All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Time flies, and another year has passed in a blink of an eye. Last summer, I took two children on a trip to find the north, and visited the northeastern part of Inner Mongolia and most of Heilongjiang. Originally planned to experience the extreme cold in Northeast China during the winter vacation, play in the snow to my heart’s content, and then write a complete travel diary about looking for the North. Unfortunately, a sudden epidemic interrupted our plan, and we can only stay at home during the whole winter vacation. at home! After a few months of eating and drinking, people have become lazy, and the enthusiasm for coding has been wiped out. It has been dragged on until today, and if I don’t write any more, I’m afraid I will forget all the scenes of travel…

Time goes back to August last year when I started looking for the northbound journey…

Heilongjiang is the place where I was born. The 20 years of growing up have left me with beautiful childhood memories. This is the third time for my brother to go there, but my sister has never been there. She has been looking forward to seeing my father’s What does my hometown look like? For me, this is home (although the home over there is gone and demolished the year before last). It is a pity for my sister, because she can’t see the house where her father lived. .

My elder brother owns a business in Heilongjiang, and there is a car that can be lent to us for traveling, so we don’t need to drive in Guangdong when we go back this time. We will fly directly to Harbin and drive my brother’s car in Harbin to save money. During the nearly ten-day round-trip journey, our time has also become more abundant.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Leave a mark at Shenzhen Airport when I set off. My sister is ten years old this year.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

My 12-year-old brother, the child has grown up in a blink of an eye, and my brother’s height has caught up with me. This year, he has grown at a rate of one centimeter per month. Today, he is 1.8 meters tall. It’s true that you can play with your phone on the plane Well, the 5-hour voyage can be spent in mobile games.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

When we arrived in Harbin, my brother had arranged for a driver to take the car to the airport, drove into the city to find a hotel to stay in, and then took the children to visit Harbin first.

When you come to Harbin, Central Street is a must-go place. Walking through the centuries-old street, there are European-style buildings on both sides of the road, a strong Russian style, Matryoshka House, Reedos Red Sausage, Modern Ice Cream, Hua Macy’s Restaurant, the Flood Control Memorial Tower, and the Hagia Sophia a few streets away.

Central Avenue was built in the late 19th century and is the largest pedestrian street in Asia. The Madier ice cream produced by Madier Western Restaurant is a delicacy that cannot be missed.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Sitting on the edge of the Songhua River will make you feel dazed. The climate in the Northeast is cool, and the riverside is breezy, which is very comfortable.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Keeping pace with food, these things were not originally the delicacies of Heilongjiang people, but centipedes and scorpions have already climbed up on the tourist-filled Central Street…

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Hagia Sophia, the second largest Orthodox church in the world, is also a landmark building in Harbin. It is a pity that the interior of the church is being closed for renovation this time, so I can only take a look outside.

After a day of sightseeing in the city, the next day strolled in the Volga Manor.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

It has been rainy for the past few days, and the Ashi River, a tributary of the Songhua River, has surged, and half of the Volga Manor has been submerged by the rising water.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

This is the first time my younger sister saw this kind of tree in the Northeast. The bark of the birch tree is a good fire starter. When I was a child, I burned coal to keep warm at home, and a small piece of birch bark could ignite a raging fire!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

This time I went out with DJI Yu PRO, this one is the perspective of the sky.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

typical northeast architecture

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

There used to be hundreds of churches in Harbin, but now there are not many left.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Bar in the manor

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Drinking red wine in a cup made of ice in the bar in the manor is very ice city style.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

In the church, the manor is quite large and there are many places soaked in water.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

In the evening, after visiting the manor, I found a farmhouse for dinner and a swing in the farmyard.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Stupid Chicken with Pot Stickers

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Childhood memories, big white pears! Still the same taste.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

After spending two days in Harbin, I set off early on the third day. My destination is Aershan, Inner Mongolia. When I was visiting Harbin, my brother gave me an A6. It was comfortable to drive in the urban area. I was going out of the city. Unfortunately, the LC570 my brother had prepared for me was caught by the company driver. I’m out on a business trip, and I won’t be back until a few days later. No way, my brother gave me a few more options: Mercedes-Benz R, Buick GL8, Honda CRV, and this BJ40. Commercial vehicles should be the most comfortable, but we are going to many places far from the road, so I chose this BJ40 just to be on the safe side. Facts have proved My choice is very correct, this car can bring fun that commercial vehicles do not have! (This picture is the highway after leaving the city, the weather has also changed from the gloomy days before, and the sun has shown a smiling face)

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

I like the feeling of midsummer in Northeast China. The sun is shining brightly but not too hot, and the occasional breeze is cool and pleasant. The tall poplar trees are green and the grass is full of green grass everywhere…

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Walking through the country road, the guy selling local products on the tractor on the roadside, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted eggs, roasted goose eggs, and roasted corn brought back my childhood memories. I stopped and bought a bunch of them, and the three sat on the side of the road to eat. .

