BMW Brilliance builds the world’s first 5G vehicle production base

Relying on its strong strength in Industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing, BMW Brilliance continues to innovate and strives to lead the transformation of digital production in the 5G era. Recently, its Shenyang production base has realized the first technical iteration of 5G network, and the transmission rate of mobile network terminals has been increased to 1Gbps, which has greatly improved the efficiency of data transmission and laid a solid foundation for further exploration of the application of 5G in the production field. As early as April this year, BMW Brilliance completed the 5G network construction of its Shenyang production base and took the lead in launching the application demonstration project – testing 5G transmission of vehicle data, becoming the world’s first automobile manufacturer to apply 5G technology to the field of automobile research and development and production .

BMW Brilliance builds the world's first 5G vehicle production base

100% coverage of 5G signals in the three major factories, with a transmission rate of 1Gbps

BMW Brilliance has laid out ahead of schedule with a forward-looking vision to promote the construction of 5G network. As the first 5G demonstration unit in Shenyang, BMW Brilliance began to fully construct 5G base stations at the Tiexi Factory, Dadong Factory and Powertrain Factory of the Shenyang production base in October 2018. A total of 21 iron towers and 35 5G base stations were built. In April this year, 100% 5G signal coverage of the three major factories has been achieved, with a total coverage area of ​​more than 3 million square meters.

The BMW Brilliance Shenyang production base has adopted the dual-operator 5G network of China Unicom and China Mobile. By enabling mobile edge computing technology, secure and flexible switching between private and public networks in 5G factories can be realized. After only three months of technical iteration, the transmission speed of the current 5G network in the production base has rapidly increased from 600Mbps at the beginning of its establishment to 1Gbps. At this speed, a high-definition movie can be downloaded in just a few seconds.

Take the lead in launching 5G transmission of test vehicle data to explore more production application scenarios

The characteristics of ultra-high bandwidth, ultra-low latency and high reliability of 5G technology will greatly increase the speed of data processing and provide a basis for improving production efficiency, product quality and production flexibility. BMW Brilliance not only actively deploys 5G network construction, but also actively explores 5G application scenarios in combination with the actual R&D and production to effectively improve productivity. On April 26, 2019, the first 5G application case of BMW Brilliance – the 5G transmission project of test vehicle data was launched. Now BMW Brilliance is based on the ultra-high bandwidth 5G network environment, which can realize the real-time return of test vehicle data, thereby greatly improving the efficiency of data collection and analysis, and providing sufficient support for the subsequent remote update of a large number of test vehicle data and remote diagnosis. technical reserves.

BMW Brilliance builds the world's first 5G vehicle production base

The test vehicle data 5G transmission project is the BMW Group’s first 5G application in the world. Currently, BMW Brilliance has begun to conduct in-depth research on the application of 5G technology in more manufacturing processes. In the future, the factory plans to explore and practice 5G technology applications including augmented reality, sub-meter positioning, efficient cloud control of AGVs, human-computer interaction of wearable devices, communication between robots, and communication between “fixtures” on the robot arm and the controller. Scenes. These applications will make full use of 5G’s ultra-high bandwidth, ultra-high density, high reliability, and ultra-low latency to bring about major changes in automobile production. At the same time, the BMW Group is committed to promoting the construction of 5G networks in its global production bases to achieve smarter production. It is currently working on building an independent 5G network at its factory in Germany.

Dr. Wei Lande, President and CEO of BMW Brilliance Automotive Co., Ltd. said: “As a key technology for the digital transformation of the economy and society, 5G will have a profound impact on the production field. BMW Brilliance will take this opportunity to actively explore and practice 5G innovative applications to improve The level of industrial productivity, and lead the high-quality development of China’s auto industry.”