A series of three countries, it is China’s first international channel!


it was a spring

An old man drew a circle on the South China Sea

mythical rise of cities

Miraculously gathered golden mountains


Deng Xiaoping talked with Xie Fei and Chen Kaizhi in Shenzhen

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

1978 _

Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee

Opened the prelude to China’s internal reform

41 years have passed

Looking back on the unforgettable development process

China has undergone earth-shaking changes

many foreign economists

Both use “miracle” to describe this reform

Picture by People’s Daily Online

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

in the history of mankind

These decades are very short

But for China, in this short space-time

The people wrote with their hands

The magnificent epic of the development of the country and the nation!

At the beginning of the reform and opening up in 1982

Road transport restricts economic development

For example , there are not many vehicles on Kunluo Highway

Three-level standard road in mountainous area

Basically meet people’s travel and cargo transportation needs

Yuanjiang Bridge on the Kunluo Highway, pictured by Yuxi.com

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Enter the 21st century

rapid economic growth

Promoted the development of the transportation industry

did you find out

in many countries in asia

There are more and more roads marked with “AH”

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

“AH” stands for “Asian Highway”

It is known as the “21st Century New Silk Road”

Asian Highway Network

according to plan

This huge transportation network is as long as 140,000 kilometers

Highway that will connect 32 countries in Asia

There are 15 routes passing through China

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

AH1: (Japan) Tokyo – Bulgaria border

AH3: (Russia) Ulan Ude – (Thailand) Chiang Rai

AH4: (Russia) Novosibirsk – (Pakistan) Karachi

AH5: Shanghai – Bulgaria border

Nihonbashi, “AH1 Zero Milestone”

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

today we talk

It is a section of Asian Highway Line 3 (AH3)

The first transnational highway built in my country

Queenman Highway

Approximate route map, picture by “Self-driving Geography”

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!


There is no road in China

can be like kunman highway

like a silver ribbon

Connecting China , Laos and Thailand all the way

Become the most beautiful outbound self-driving line in the hearts of countless people

Overview of the Chinese section of the Kunming Highway, pictured by photographer Sun Yunyun

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

October 1992

The First Lancang Gonghe Sub-regional Economic Cooperation Conference

Determined the idea of ​​building the Kunming Highway

After 16 years of construction

The Kunming Highway was officially opened to traffic in December 2008

Queenman Highway was formerly

The first toll road in Yunnan

—— Kunluo Highway

from Kunming

Pass Yuxi, Yuanjiang, Pu’er, Jinghong, Menghai

The end point is Daluo town on the border of China and Myanmar

In July 1985, the collapsed mountains of the Kunluo Highway caused traffic jams

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

It was only 866 kilometers long when it was first built

Poor capacity

“Ash Road”, “Mud Water Road”

Became a joking name for passing drivers

In 1992, the Kunyu Secondary Highway was completed and opened to traffic, picture by Yuxi.com

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

The Queenman Highway is based on this

From the previous tropical rainforest climate

muddy road

Step by step to the secondary road


Finally promoted to transnational expressway

The winding Kunman Highway

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

The Kunman Highway passing through the mountains today

The starting point is Kunming

Via Yuxi, Pu’er, Xishuangbanna

Traveled more than 800 kilometers

Come to Laos , a country that advocates Buddhism

China section, picture by “Self-driving Geography”  

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Go forward more than 200 kilometers

After leaving footprints in Nanta, Boqiao, and Huishai

to Chiang Khong , Thailand

Laos section, picture by “Self-driving Geography”

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Then pass through Chiang Rai, Lampang, Tak, Nakhon Sawan, Chai Na

The final destination of arrival: Bangkok, the capital of Thailand

This road will take more than 800 kilometers

Thailand section, picture by “Self-driving Geography”

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

The total length of more than 1800 kilometers

It used to take more than 40 hours

Now shortened to about 20 hours

known as the international economics

“Kunman 20 hours along the Economic Circle Fortune Highway”


Queenman Highway

Known as “the most beautiful outbound self-driving line”

not without reason

Driving from Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau

Go south along the Quinman Highway

The approximate range of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, pictured by “Self-Driving Geography”

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

past the subtropics

All the way down the road

Stunning Tropical Landscape

Gaoligong Mountain, located in the subtropical region, pictured by member Xu Dongdong

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

kunman highway is a

The exotic route that the “sexy” people yearn for

If you are a Buddhist believer

Then it is still what Buddhists yearn for

Theravada Buddhist passage

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Buddhism is called together with Christ and Islam

One of the world’s three major religions

Buddha means “enlightenment”

Around the 6th to 5th century BC

Founded by Gautama Siddhartha

“The deeds of the spread of Buddhism to Yunnan have not been tested, but according to fragmentary records, it came from China and India.

It seems plausible to say that Buddhism was spread in Yunnan, but the mainstream came from the middle land. “

—— Historian Fang Guoyu

Yunnan is a place where the three major sects of Buddhism coexist

Northern Buddhism , Southern Buddhism , Tibetan Buddhism

The time and route of each faction’s introduction

and each other’s scale, momentum, etc.