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Take a close-up of goose eggs, as a foodie, you must not let go of such delicacies.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

This section of the road is under the jurisdiction of Daqing City, Heilongjiang, the oil city of Daqing. In the rice fields beside the road, you can see kowtow machines that are producing oil. The partition wall in the middle of the road is also shaped like a kowtow machine, which is quite interesting.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

After passing by the Internet celebrity scenic spot Chagan Lake, the winter fishing in Chagan Lake is quite spectacular, but it is a pity that it is summer now.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Arrived in Da’an City in the evening, found a hotel to rest and have dinner. The dishes in the Northeast are very large. Three people can eat two dishes, and they can’t finish it.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Get up the next day and set off, leave Jilin Province and enter Inner Mongolia, pass Ulanhot, and enter Horqin Right Front Banner.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Lunch in Keyouqian Banner is still the portion that should be in the Northeast, fried chicken heart, fried pork with hot pepper, served with two rice (rice and millet). Have you noticed the difference between the North and the South? If you order fried pork with sharp peppers in the south, it must be a large plate of peppers with a few slices of meat, but in the north it is a plate of meat and you can’t get a few slices of peppers. Rice bowls in the north can be used as plates in the south. More than 50 yuan for a meal for three people.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

After lunch, we continued to set off and took a shortcut, but this shortcut was cross-country and met a big river. After checking, this river should not pose a threat to the BJ40. Cross the river and have a little fun by the way.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Crossing the river, the BJ40 has a strong off-road capability.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Moving on, the grasslands on the side of the road began to appear, the mountains alternated with the grasslands, the farmlands intersected with the wilderness, the scenery unfolded in turn, a beautiful picture scroll, there are herdsmen on the grassland leading horses to sell, how can we let go of those who love horse riding? , It’s just that the two guys are very ambitious, and they start to gallop as soon as they get on the horse. The horse on the grassland is no better than the horse on the Guangdong racecourse. My glasses disappeared, and they fell off halfway. Now it’s all right. Several herdsmen searched for glasses all over the mountain along the road, and finally found them.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The beautiful scenery on the roadside, fields, rivers, distant mountains, and trees dotted in between, how beautiful is this scenery!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

My sister is intoxicated by the scenery, we stop and go along the way, because there are so many beautiful scenery!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

We took a shortcut, because we knew a little about the grassland, so we gave up the route planned by the navigation when we found the rut, and crossed the grassland according to the direction, saving the distance and finding the beautiful scenery! The ruts on the grassland are very important. The ruts represent the road, so as to avoid random entry and damage to the grassland.

Large tracts of rapeseed flowers are in full bloom along the road.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

We didn’t go far this afternoon, and we were still enjoying the beautiful scenery when the sun was about to set.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The beautiful scenery on the roadside, wild flowers and meadows, you can’t appreciate the beauty without being there.

In summer in the north, there is a big temperature difference between morning and evening. As night approaches, the temperature drops sharply, and the coolness becomes like autumn.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

There are many kinds of grasslands. The grassland in Ulanqab is accompanied by green grass and yellow sand, and the sand is full of green onions. The grass is shallow. The grassland in Horqin is deep and dense. You can no longer tell whether it is a grassland or a mountain. Seeing cattle and sheep in the wind blowing grass should be this scene, the waist-deep grass is growing happily.

There are deep forests on the mountain, and grasslands nearby, dotted with several shrubs, and unknown wild flowers are blooming under the setting sun, which has a special charm.

