Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

2019 China Tower (International) Rally Volunteer Recruitment Notice

The definition of volunteers for the 2019 China Tower (International) Rally: It is recruited by the Xinjiang Ring Tower Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Club (Limited Liability Company), under the unified management of the Ring Tower Rally Organizing Committee, and issued with an identity card for the Ring Tower Rally. Those who work at the time and position designated by the rally organizing committee and volunteer to serve the 2019 China Ring of Towers Rally.

1. Basic conditions for volunteers

1. Voluntarily participate in the volunteer service of the 2019 China Tower (International) Rally;

2. Born before May 1, 2001 (inclusive), in good health;

3. Comply with Chinese laws and regulations;

4. Be able to participate in pre-competition volunteer training and related activities;

5. Able to serve continuously for more than 15-20 days during the 2019 China Tower (International) Rally (May 15, 2019-June 5, 2019);

6. Applicants whose mother tongue is not Chinese should have standard Chinese language communication skills;

7. Possess the necessary professional knowledge and skills for volunteer positions;

8. High dedication and team awareness.

2. Rights of Volunteers

1. Understand the volunteer policy of the Games;

2. Express the willingness of the job position before the position is determined;

3. Obtain the necessary job security during the event;

4. To safeguard their legitimate rights and interests;

5. Volunteers who participated in the competition will be appraised and commended and won the ring tower souvenirs;

6. Put forward opinions and suggestions on the volunteer work of the competition;

7. Application to quit volunteering.

3. Obligations of Volunteers

1. Abide by the rules and working systems of the 2019 China Ring of Towers Rally;

2. Fulfill the voluntary service commitment signed by me;

3. Obtain and complete corresponding professional knowledge training;

4. Obey the arrangement of the Organizing Committee of the Tournament Rally for volunteer service positions;

5. Obey the command and deployment of the Organizing Committee of the Tournament Rally, and conscientiously complete the tasks of volunteer service;

6. Obey the management of the team group you belong to during the volunteer service.

4. Recruitment of volunteers

1. source

Volunteers for the 2019 China Tower (International) Rally will recruit a certain number of event volunteers from residents of all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, overseas Chinese and foreigners.

2. Recruitment of volunteers for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally (137 people in total)

15 people from the secretariat of the event headquarters (including the event command center)

Event News Center 12

Logistics service 10

Fuel guarantee 7 people

Rescue guarantee 10 people

Helicopter rescue 10

Camp group: 30 people

Communication work 5 people

10 doctors

10 nurses

15 judges

Promotion center 3 people

3. Registration time:

March 26, 2019—-April 15, 2019

The order in which applications are submitted has no effect on the final selection of volunteers; no application will be accepted after the above deadline;

4. Registration method:

1) Go to the “Home Page—About Us——Volunteer” on Huanta’s official website, enter the volunteer registration window, fill in the registration form according to the prompts on the webpage and submit it. (Reminder: Registration will officially start on March 26, 2019. All information registered before March 26 in the background of the official website has been cleared, and information will be recorded from now on!)

Ring Tower official website

Consulting telephone: 0991——3336243

2) Volunteer recruitment process

Click Volunteer Registration——Fill in the registration form (* item is required)—Submit—Wait for review by the supervisors of each group—Volunteer interview—Email or phone notification of admission (official website announcement)—Volunteer training—Open the ring Tower Journey…

If you cannot arrive at the interview site due to geographical reasons during the interview, the organizing committee will arrange an online video interview time.

5. Volunteer training

1. General training: the content includes the basic overview and knowledge of the Tournament Rally, competition rules, order and related norms.

2. Professional training: the content includes relevant professional knowledge and skills that should be mastered according to the professional requirements of volunteer service positions.

3. Job training: content includes job responsibilities, job tasks, business processes, operating specifications, etc.

6. Guarantee and motivation of volunteers

(1) Job security

1. Issue identity registration card;

2. Provide work signal suits;

3. Provide food and lodging during the working period;

4. Provide transportation during working hours;

5. Provide personal accident insurance during work;

(2) Honor incentives

1. Issuing a certificate of volunteer service for the Tournament Rally;

2. According to the service time and service effect, select outstanding competition volunteer individuals and teams, and award honorary titles;

3. Receive souvenirs from the Tournament of Towers Rally (such as 2019 commemorative album, etc.);

4. After the competition, the official website will set up a volunteer commemorative section for centralized reporting and commendation.

