Bridgestone donates 3 million yuan to support the fight against the novel coronavirus

March 9, 2020, Shanghai, China — Bridgestone Corporation and Bridgestone (China) Investment Co., Ltd. announced a joint donation of RMB 3 million to the China Charity Federation and charities in several other provinces and cities. Rescue and recovery measures to help China under the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Bridgestone donates 3 million yuan to support the fight against the novel coronavirus

The donated funds will not only be used to assist hospitals in purchasing medical equipment to fight the novel coronavirus and carry out other recovery activities across the country, but will also provide direct and immediate support to medical staff on the front lines of the epidemic.

Taihiro Morita, general manager of Bridgestone (China) Investment Co., Ltd., said: “We extend our deepest condolences to those affected by the new crown virus, especially those who have lost family members.”

“Adhering to the corporate social responsibility concept of ‘Our Way to Serve’, we pledge to fully support the fight against the novel coronavirus. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to all medical staff and volunteers who are fighting on the front line of the epidemic With great respect,” added Taihiro Morita.

In addition, Bridgestone has been paying close attention to the epidemic situation, and has taken the initiative to take a series of active measures to stabilize production and operation, while ensuring the safety and health of employees.

The following is the list of recipients:

Bridgestone donates 3 million yuan to support the fight against the novel coronavirus