Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas…

After Iran announced the implementation of the electronic visa policy on paper last year, according to a report by Iran’s Mehr News Agency on June 29, the Iranian government has approved the implementation of a visa-free policy for Chinese tourists!

The policy was announced by Wali Temori, vice-chairman of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. The report quoted Temeri as saying that Chinese tourists visiting Iran will no longer need to obtain visas.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

According to reports, this decision is to attract more foreign tourists to Iran. However, this is only a unilateral measure, and the relevant details and implementation time have not yet been announced.

However, for babies who have long wanted to go to this country and are worried that it will affect visas from other countries, this is a great benefit!

Then, take a chance and meet this mysterious and beautiful country!

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

Iran has always been labeled with too many labels-desert, oil, war, terrorist attacks, low status of women, religious extremists… so when its name is often mentioned, it makes people shudder.

But what is the real Iran like?

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

People who have been to Iran say that this country is very safe, you don’t even need to be on guard;

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

by Ant Honeycomb@greatness

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

People who have been to Iran say that the civilization here is very ancient, and the splendid history and culture will amaze you;

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

People who have been to Iran say that the scenery here is beautiful and charming, and it is worth stopping and savoring quietly…

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

In short, everything here is not what you once imagined.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

1. Tehran

film location

This is the largest city in Iran. It has the frightening scene in the movie “Escape from Tehran”, as well as the love and hatred of ordinary Iranians in “A Parting” and “Salesman”.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

For tourists from all over the world, Tehran is like a magnet, attracting people who want to walk into it. And Tehran, the capital, never disappoints.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

The mosque here is a model of the Persian Empire with its almost perfect architectural style;

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

@Miss L of last name D

This is a place with a high happiness index. People are kind and enthusiastic, and they are always curious about new things. They like to lay carpets at home, and people also like to keep some small pets.

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Because of politics and religion, there are always people who want to escape from it, but because of culture and history, there are always people who want to approach it.

2. Shiraz

The legendary capital in “One Thousand and One Nights”

“City of Culture, Roses, Love and Gardens” – Shiraz, one of the oldest cities in Iran, is the Persian soul of “Rose and Nightingale”. It is also the capital of the Zand Dynasty, and every corner is full of rich historical and religious atmosphere.

In Shiraz, there is the Mok Mosque, which is known as the most beautiful mosque in Persia. Because the pink color of the glaze on the outer wall is the most prominent, it is also called the Pink Mosque.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

It is small in size, but it has the reputation of being the most beautiful mosque in Iran. Walking into the mosque is like entering a kaleidoscope world. The light is projected on the Persian carpet through stained glass, forming a wonderful combination of colors and light and shadow.

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In addition to light and color, the mosque’s intricate glazed tiles, spectacular domes and other architectural designs are breathtaking.

3. Kashan

Persian Garden & Rose Town

This urban oasis on the edge of the Kavir salt desert is one of the most attractive destinations in Iran. Kashan is known as the “Hometown of Roses” in Iran because of its rich rose water and rose essential oil.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

Here, you can live in a Middle Eastern courtyard in the nineteenth century; marvel at the architectural aesthetics of the Persians, and enjoy the visual feast of geometry, color and light.

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This is a small town that many people may miss, but its beauty is not only in those important towns where culture and art are integrated, but there are still amazing places hidden in such a small town.

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Kashan has preserved many traditional Persian courtyards and gardens. Fern Garden is a 500-year-old garden. The springs in the garden are constantly gushing all year round. With the lush trees and green grass in the garden, it can be said that it is a desert in the desert. The rare spectacle has been listed as a world cultural heritage.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

Smaller travel destinations are more attractive

There is also the hottest place in the world – the Lut Desert, where the highest temperature has reached 71 degrees Celsius.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

There is also an amazing island here – Hormuz Island, Zheng He also passed here when he sailed to the West.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...

There is also the breathtaking Moon Valley, where you can’t help but marvel at the uncanny workmanship of nature.

Burst! The cheapest country in the world unilaterally exempts China from visas...


Visa: Although it is easy to apply for a visa in Iran, it is not allowed to have an Israeli visa in the passport before, otherwise the visa will be refused. This is a mandatory rule of Iran.

Consumption: The prices in Iran are relatively cheap. 1 RMB is about 5194 Iranian rials. You can easily become a “millionaire” in Iran. And there is no habit of tipping here, so it saves part of the cost.

Transportation: From Beijing or Shanghai to Tehran, the ticket price is around 3000.

Taboo: Iran is more concerned about the relationship between the sexes. Men and women who are not lovers generally do not shake hands. They only need to keep a distance of two or three meters and nod to greet each other. Women must wear headscarves, avoid eating pork and dog meat, and are not allowed to touch children’s heads with their hands.

Will Iran be your next travel destination?