AIC 2019 RV Exhibition Year-end Appreciation Meeting and 2020 Exhibition Conference Held in Beijing

On November 29, 2019, just in time for the Thanksgiving Day, the AIC RV held the 2019 year-end appreciation meeting and 2020 exhibition conference in Beijing Yidorui Station Western Food and Bar Restaurant. More than 60 representatives from the organizers, exhibitors and media attended the appreciation meeting. The guests reviewed the gratifying achievements of AIC in the past year and looked forward to 2020.

AIC 2019 RV Exhibition Year-end Appreciation Meeting and 2020 Exhibition Conference Held in Beijing

The leaders of the organizers who attended the thank-you meeting included Mr. Cheng Hong, Senior Director of China National Travel Service Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Fang Dehe, Secretary-General of the RV Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Mr. Liu Hanqi, Secretary-General of the Self-Driving and Camping RV Branch of China Tourist Vehicle and Boat Association, and Ms. Du Yujia, AIC project director of Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Representatives of exhibitors are from Aiwei International, Bliss Mobil, Brunsund, Furitong, Fusheng, Heimlangchen, Huabeihui, Jinguan, Kuanhe Yima, Lanzhong, Luyou RV, Miye, Xunxing, Yate, Zhongtian, Zhongtianxing, Bigap, Heshibi, Orion and Hunting Equipment and other well-known RV complete vehicles, accessories and outdoor equipment companies. In addition, Zhongguang Media, Aika Automobile, Green Field, Off-Road e-family, Autohome, Camping World, China RV Network, RV Travel News, RV Daily, RV Market Network, RV Home, RV Information, RV Notes, Nearly 30 media including RV Review, Ju Niu, China Camping·China Camping Industry Media Alliance, CCRV China RV and Camping Channel, and B9 and other event partners were also invited to participate in this appreciation meeting.

AIC 2019 RV Exhibition Year-end Appreciation Meeting and 2020 Exhibition Conference Held in Beijing

Ms. Du Yujia first gave a welcome speech. At the same time, she reviewed the 8th AIC Touring Car Show that ended in June. “This year we have 200 participating brands and 24,008 visitors. In addition to benefiting from the vigorous development of the industry, it is also inseparable from the long-term support of developers, partners and the media. At the end of the year, we will hold this appreciation meeting, and hope that everyone will have constructive exchanges with us, with a view to Get better results next year.”

Afterwards, she made a wonderful sharing with the guests, introducing the new plans and highlights of AIC in 2020. According to reports, AIC 2020 will continue to be held in Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center on June 12-14, 2020. As a dynamic exhibition project, AIC strives for innovation and breakthroughs every year, and is based on serving exhibitors and audiences, and holds exhibitions in a pragmatic and efficient manner. Next year’s exhibition area will be expanded to 39,000 square meters, providing exhibitors with a larger display platform.

In terms of the exhibition area, two new sections will be added next year. The “Outdoor Products Exhibition Area” is specially designed for manufacturers of outdoor equipment and outdoor products. Everything related to outdoor sports products, from tents to camping furniture/equipment, air mattresses, sleeping bags and more.

Another new exhibition area is the “Campground Exhibition Area”. With the increasing popularity of RV travel, riders have higher and higher requirements for the quantity and quality of camping sites. Get first-hand information and practical information about Chinese campsites on the Internet, and actively promote camping culture among the general public.

In terms of concurrent activities, the B-end activities will not only strengthen the organization of the “Buyer Plan” and help exhibitors invite more professional buyers, but also the organizer will further develop AIC’s traditional strength of “International Exchange”. With the help of the resources and background of Messe Düsseldorf, more experts from developed countries in Europe and the United States were invited to the scene to communicate with colleagues in the industry in China. In addition, other fixed projects, such as RV technology courses, accessories pop-up stores, AIC INNOVATION, AIC AWARDS, etc. will also continue to be held.

In terms of C-end activities, the newly launched “Dream Journey” and “Novice World” last year can be said to have achieved great success. Based on the warm welcome and good market response received by the event, it will continue to be held in 2020. RV masters will provide expert consultation on the spot, and teach the audience practical skills about RV camping, so as to help RV novices and “veteran drivers” acquire the latest knowledge and understand RV travel more comprehensively and deeply. The outdoor “Automobile Culture Zone” is a new column that will be launched next year, aiming to create an entertainment world about automobile sports for the audience to visit, experience and learn. In addition, the fun-filled “Parent-Child Club” will also continue, allowing “little audiences” to enjoy themselves.

It is worth mentioning that the “AIC SCHOOL” project initiated by AIC and dedicated to popularizing the knowledge of RV camping among the people will also continue to be carried out nationwide in 2020. In 2019, AIC SCHOOL opened two training courses in Shanghai in the spring and autumn respectively, which were very popular. The participants said that they learned a lot about RV driving, leasing, and route planning. Next year, AIC will work closely with professional operators related to RV travel and well-known RV travel experts to allow AIC SCHOOL to land in more areas, so that more people who want to learn about RV camping can enter this practical classroom .

Mr. Du’s sharing aroused the attention and discussion of the audience, and the guests had enthusiastic expectations for the exhibition planning in 2020.

AIC 2019 RV Exhibition Year-end Appreciation Meeting and 2020 Exhibition Conference Held in Beijing

Afterwards, the press conference entered a grand awards ceremony. The organizers of AIC have prepared surprise souvenirs and commendation certificates for the media friends who have always been on the front line of publicity and worked tirelessly to promote the popularization of RV camping culture. strong support. Green Field won the title of “2019 AIC’s Best Outdoor Cooperative Media”, Aiccar won the title of “2019 AIC’s Best Automobile Cooperative Media”, and other media won the “2019 AIC’s Best Industry Media”.

All media have obtained a special “AIC press card”, and journalists holding this card will enjoy multiple rights and interests of the AIC exhibition.

Finally, the AIC 2019 RV Year-end Appreciation Meeting and 2020 Exhibition Conference ended successfully in a warm atmosphere of enjoying delicious food and wine and surprise lucky draw. From June 12 to 14, 2020, Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center, AIC 2020 RV Show will see you soon.