Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

Speaking of A00-class cars, consumers always have the inherent impression of small seating space and poor configuration. However, with the development of pure electric technology and the introduction of restrictions on license plates and numbers in major cities, miniature pure electric Its advantages such as easy parking and easy driving are very popular, and it is becoming the darling of consumers with new travel concepts.

When it comes to models of this level, it is natural to mention two top students: BYD e1 and Euler R1. For these two popular small cars, we have seen a lot of static comparisons. Today, we will pull out these two real cars, and let’s have a look at the dynamic performance of the real PK in the daily car scene!

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(BYD e1)

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(Euler R1)


Even if you don’t stop using it for seven days, it’s more reassuring to use e1’s reasonable power estimate

Speaking of electric vehicles, what are consumers most worried about? That must be the battery life, ok! Let’s start with this comparison first. According to the official data, BYD e1 has a cruising range of 305km, and Euler R1 has a range of 351km. It must be enough for consumers whose main needs are commuting to and from get off work. It can be recharged once a week, but due to the fact that many car companies have falsely reported the cruising range, consumers see the official data as if they see “pictures are for reference only” on food packaging. ! In order to get accurate data, we still experimented by ourselves.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(BYD e1)

In order to get closer to the working conditions of daily driving, we chose to conduct the test at 5 pm when the evening peak is about to start. The air conditioner and audio are turned on all the way, and the two cars start at the same time. Finally, the measured cruising range of BYD e1 is 302km, while Euler R1 benefited from 0.8kwh higher power storage and 10kw lower motor power, and finally showed a cruising range of 319km. It is worth noting the difference between the two cars here and their respective NEDC nominals.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(Euler R1)

The error of Euler R1 is too large, while BYD e1 and official data basically achieve “zero deviation”. This also confirms from the side that BYD, as a veteran pure electric car company, has excellent details in the data feedback of the battery management system (BMS).


City shuttle can be satisfying, e1 becomes more passionate when it is crazy

Perhaps power is not the focus of buyers of this type of model, but it is inevitable to overtake a car and cut a line when driving in the city, so power can be used but not without it!

Model BYD e1 Euler R1 maximum power (kW) 4535

As far as the book data is concerned, BYD e1 has a motor power 10kw higher than that of Euler R1, which makes the two have a very obvious difference in driving feeling in the acceleration action of the road test.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

Euler R1 and BYD e1, which are also pure electric vehicles, perform well by virtue of their innate “pedigree” advantages in low-speed acceleration capabilities, but Euler R1 has excellent performance in mid-range acceleration capabilities and high-speed steering feedback. Due to excessive accommodating of driving on urban roads, it clearly shows the weakness of the vehicle’s dynamic adjustment. This point is completely different when we test drive BYD e1, especially in the Sport mode, the throttle response is sensitive without any delay, and the aggressive feedback is similar to that of a kart, and the driver will not even think that this is just a car. Entry-level pure electric products. This may be due to BYD’s years of experience in the three electric cores, as well as the meticulous and extreme calibration of each product.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(BYD e1)

Through the actual test on the field, BYD e1 and Euler R1 can be said to have good acceleration capabilities at medium and low speeds from 0-60km/h. The acceleration time of BYD e1 is 6.1 seconds, while that of Euler R1 is 6.7 seconds, and e1 is slightly ahead , both cars belong to the leading level of the same level.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(Euler R1)

The whole Euler R1 series only has the first gear of economic mode, and it will still show fatigue after a little overtaking and acceleration, and it still seems a little powerless at critical moments. It is worth mentioning here that after the BYD e1 is switched to the Sport mode, the power can be on call within 90km/h, and the excellent sense of acceleration continues continuously. It is rare.

You can run fast but you can brake well, so the second thing to test is the performance of these two cars in braking action.

We have measured that the 60-0km/h braking distance of the two models is 15 meters, which is remarkable among the models of the same class. It is worth mentioning that even when the BYD e1 brakes suddenly, the solidly calibrated front shock absorber provides enough support for the head of the vehicle, so that the center of gravity of the vehicle does not move forward too much. In contrast, the performance of Euler R1 is slightly inferior. Due to the relatively weak suspension adjustment, the body posture is seriously tilted forward during emergency braking, and at the same time, the front wheels will be accompanied by a slight vibration, which can even be fed back to the steering wheel. On the other hand, it affects the driving quality more.

