After reading these, do you still think that going to Tibet is a trip that just goes away?

After reading these, do you still think that going to Tibet is a trip that just goes away?

May every traveler who travels abroad return home safely

Some people, some things, shouldn’t and can’t be forgotten

In 2018, there were frequent accidents on the road to Tibet. We made a summary of the accidents on the platform last year and took them as a warning. Outdoor safety cannot be ignored. I don’t want you to take death as home, I want you to go back and face life bravely.

According to statistics, there were 6 fatal accidents reported on the platform on the way to Tibet in 2018, 13 people were killed and several were injured.

This article will sort out the records of accidents that occurred in 2018 in chronological order. If there are any omissions, please leave a message and add them later.

On January 7, 2018, the Ganzi Prefecture Rescue Team received a distress call from a family member of a hiker from Guangzhou, saying that a hiker from Guangzhou had lost contact after hiking through Gongga in Ganzi Prefecture. The search and rescue team found the person dead in a tent near the Liangcha River. The search and rescue team preliminarily concluded that the hiker may have died of pulmonary edema caused by severe altitude sickness.

After reading these, do you still think that going to Tibet is a trip that just goes away?

On March 25, 2018, when a self-driving car passed by Anjiula Mountain, because it was not familiar with the surrounding environment, it drove off the national road to play by the lake. The vehicle rushed into the lake, killing the driver’s mother. The incident occurred in Anjiu on the Sichuan-Tibet line. Pull the top of the mountain, Anjiulacuo.

After reading these, do you still think that going to Tibet is a trip that just goes away?

On the afternoon of June 14, 2018, a traffic accident occurred near Litang-Daocheng Zhaga Mountain on the S217 provincial highway. A bus collided with a van, resulting in the death of 4 drivers and passengers in the van.

After reading these, do you still think that going to Tibet is a trip that just goes away?

At about 4:20 p.m. on August 7, 2018, a self-driving vehicle accidentally fell into the Yalong River on the “Xinlong County” section on the way back to Chengdu from Daocheng Yading, and 4 girls passed away regrettably.

After reading these, do you still think that going to Tibet is a trip that just goes away?

At about 14:36 ​​on August 28, 2018, a small car of the “Dazhong brand” Yun L*** was driving from Zuogong County to Changdu. Sichuan Z*** “Siwei brand” small ordinary bus collided, resulting in one death and two injuries.

After reading these, do you still think that going to Tibet is a trip that just goes away?

On the morning of December 27, 2018, the Command Center of Qumalai County, Qinghai Province received an alarm. Ni Wanhui, a truck driver in Xingtai, Hebei Province, and his wife died on the way to Tibet to deliver goods. The cause was initially identified as plateau hypoxia.

lost life, may you rest in peace

To sum up the accidents: natural disasters and man-made disasters, mostly man-made disasters.

The main causes of accidents are: traffic accidents and personal reasons, we should reflect on how to avoid accidents?

The editor hereby reminds the plateau outdoor travel enthusiasts:

1. Abide by traffic laws and regulations, do not go against the road, do not overtake on curves, control the speed of the vehicle, nine out of ten accidents are faster, and one accident is enough to show the threat of speed to our lives.

2. Before starting a plateau trip for the first time, a strict physical examination should be carried out. If you find heart, lung, brain, liver, and kidney lesions, severe anemia or high blood pressure, please do not enter the plateau blindly. Don’t try to be brave, and if you feel unwell, seek medical attention in time and follow the doctor’s advice.

3. Sufficient preparation is required. The climate and weather in plateau areas are special, with strong ultraviolet rays and heavy rain and snow.

Think it over before leaving

Judging from the safety accidents on the Sichuan-Tibet line in recent years, nearly half of them could have been avoided. Although natural disasters and road risks are terrible, the blind spiritual support of “lucky psychology” and “brave mentality” is even more terrible.

Walking along the Sichuan-Tibet Road, the chicken soup for the soul that has become popular among donkey friends recently is worthy of vigilance. The superb scenery is always at risk. Many people often only think of the beautiful scenery, and do not pay attention to the risk. So “go as soon as you say, let’s talk after you leave”, “let it be, and explore slowly on the road”, so some people set off in jeans, while others set off in full attire, as if they were going to play golf on the golf course.

Although the spirit of adventure is indispensable, it cannot be carried away by the spirit of adventure.

I have met many travelers and they often said to me: what are you afraid of? It’s an honor to die on the road!

We have no right to despise our own life, because life does not belong to us. We cannot ignore society, family, responsibility.

Only by being prepared and doing enough homework can the risk be minimized.

Every way of travel has risks. Please evaluate yourself, can you bear the risks that the way of travel you choose brings to you and your family?

Backpack any time

when stepping out of the house

Please also say a word silently in your heart

Coming back alive is success! (from Messner)

at last,

I wish all friends a happy start in 2019,

Go home safely.