● Competition volunteers outside Urumqi, Xinjiang shall bear the round-trip transportation expenses from their place of residence to Urumqi, as well as the accommodation and catering expenses outside the working period.

● If the loss of the event is caused by temporary withdrawal or work error, the corresponding liability for compensation shall be borne.

● For volunteers who fail to fulfill their obligations, the Organizing Committee of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally has the right to cancel their volunteer qualifications.

The recruitment of volunteers for the 2019 China Tower (International) Rally will be explained by the Volunteer Work Coordination Group of the Organizing Committee of the 2019 China Tower (International) Rally.

2019 China Ring Tower (International) Rally Organizing Committee

March 26, 2019

Volunteer Responsibilities

Logistical group—the super “dad/mother” group on the ring tower arena

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

Job Responsibilities:

a) Assist the person in charge of the front office of logistics board and lodging to book the hotel where the competition headquarters will stay, and formulate the check-in form for the competition headquarters;

b) Reasonably arrange room check-in and catering according to the changes in the staff of the event headquarters;

c) Assist the person in charge of logistics, board and lodging, finishing and aftermath work after the evacuation of the competition headquarters, dealing with remaining problems and checking and liquidating accounts;

d) Deal with problems calmly, and report the problems that can not be solved within the scope of authority to the vertical responsible person at the first time.

e) Don’t say what shouldn’t be said, don’t do what shouldn’t be done.

f) Persist in doing it: be gentle, speak slowly, express clearly, and resolve quickly.

g) Since the front station group works alone, the required fragmentary materials should be carried with them.

h) Assist in the execution of the opening and closing ceremonies.

Camp Group – Guardians of the Ring Tower Camp

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

We are people who have been looking for another self on the road, who can laugh out loud, and are the most genuine group of people who laugh. Don’t think about life in your own small world, find someone who loves off-roading and ring towers and go on the road together!

The Huanta brings these like-minded good men together just for the common cross-country dream in their hearts. They are lunatics in the eyes of outsiders. Dare to chase, they bloom the most authentic self.

Job Responsibilities:

a) Complete camp construction before the arrival of large troops: plan parking areas, camping areas, dining areas, sanitation areas, competition headquarters and other areas according to geographical and climate conditions; set up regional work; complete the construction of outdoor camping life infrastructure. (such as catering, security and fire protection, toilets, power, lighting, etc.) Arrangement of various guide flags and signs in the camp.

b) For the transportation of camp infrastructure materials, timely inventory before the game, good maintenance and inspection during the game, and complete storage after the game.

c) Maintain parking order in Daying.

d) Camp security work at night.

e) Do a good job of environmental protection in the camp area.

f) Cooperate with outdoor cooking to maintain dining order safely.

g) Make an emergency response plan for emergencies.

Ring Tower Secretariat—Playing the role of a bridge to build a communication platform for events

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

The 20-day Rally around the Tower has passed, and our 20-day voluntary love around the Tower is insignificant in this age full of love, but it is precious in terms of the years we have experienced around the Tower. ——Secretariat Yang Miao

Job Responsibilities:

a) Assist the person in charge of the secretariat to do a good job in driver registration before the race, overall planning of the race meeting, administrative inspection and vehicle inspection, etc.

b) Assist the person in charge of the secretariat in copying and distributing event-related documents, and counting, packing and distributing race supplies.

c) After arriving at each event camp, complete the construction of the secretariat and the event headquarters work site as soon as possible.

d) Ensure that all materials and equipment (such as laptops, printers, copiers, etc.) are kept intact when leaving each event camp.

e) Establish a smooth and good relationship with other groups such as the news center and logistics, and do a good job in the horizontal and vertical communication of announcements, documents, and notices.

f) Serve as the communication bridge between the race headquarters and the racers, team managers, support staff, and conference staff, and assist the person in charge of the secretariat to answer and solve the questions raised by all parties in a timely manner.

g) Complete other related work arranged by the person in charge of the secretariat of the organizing committee.

