BMW Brilliance focuses on the development of local talents with dual vocational education

On June 20, the Sino-German (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Summit Forum was successfully held in order to build a high-end advanced manufacturing cooperation platform between China and Germany. During the forum, BMW Brilliance Automotive Co., Ltd. signed 10 dual-system vocational education cooperation agreements with 9 universities and vocational technical schools in Shenyang, jointly opening a new chapter for BMW Brilliance vocational education. At the same time, in order to further deepen the talent localization strategy, BMW Brilliance and the Sino-German (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park signed the “Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation between the Management Committee of the Sino-German (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park”, and With the support of the Shenyang Municipal Government, they jointly unveiled the “BMW Brilliance Training Center”.

BMW Brilliance focuses on the development of local talents with dual vocational education

Reserve high-quality talents to achieve sustainable development of enterprises

In 2018, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of its founding, BMW Brilliance announced a series of future layout measures such as new investment, reconstruction and expansion of production bases, marking the full opening of a new chapter of high-quality development “in China, for China, and for the world” .

In order to meet high-quality development and respond to digital transformation and “Industry 4.0” production needs, BMW Brilliance has implemented a targeted and differentiated future-oriented talent development strategy. As an important part of it, BMW Brilliance’s new vocational education project combines the German “dual system” vocational education concept with the actual situation in China, adopting the “1+1+1” of “vocational college + training center + on-the-job training” “The vocational education model meets the training needs of BMW Brilliance for high-skilled technical workers.

BMW Brilliance focuses on the development of local talents with dual vocational education

This time, BMW Brilliance signed dual-system vocational education agreements with a number of colleges and universities, which not only expanded the dual-system education model to higher education institutions for the first time, but also significantly increased the scale of vocational education and reserved more talents for the sustainable development of the company. High-quality technical and production talents help realize the double breakthrough of “quality” and “quantity” of BMW Brilliance dual system vocational education. In addition, as another successful example of government-enterprise cooperation, the “BMW Brilliance Training Center” will not only meet the training needs of the new vocational education program, but also provide BMW Brilliance employees with training in leadership, research and development, and intelligent manufacturing, providing A solid foundation for sustainable future success.

A win-win situation for all parties, setting a new benchmark in the industry

At the forum, the “Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Management Committee of the Sino-German (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park” signed by BMW Brilliance and the Sino-German (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park (“Sino-German Park”) To establish a cooperative relationship in cross-enterprise training, the two parties will share training venues, equipment and consulting services, so as to realize the rational distribution of resources and the consistency of student training standards and quality. The opening of the training center will train front-line production employees for BMW Brilliance; at the same time, relying on the successful experience of the dual vocational education model, BMW Brilliance will provide professional and systematic guidance and consultation for the training center.

The joint construction of the government, universities and BMW Brilliance will realize the deep integration of the talent chain, innovation chain and industrial chain on both sides of supply and demand, and help Shenyang build a systematic and comprehensive vocational education ecosystem. In the future, Zhongdeyuan Intelligent Manufacturing Cross-enterprise Training Center will provide professional talents for the upstream and downstream related enterprises of the whole value chain of the local automobile industry, effectively promote the development of the automobile industry in Shenyang and even Liaoning Province, and contribute to the revitalization of the old industrial base in Northeast China.

Continue to explore to help the development of China’s vocational education 

With the high-quality development of my country’s economy and industrial transformation and upgrading, the country’s demand for various technical and skilled talents has surged, and the importance of vocational education has been further highlighted. Under the background that the country advocates vigorously developing vocational education, BMW responded positively. As early as 2006, it drew lessons from Germany’s advanced dual vocational education model and carried out vocational education in the form of school-enterprise joint education. After years of practice, through the BMW Education of Service Technology (BEST) and new vocational education projects, BMW has established a complete and systematic vocational education system, thereby strengthening the reserve force of the entire industry and establishing a new vocational education system. benchmark.

BMW Brilliance focuses on the development of local talents with dual vocational education

Over the years, BMW Brilliance’s continuous investment and great success in vocational education has been recognized by the government, colleges and all walks of life. The cooperation with Zhongde Park, the local Education Bureau, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and other departments in vocational education is a strong evidence that BMW Brilliance has joined hands with all parties to explore the development of vocational education in China. The series of innovative measures in the field of dual-system vocational education not only demonstrates BMW Brilliance’s determination to actively fulfill its corporate social responsibility and its commitment to contribute to local development, but also provides a useful reference for the development of modern vocational education in China.