An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Self-driving on the Xinjiang border line has been brewing for many years without a trip. The northern, eastern, and southwestern sections of the national border line have been traveled all over the country. Only the western section of the Xinjiang border line has been brewing and has not been made. If you don’t go, you will get old. 2018 In September 2009, a trip that had been planned for a long time and had not been moved could finally start.

There are a lot of post forums about self-driving in Xinjiang, nothing more than food, mountains and rivers, grasslands, cattle and sheep, and men, women, children, and the elderly with faces that are different from those in the mainland…

This trip was thrilling twice, one was to walk the border between Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia, trespassing on the border line, 4 cars ran wildly on the front line patrol road, the dust rolled up by the wheels covered the sky, frightened the sentinel , the alarm sounded for a while, and was almost targeted by the sentinel, and was finally intercepted at the sentry post, and all 4 vehicles were detained.

After eating boiled noodles at the outpost, I stayed for several hours waiting for someone from the brigade headquarters. In the end, the people from the brigade department escorted us back to the check-in area. Everyone was photographed. After the vehicle was searched, we were politely ordered to return to the second line the same way.

The second adventure is as mentioned in the title, an ancient Tasha road that is about to be submerged. Winding through the desolate hinterland of the Kunlun Mountains, the Taxkurgan River and the Yarkant River accompany each other.

, it is like a jumping blue ribbon that nourishes the people who once hid in the hinterland of Kunlun Mountains to avoid the flames of war. The brown rocks in the mountains, the clear river at the foot, the dense apricot trees, and the simple mud houses, everything looks so harmonious. Isolation from the world, if you haven’t been there in person, it’s hard to understand the isolated landscape and the beautiful humanistic scene from the text.

After experiencing the tranquility isolated from the world and praising the majesty and desolation of Kunlun Mountain, we started the Tasha Ancient Road, which is more than 200 kilometers long and full of rough sand and gravel.

This ancient road is said to be a shortcut that Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty took when he came back from studying Buddhist scriptures. Why is it called a shortcut? Because the total length is nearly 600 kilometers from the Hongqi Lapu Port to Kashgar and then to Shache County, and it is from the northern end of Taxkorgan County. This ancient road is less than 300 kilometers long, and the mileage is reduced by half, but its thrilling degree is no less than Bingchacha, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is better than Bingchacha.

Leaving the Fengshui Tianmei residential area, leaving the quiet and narrow asphalt road, you enter a winding mountain road that is similar to the original excavation, and then there is an uninhabited no-man’s land. The mysterious and unpredictable Panshan Ancient Road.

For my car skills who have traveled around the country by self-driving around the borders of the country, walking on this road is also sweaty, guilty and timid. For me, who never knows what fear is, this is the only time in my life. . If you think I’m a bit of a mystery, then take a walk around and experience it before being submerged in water!

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

The suspension bridge over the Yarkant River has no guardrails at all, and walking on it is a trembling.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Slow down and experience the feeling of isolation as you drive on the quiet narrow asphalt road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

The clear Yarkant River has bred the survival of generations of people who once avoided the flames of war.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Driving this big guy, walking this ancient road is really an unprecedented torture. The wheel base almost occupies the lane, and the other car has to find a slightly wider place to give way. One side of the car is almost flush with the roadside, and Fortunately, the nearly 200-kilometer ancient road will only be driven once. Its degree of desolation can be described as five stars.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Damming the river, it won’t be long before this ancient Tasha road will be submerged in the Yarkant River, and the majestic Kunlun Mountains will be forever wrapped in a jade belt. Areas of several hundred kilometers will be completely dehumanized.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

On the winding and bumpy ancient road, driving on it, I have no time to take care of the scenery on both sides, and stare at the road with my eyes

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Nearly more than 200 kilometers are such narrow original roads

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Fortunately, no rockfall happened on the top of the mountain, otherwise it would be over.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

The hinterland of Kunlun Mountain is brown and deserted.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

I don’t know what happened to the people in the car, God bless them safe. The car is gone, life is the most important thing.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

A bump, the camera hit the roof and took this picture.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

The ground is really big, and the things are really thin.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

The purchase of construction machines has not been avoided. It can be seen how difficult and dangerous this Tasha Ancient Road is.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Such residences are rarely seen now. Although the Yarkand River flows through, the rainfall here is so rare that these houses do not have an inch of tiles to cover the roof.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

Seeing that the dam is about to be built. Water storage is just around the corner.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

This road will no longer exist in the future, and this is my last experience.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

The reservoir area here has been formed.

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road

An ancient road that is about to be submerged, a shocking ancient road——Tasha Ancient Road