Adding support to the fight against the epidemic, Chery Group donated negative pressure ambulances to Wuhan and Wuhu

On February 28, Chery Holding Group donated 6 negative pressure ambulances to Wuhan and Wuhu to send “armors” to the medical staff and patients on the frontline of the fight against the epidemic. Add help.

Adding support to the fight against the epidemic, Chery Group donated negative pressure ambulances to Wuhan and Wuhu

The negative pressure ambulances donated this time all come from Chery River Special Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Chery Holding Group. According to Ke Chuandeng, general manager of Chery River, in the face of the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia, Chery River volunteered to undertake two batches of emergency production tasks for a total of 40 negative pressure ambulances issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. “We started working on the whole line from the second day of the new year to overcome the difficulties of shortage of manpower, poor logistics, and lack of core parts such as chassis during the Spring Festival holiday. We worked overtime for 13 or 14 hours a day to catch up with production and delivered all vehicles on time,” Ke Chuandeng told us. Negative pressure ambulances have all been sent to Wuhan, Anhui, Henan and other places to fight the epidemic.

Adding support to the fight against the epidemic, Chery Group donated negative pressure ambulances to Wuhan and Wuhu

Adding support to the fight against the epidemic, Chery Group donated negative pressure ambulances to Wuhan and Wuhu

Negative pressure ambulances are different from ordinary ambulances. They are described as “oversized N95 masks”. Safe isolation and transfer. After the Chery River negative pressure ambulance enters the front line of epidemic prevention, it can play the role of “triple protection”. The first level of protection comes from the negative pressure ambulance medical cabin, which itself is a large negative pressure cabin. While ensuring a certain amount of fresh air input, the air in the cabin is filtered and sterilized and discharged out of the vehicle to ensure that the external environment is not polluted. The second level of protection is the negative pressure stretcher cabin. A fixed air flow field will be formed in the cabin, and the air will always flow from the clean area (medical staff area) to the infection source area (patient area), and then discharged after harmless treatment, maximizing Reduce the chance of cross-infection between doctors and patients in the cabin. The third level of protection is personal protective equipment for medical staff, drivers, and stretcher bearers.

Adding support to the fight against the epidemic, Chery Group donated negative pressure ambulances to Wuhan and Wuhu

For more than a month, in the face of the sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Chery Group has devoted itself to supporting the fight against the epidemic through various forms such as donations, overseas procurement, production of ambulance equipment, public service, and blood donation. Among them, Chery Group donated 10 million yuan, providing cash, special ambulance vehicles and medical protection materials. Chery’s overseas team launched global procurement, purchasing a total of 220,000 pieces of medical supplies from overseas and delivering them to government departments for epidemic prevention and control. 15 Chery taxi party members and drivers voluntarily signed up to join the Wuhu emergency service fleet, and provided more than 400 volunteer services for front-line medical staff, the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled, and pregnant women during the suspension of the urban bus system and taxis. 108 young members of Chery Group went to blood donation sites in urban areas in batches, collectively donating more than 30,000 milliliters of blood to support local clinical blood use and emergency blood use in Hubei. After Chery River completed two batches of negative pressure ambulance production tasks assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chery Holding Group decided to donate a total of 6 River negative pressure ambulances to Wuhan and Wuhu to cheer for Wuhan and help the hometown fight against the epidemic.