Zongfo Temple, pictured by photographer Lao Ding

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

In the long course of spreading for more than 1000 years

The three major factions opposed the Yunnan Han, Dai, Tibetan, etc.

The culture and life of more than a dozen ethnic groups

Customs had a major impact

According to available historical documents and physical data

The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of Buddhism in the Central Plains

Northern Buddhism was introduced to Yunnan during this period

It has been thousands of years since the founding of Buddhism

Statue of a Buddhist monk at Mengle Great Buddha Temple in Kunming, pictured by photographer Mo Yi

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

The second year of Tang Kaiyuan ( 714 )

Zhang Jiancheng, Minister of Nanzhao King’s Sending Country

Went to the Central Plains to meet the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty

“Xuanzong gave a generous gift, bestowing floating images, and there were Buddhist books in Yunnan.”

at this moment

Northern Buddhism has just begun to enter this Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau

Mengle Great Buddha Temple, pictured by photographer Mo Yi

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

At that time, all ethnic groups in Yunnan believed in

Is the local indigenous pagan religion

Northern Buddhism was not popular when it first arrived

After a long struggle

Only then can it be combined with the traditional culture of ethnic minorities here

The largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Yunnan – Kardan Songzanlin Temple, pictured by member Suzuki

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Gadan Songzanlin Temple, pictured by photographer Daning Xianren

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

In the late Nanzhao period

Because the rulers worship Buddha

The development of Buddhism has entered a sprint stage

Long Shunshi

“All over the territory of Yunnan, every household we know, respecting Buddha is the first priority”

Dali period

further development of buddhism

Dali Kingdom is known as “Buddhist Kingdom” and “Miaoxiang Kingdom”

The Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple in Dali, pictured by photographer Minghu Metasequoia

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

A docile country with China as its neighbor


It is a country of Theravada Buddhism

As one of the earliest areas where primitive Buddhism was introduced

Buddhism became the state religion of Laos in 1961

Currently, about 65% of Laotians believe in Buddhism

The Arch of Triumph in Laos, pictured by photographer Daqiang

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

There are more than 2,000 temples in Laos

Every village, every street in the city

Most of the temples are concentrated in Vientiane and Luang Prabang

very beautiful

For example, Luang Prabang architecture represents Xiangtong Temple

The Jade Buddha Temple and That Luang Temple in Vientiane …

Ta Luang Temple, pictured by photographer Daqiang

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

even poor rural

A wooden house will also be built as a place to worship Buddha

In the past

Buddhist temples are not only centers of religious activities

It is also a place to spread cultural education

Monks are not just fanatical believers

They also teach people to read and write in the countryside

Young monks are praying in Sisage Temple

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

dawn every day

Monks wearing orange cassocks

Queue to leave the monastery to the street or village Huazhai

Believers will give monks rice, fruit and other food

They believe in this giving

important to your future

This is the solemn “giving” in Laos

Picture by photographer Daqiang

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Compared with Kunming and Laos

Known as the “Yellow Robe Buddha Kingdom” , Thailand

is another scene

Buddhism is the state religion of Thailand

90% of the people in the country are devout Buddhists

Not just Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Bangkok and other towns

Temples everywhere are full of

Thai religious colors

Chiang Rai White Temple

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Chiang Rai Blue Temple, picture by member Rubicon

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Monks have a high status here

Respectable and not easily offended

In the past, boys in Thailand reached a certain age

In order to show that you have reached the age of majority, you must become a monk

Shave hair at home

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

even the king

Parents and relatives will also feel that sending their children to temples

It is a very sacred thing!


Kunman Highway runs through

Let Yunnan move towards the established

“China’s Southwest Land Corridor Connecting Southeast Asia and South Asia”

One step closer to the goal

The Red River Bridge on the Kunming Highway

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

A friend who often travels on this road once said


Crossing the Ailao Mountains from the Yuanjiang River Valley

Re-enter the immeasurable mountains

the road is always curved

No stretch of road is more than 200 meters in a straight line

In the era when we were completely dependent on roads

This road is where Yunnan drivers show off their courage

It’s also a nightmare for out-of-town drivers.

Currently passing through the Yuanmo section of Ailao Mountain and Wuliang Mountain

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!


The road no longer circles the mountains and valleys

majestic highway

Flying across mountains and valleys

It has become the most magnificent scenery at the tail of Hengduan Mountains

If you want to drive the Kunming Highway by yourself

Stroll in the Golden City of Modine, Laos

Passing through Chiang Mai, the holy land of backpackers

Come to the “City of Angels” Bangkok

The red line is part of the Kunming Highway

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

Exactly next month, Yunnan, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia

The annual Songkran Festival has also started one after another.

Picture by photographer sjrsjr

A series of three countries, it is China's first international channel!

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