Medical Pursuit Team—Angels in White on the Race Track

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

Huanta believes in sweat, persistence, cooperation, persistence, and all those who are running towards the goal. Huanta does not believe in tears, because the tears of Huanta people will be released at the moment when the race is over, and they will do their best for themselves. The baptism of the ring tower allows everyone to meet a better self——Medical volunteer Zhang Hui

Medical group:

There is such a group of teams in the ring tower race. There is a conspicuous red cross mark on the hood. They are stationed at dangerous waypoints in each stage, so that all passing cars can clearly know that this section is an exclamation mark section. Please slow down Row. Professional doctors, nurses, experienced drivers and rescuers serving the event are stationed in these vehicles. They are affectionately known as the F Medical Pursuit Group. The vehicles responsible for rescue are distributed at each K point in the stage, and are responsible for recording the elapsed time of the participating vehicles.

Communicate promptly with race directors by radio to confirm that all vehicles have passed safely. The most important thing is to be responsible for the rescue in case of unexpected accidents during the race. When the race commander finds that there is an abnormality in the vehicle during the race, they will call the pursuit car as soon as possible. Go to the scene of the accident to confirm. If anyone is injured, doctors and nurses will give emergency treatment to the racer as soon as possible to escort the accident.

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

Job Responsibilities:

a) Assist the fuel supervisor to complete the statistics of the quantity and amount of vehicle refueling, which is required to be accurate.

b) Assist the fuel supervisor to contact the gas stations in various places in advance.

c) Timely and accurate release of refueling notices (including the time and place of refueling for racing cars and working vehicles, etc.).

d) No-man’s land assists fuel vehicle drivers to refuel the specified racing cars.

e) Patiently and carefully explain the questions raised by the competitors related to the fuel group without conflicts.

f) Assist the fuel supervisor to make an emergency response plan for emergencies.

g) During the refueling process, maintain vehicle order and work in strict accordance with fire safety requirements.

h) Assist the fuel supervisor to do other work.

Helicopter Rescue Team – Guardian Angel on the track

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

A sound of assembly made the friends of the helicopter rescue team from all over the world gather together in the Huanta, not for money, not for fame and fortune, but only for the beloved Huanta. We could only meet once at the beginning and once at the end, but we became bosom friends for the ring tower we love together. No one thought that this agreement would achieve this eternity.

Job Responsibilities:

a) Provide assistance to vehicles and drivers who request assistance from the General Assembly.

b) Under the premise of ensuring the safety of vehicles and racers, be responsible for the safe and reliable rescue of damaged vehicles (including motorcycles) to the race camp or driving section.

c) Vehicles exiting the stage should be carefully protected for traction and loading to avoid secondary damage to the vehicle.

d) The vehicle should be carefully inspected before the rescue. When the safety factors of the rescued vehicle and the personnel of the rescued vehicle are involved, the hidden danger must be eliminated before the next step of rescue can be carried out.

e) Carefully check the internal items of the vehicle to be rescued, such as the driver’s GPS, personal valuables of the driver, accessories and tools, etc., and do a good job of registering before the rescue and handing over to the driver or the team after the rescue.

f) When encountering special circumstances, keep a clear head and deal with them decisively and calmly.

g) When dealing with possible dangerous situations, there should be foresight, and hidden dangers of accidents must be eliminated.

h) Treat every racer as his own relatives, and relieve the psychological pressure of the rescued.

Communication group – “listeners” on the ring tower arena

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

Ring tower is fate, it is hard to say goodbye. The 2015 China Ring Tower (International) Rally was a beautiful encounter. Many volunteers met here and forged a deep friendship. Year after year, the Huanta communication group has left their own enthusiasm, perseverance, and bravery in the Huanta, and spread the natural smile and our love to more people.