The beautiful scenery in the afterglow of the sunset, the mist will rise in the grass in the evening, adding another artistic conception in the haze, there seems to be a farmhouse in the distance, I think the people who live in it face this scenery every day, how to describe it A kind of life.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

I’ve stayed long enough, I’m looking for a restaurant to eat before dark, it’s time to go.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

We crossed another river. The water was clear and cold. Later, we learned that this river was called “Taoer River”.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Bailang Town is located in Daxingan Mountains, on the border with Mongolia. It used to be Bailang Village of Horqin Right Wing Front Banner. Later, after Aershan was established as a city, Bailang Village was upgraded to Bailang Town. The town is not big, and it only governs There are three neighborhood committees and two natural villages. The town has a population of just over 2,000, mainly forestry workers. Now that the forestry is under protection, most of the loggers have been laid off. When I first entered the town, I saw a pair of couplets on the gate tower. The first couplet was: Put down the ax and start traveling. I can’t remember the second couplet, but this sentence impressed me deeply.

Bailang Town was the most plundered area because of its rich natural resources during the Japanese Puppet Period. There are still many bunkers and fortifications left over from the Japanese occupation period in the town. Among them, the Nanxing’an Tunnel is the most famous, with a total length of 3,000 Duomi, there is a blockhouse at the entrance of the tunnel to protect the tunnel. There are three floors above the ground and three floors underground, and the three floors underground lead directly to the tunnel. Countless civilians were expropriated for the construction of the tunnel. After the completion of the tunnel, all the civilians were killed and buried in a mass grave. The designers were two sisters in Tianjin. In order to shorten the construction period, both sides of the tunnel were excavated at the same time. With the equipment and instruments at that time, it was actually possible to do There was only a half-meter difference when they reached the crossing. Unfortunately, the two sisters were also killed by the Japanese army after the completion of the construction.

Bailang Town is now developing tourism, and there are Linsu Village, Lu Village, and Baihualin Village. Linsu Village is familiar to people all over the country because of a reality show “Dear Inn” on Hunan Satellite TV. We will stay here tonight. In Linsu Village, the proprietress of the inn specially told us that the filming location of the dear inn is not far from her home, but we are not interested in these and did not join in the fun.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The Linbao Inn where we stayed, the proprietress is a capable woman in her thirties, with a wallet of more than 100 yuan to eat.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Suppression, there are still many such wells in the rural areas of Northeast China, the water can be drunk directly, cool and sweet.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

We lived in a big kang room for three people. Although it was midsummer, the temperature difference between day and night in the forest area was huge, and the temperature at night was only a few degrees. Kang head, woke me up in the middle of the night.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Get up the next day and go shopping around. This is Bailang Wetland Park.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

There is a White Wolf Peak a few kilometers away from the inn, which is not very famous. Tourists who come to Aershan usually go straight to the Aershan National Forest Park and rarely go to the White Wolf Peak. We are not in a hurry and play casually. It was so close that I went up to have a look. After going up the mountain, I really felt that I came to the right place. This is an excellent scenic spot. The geographical features are very peculiar. There is such a mountain piled up of stones in the green Daxing’an Mountains!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

White Wolf Peak is 1511 meters above sea level, which is about the same height as Mount Tai. From the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, there are tall trees such as Xing’an larch, red pine, white birch, etc., and there are many strange pines and strange rocks. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is high in mountains and dense in forests. But when they reached the top of the mountain, they were all broken stones. The stones were as big and small as if they were broken by artificial machinery! Very peculiar! After understanding that this place was originally the remains of ancient glaciers, these broken stones on the mountain are also the result of glaciers. The uncanny workmanship of nature is really extraordinary!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

This thousand-year-old pine has a strange shape, and its branches are thicker than a human waist! It’s just that if you were born here, you won’t be famous. If you grew up in Huangshan, Taishan and other places, you must be worth a hundred times!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

White Wolf Peak is an AA scenic spot, and the two A scenic spots in the south may be artificially raised in a stockade such as an ostrich, but no one knows such a beautiful place. A driveway has been built from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and the car can drive up. There is a parking lot at the foot of the mountain. Although it is the peak tourist season, we have not seen any cars parked there. We thought we were going to climb the mountain on foot, but we happened to meet one The man with the mushroom basket on his back was about to go up the mountain. When I started talking to him, I wanted to ask what’s interesting about this mountain. The man said: Just drive up, and asked him, “Do you want to go up the mountain to pick mushrooms?” He said yes, and asked me Can you take him for a ride, so I let him in the car and chatted with him all the way. It turns out that he is a villager in Linsu Village. This mountain was contracted to be developed by his cousin, and the proprietress of the inn we stayed in is also his. Neighbor, and lamented the misfortune of the proprietress, saying that her shopkeeper had just been diagnosed with a malignant tumor…