If the round and small R1 is like a pet for female car owners; then e1 is more like a young and cutting-edge playmate for the smart and witty e1. R1 can accompany you for a walk; while e1, as long as you pull the handbrake, you can park in an elegant posture at 180°.


The three electric cores are all good, and the e1 family platform is more reliable

Just like most of us car users, on the premise of purchasing traditional fuel vehicles, although we know that pure electric vehicles have many conveniences and advantages, we still have doubts about the relatively small amount of new energy in the world. The same is true for small new energy market segments. Corresponding to the traditional “three major components of oil vehicles”, the three electric vehicles (motor, electronic control system, and power battery) of pure electric vehicles are even more important.

As Great Wall Motors, which only entered the field of electric vehicles in 2017, this time it has made every effort to build the ME pure electric platform for the Euler R1, but its OBC (charger), “3-in-1” electric drive assembly and even electric air-conditioning compressors All are provided by third-party suppliers, and there is no liquid thermal management system for the power battery assembly. We have seen the success of Euler’s parent brand Great Wall in the field of traditional fuel SUVs, but its performance in the field of new energy vehicles still needs to be tested by time.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(BYD e platform)

In contrast, BYD has accumulated nearly 15 years of new energy core technology research and development and more than 8 years of global market testing. These hard indicators far exceed the life cycle verification capabilities of other brands of electric vehicles. The e-platform carried by the e1 is not only used in more than a dozen car models such as the e-series and Dynasty series EV models, but will also share technology with external brands starting this year. This is also the reason why most users targeting the new energy market finally “follow the crowd” and choose to join the BYD new energy family.

Round 4

Daily loading is sufficient, and the e1 tail box is easier to pick and place

Finally, on the way back, we handed over the steering wheel to the photographer who was eager to try, and fully experienced the ride experience of the two test drive models in the co-pilot and rear seats.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(Euler R1)

First of all, it is worth affirming that the co-pilot position of the two cars can not only perfectly meet the standard of leg room, but also give enough head room, and it will not look depressed at all. In terms of the rear seats of the two cars, the space is friendly enough on the premise that the main driver and the co-driver have a little understanding. But what needs to be complained is that the rear window of the R1 is still using the push-out mechanical structure of the entry-level model a few years ago, which is not friendly enough for the rear passengers; in contrast, the e1 has a completely new look. The whole series has been upgraded to an electric lift rear window, which greatly increases the practicality.

Now that the co-pilot position is achieved, it is natural to experience the essence of BYD e1: the 10.1-inch rotating pad equipped with the DiLink intelligent network connection system has an excellent display effect, and it is fun to play King of Glory first! Tired of playing, you can vibrato, and finally put down the seat, choose a popular variety show you like, and take a leisurely half-closed nap, which can be described as the ultimate enjoyment.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(BYD e1)

Finally, I would like to praise the trunk design of BYD e1. Due to the similar body size, the storage space of the trunk of the two cars is also similar. But it is also the hatchback opening method. The integrated glass of BYD e1 makes the actual tailgate opening larger, which is much more convenient than Euler R1 when picking up large items.

Able to climb steep slopes and run on the track: Small body but big energy—BYD e1 vs Euler R1

(Trunk comparison, Euler R1 on the left, BYD e1 on the right)

in conclusion

After a whole day of “field practice”, we have a deeper understanding of these two absolutely popular models in the field of A00-level electric vehicles. In terms of intelligent configuration and driving quality, compared with Euler R1, it still has obvious comprehensive quality advantages. For every pain point of pure electric vehicles, BYD has given a solution with e1, a smart car. In the current downturn of the auto market, car companies compete more on quality and heritage, which cannot be compensated by just relying on appearance or gimmicks.

Today, the trend of pure electric vehicles is clearly visible. These two boutique cars with clear positioning have surprised us and are becoming the endorsement cars that change the concept of travel and the lifestyle of young people. Will these two cars set off a new round of pure electric boom? We will wait and see.