maybe this is God’s will. Since the younger brother is very serious, I will go to Tianjin for a car inspection to see the condition of the car, pay the money and drag it back. It will take about 2 weeks. During these 2 weeks, I am more concerned with how to convert it into a sleeping off-road vehicle.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

Then I went to a second-hand car market to look at the FJ, mainly to measure the size and see if it can sleep. I found out that this car is super rare and has a super high value retention rate. The 15WKM of the 2011 car was quoted at 39.8W. I was really drunk.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

Go up and lie down for a while to see the space and size of the car. The size and so on have been measured, and the modification plan has been figured out. At the same time, I have also waited for my car.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

On the first day I picked it up, I washed the car and waxed it. Since the end of November was approaching, various annual meetings started, and I was busy. I also had to work abroad for a month, so I didn’t drive to FJ again. I lent it A good friend opened it for about 2 months. After the end of the Chinese New Year and the car was returned to me, the modification officially started.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

The first accessory FJ bought in the rain was a tire cover.

A new brand FJ and some of my stories, as well as modification work

No matter how you look at it, I think it is very handsome. I will write here today, and I hope the administrator’s notification can be passed.