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The road up the mountain was built by the contractor. It is not easy to build the road in this place. There are not many tourists on the mountain. The 40 entrance fee may not be easy to recover the cost. When we arrived at a mid-mountain parking lot, the administrator was the nephew of this man, and there was still a section of the road up the mountain, and we had to take their shuttle bus. The shuttle bus was a Beijing 212 with the roof removed. The administrator saw me and the man coming up together. So he told me that you can drive up directly with this car instead of taking their shuttle bus. The man kept describing to me that the mountain road is difficult and dangerous, with big slopes and many sharp bends. He said that in some places, you can only see the sky when you drive. A veteran who has been off-road for ten years, he should not be intimidated by a paved road. The fact is that there are not many dangers on the road. Just a little surprised.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Farewell to the man picking mushrooms, and drove to the top of the mountain, the vision suddenly opened up, and the endless mountains of Daxing’anling had a panoramic view! A boulder has the words “Daxing’anling” written on it, and it is a must to take pictures.

The scorching sun is in the sky, but there is no feeling of heat, and the breeze blows even a little bit of coolness. The gazebo on the top of the mountain is a place to take a break. It would be great to have a mahjong on this mountain.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Found a white wolf and quickly caught it for a photo

The plank road on the mountain, the top of the mountain is full of stones!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

A few figures were finally found here, and upon closer inspection, they turned out to be migrant workers building plank roads.

The plank road to the top does not seem to be newly built, it seems to be a few years old.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The advantage of having more stones is that it is convenient for workers to build access roads, and they only need to transport cement up.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

In the picture taken by DJI, it seems that there is no height when overlooking the mountain from a high altitude. In fact, the mountain road is still very steep.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Huge pile of rocks created by glacier movement

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Down the mountain, the house in the distance is Bailang Town. It is said that it is a town, but it is really not as big as a village in the south.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way down the mountain, there is no need to turn back. There is a winding road behind the mountain and there is another world. Passing by a memorial archway that says “White Wolf Street” has a vicissitudes of life. It reminds me of a scene in a martial arts novel, but There is a lack of a chivalrous swordsman on this street. After driving in for a stroll, I found that there are abandoned wooden houses, like a ghost town in the west, which is also interesting.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

There is a clear brook beside the White Wolf Street, with gurgling water, which adds some vitality to the dilapidated White Wolf Street.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The dilapidated streets, wild jeeps, plus me as an old man, it’s a bit interesting.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

In the upper reaches of the creek, the water is clear and the moss is mottled. My sister said that if I come again next time, I will bring some snacks such as pig’s knuckle sausage, cola beer, and have a picnic here! Um! Foodie’s insights are really extraordinary.

My sister’s reminder is that since then, every day we go out in the mountains, we will buy a bunch of pig’s feet, cooked food, and fresh fruits in the town, and lunch has basically become a picnic! So much so that my brother disliked the restaurant.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

After leaving White Wolf Peak, I drove a few kilometers to Bailang Town. The town is not big, and one street can be seen from the beginning to the end at a glance. The northerners describe it as just buying melon seeds for 20 cents and walking around.  

Although the sparrow is small, it still has what it should have. It is the only small butcher shop, and there is a fat man selling cooked food at the door, which can only be bought in the morning. His pig’s paws are really good, and I don’t know if it’s because of him, or if it’s because the pig is good-looking.

I stayed in Bailang Linsu Village for three nights. It is about 50 kilometers away from Aershan National Forest Park. From Linsu Village, you can go through the forest area to the main entrance of the national park. The scenery along the way is particularly beautiful. I walked four times in three days. Experienced in the morning, noon and evening, each time has a different aesthetic feeling.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The mountain road leading from Linsu Village to the National Park. Aershan National Forest Park is more popular! But usually tourists or tour groups who come to Aershan will choose to arrange accommodation in Aershan City or simply in a hotel at the entrance of the national park. Aershan City is in the north of the National Park, while Bailang Town is in the south of the park, so there is no With a few people, few people walk on this mountain road. It just so happens that we are people who like to enjoy the quiet and beautiful scenery alone, and no one is very good!