Job Responsibilities:

a) First of all, familiarize yourself with the operation process mechanism of the competition and the work process and schedule of the communication group.

b) Before the administrative inspection, assist the racer to install and debug the vehicle, and the radio station must meet the communication requirements of the conference.

c) It must be kept in mind that the entire event relies on communication to run. Once there is a communication problem, it will bring serious consequences to the event. The details determine success or failure. There should be no relaxation, negligence, or carelessness in the communication work. Troubleshooting must be done before the game starts.

d) Maintain unimpeded communication with other base station groups during work, understand the working status of other groups in order to adjust the communication of this group in time, so as not to change.

e) Familiarize yourself with the number, location, and equipment distribution of base stations in each stage before the game, so that you can use the equipment more scientifically and rationally to complete the game guarantee.

f) Take good care of the communication equipment, check it in time before the game, maintain and check it well during the game, and put it into storage after the game.

Referee team: As long as there are cars coming to the finish line to report, no matter how late, we will stand on the last post

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

This is the second time I have come to Ring Tower. From the first time I wanted to experience it, I wanted to see different scenery, feel the passion of cross-country, and meet different friends. Now that I have a deeper understanding of it, I will find that Ring Tower It has been printed on the body like a totem, and it can’t be wiped off! The experience of two volunteer referees made me understand more about responsibility, a kind of responsibility for drivers and events, no matter how early the start, strong wind, heavy rain, sandstorm, when all the cars are sent out safely and on time from me , is a kind of satisfaction for me! Looking at the smoke and dust pulled out by the car in the distance, there is a feeling of passion! Let you experience the charm of ring tower and off-road! ——Peng Hucheng, volunteer of the referee team

Job Responsibilities:

a) Assist the person in charge of the referee team to do a good job in car inspection during the race, starting and receiving cars, etc.

b) Assist the person in charge of the referee team to do a good job in counting, packing and distributing the contestants’ supplies.

c) After arriving at each competition camp, complete the construction of their respective work sites as soon as possible.

d) Establish a smooth and good relationship with the Secretariat, logistics and other groups, and do a good job in the horizontal and vertical communication of announcements, documents, and notifications.

e) Complete other related tasks arranged by the head of the judging group of the organizing committee.

News Center——the “window” to publicize the Ring of Towers Rally

Announcement | Volunteer recruitment for the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally officially launched

This is a friendly group, but also a warm home. We are a group of children from all over the motherland, walking together on one-sixth of the territory of the motherland, showing off the brilliance of youth; here, there are old ring towers and “rookies” who have never touched off-road, but every volunteer They are all able to fulfill their duties in their respective positions and contribute their youthful energy. Because of fate, we met; because of the unknown, we move forward; because of love, we are wild for dreams, no matter what reason we come to the ring tower and get acquainted with the ring tower, but we have enough reasons to believe that from southern Xinjiang Heshuo has been in Beitun, northern Xinjiang for more than 20 days. We have tasted delicious food together, seen beautiful scenery, stepped on the desert, and faced high temperatures. We had meetings together until three or four in the morning and went to bed at three or four in the morning, and woke up at seven or eight in the morning. …Those experiences allowed us to establish unforgettable and deep friendships, and thanks to the ring tower, we got to know the lovely people around us. ——To everyone in the Huanta Press Center

Job Responsibilities:

a) Pre-match reception of the official media reporters of the Ring Tower, including pick-up at the airport, sorting out and distributing journalists’ event supplies, etc., initially establishing a good relationship with the media reporters, and assisting them to adapt to the environment and understand the event trends as soon as possible.

b) Assist in the board and lodging of all media personnel during the event, vehicle arrangement, supervision and installation of vehicle radios, and recovery in good condition.

c) Assist in the collection of news texts, pictures and videos from the media about the event.

d) Volunteers in charge of photography, shooting competition scenes, close-ups of people (competitors, referees, officials, media reporters, volunteers and other staff from various departments), work scenes, and cultural scenery along the way. The press center has the right to use all photos taken by volunteers responsible for photography.

e) Establish a good relationship with the event secretariat, obtain event information accurately and quickly, and issue timely announcements on the event bulletin board.

f) The construction of working equipment for the news center in field camps and urban hotels (such as installation and debugging of printers, copiers, and computers) provides a smooth and fast information transmission environment for the news media.

g) Assist in maintaining the official website of Huanta, edit the text and pictures of the event, and release the latest information about the event in a timely manner.

h) Complete other related tasks assigned and assigned by the person in charge of the news center.