In this mountain, it is said that black blind wolves should travel through the forest area. There is a section of the road on the concrete road. The total journey is 50 kilometers. After running down, there are almost no other cars, so I simply let go of DJI and took a selfie on the road.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

BJ40 has an advantage, that is, its roof can be quickly removed and turned into a large transparent sunroof with a panoramic view! In such an environment, driving a convertible Jeep is “comfortable! It would be even more cool to put four microphones in front of the two guys.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

On the road, I met a pond, the water was clear, but the bottom was not visible! My brother threw a stone in and there was a bang, which must have been extremely deep. Washing your hands next to it was icy cold!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

This road goes upstream along the Tao’er River. Looking at the navigation map, the Tao’er River winds and turns and disappears here. If you want to come here, it is the source of the Tao’er River. It should be somewhere in the mountains. Spring Eye, there is no road on the map, but on the side of the main road, there is a clear path along the source of the river. We are curious to find out, after all, there is a path, BJ40 is fully capable, so we upstream.

Because it was a temporary idea, I drove upstream and forgot to take out the DJI stabilizer. I turned on the mobile phone and took pictures with my hand to record this trip to the source.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

In the depths of the forest, the road is no longer visible, the grass is deep and dense, and there are many unknown flying insects. This time, the search for the source of the Taoer River was declared a failure, but the process was successful and full of fun. I found a good place. A leisurely morning by the river…

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Taoer River

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

We stopped in a wide area, clear river and dense forest, an open area presented in front of us, my sister couldn’t wait to go down to the river to play in the water, just went down a few steps and quickly climbed up to the bank again, we I went down with my brother and tried it, and I really couldn’t wait! The river water was so cold that it seemed as if it had just flowed off an iceberg! It’s just that it’s not frozen. I really don’t understand how the river can be so cold in the midsummer when the sun is shining brightly and there are no icebergs and snow mountains nearby!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

But this is also good, this natural refrigerator is just for freezing our fruits, Mark, the mineral water in Aershan is really good, but I have never bought it since I left Aershan.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

melon eaters

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Handsome guy, even handsome if he eats melons.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Flying DJI to get a panoramic view of the sky

After eating melon, rest for a while, continue to set off to the national park.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The Aershan Scenic Area is very large, with a radius of thousands of square kilometers. There are several service area parking lots in the scenic area. After entering, choose the parking lot to park, and then the scenic spots near the service area can only be ferried by internal buses.

Aershan is a group of extinct volcanoes. The main scenic spots in the scenic area are the remains of the volcanic eruption. Tianchi is the crater, Shitang Forest is the volcanic rock, the Grand Canyon is formed by volcanic lava and rivers, and there are many barrier lakes.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

This is the Tianchi Scenic Area of ​​Tianchi Mountain. When the bus arrives at the bottom of the crater, you have to climb the stairs.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

At the top of the mountain, Tianchi looks like a large calm pond, but the water is very deep. It is said that the water depth in the center is several hundred meters.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

DJI overlooks Tianchi at an altitude of 500 meters. The lower right corner of the picture is the viewing platform we are standing on.

After swimming in Tianchi, here is the Santan Gorge trail. Santan Gorge is the upper reaches of the Halaha River. The trail is about 5 kilometers long. It is mainly a walk through the forest plank road, and there are many ancient pines.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The water of the Halaha River is also crystal clear. The vegetation here is dense and the air is very good.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The weeds in the woodland have beautiful flowers.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Tall willow

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The basalt cliff is like a relief wall, which is very ornamental.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

A landslide mountain body, it can be seen that the mountain body is full of broken stones.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Ground fissures, the soil is covered with basalt rocks.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Introduction to ancient pine trees over 400 years old

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

Take a picture with Gu Song

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

My sister found a chipmunk, which is not afraid of people. There are many such things in the Northeast.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

plank road in the forest

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The temperature is just right, the air in the forest is fresh, suitable for walking. I only visited two scenic spots today, and it was getting dark. I drove back to the Linbao Inn in Linsu Village to sleep, and continued to travel tomorrow. The tickets for Aershan can be used for multiple days.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

The next day, we continued to stroll in the national park. This picture is a swamp taken along the way.

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

All the way to the north, enjoy the Northeast!

[The content comes from the off-road e family community] 

Author: Jia Daxia
