[Camp] Jigsaw Puzzle Rules: Analysis of Campsites in Hongshizhai Tourist Resort

During the transformation and upgrading period of the tourism industry, leisure self-driving tours are the most important. Traditional scenic spots and campsites that “go alone” are like scattered jigsaw puzzles, gradually tending to be integrated, and through complementary advantages to splicing and creating barriers for a new business format, Hongshizhai Tourist Resort is a case that can be emulated.

Yimeng Mountain, an important revolutionary base in China, is now also an important red tourist holy place, with profound cultural heritage. At the same time, relying on the precious advantages and brand of “Shanshui Yimeng”, it has spawned a large number of industrial clusters with tourism as the core, and Hongshizhai tourism with rural characteristics Resorts are typical. It fully combines local cultural characteristics, and creates a complete closed loop of tourist destinations from “attracting” to “staying” with the integration of “tourism” + “camping”. 

[Camp] Jigsaw Puzzle Rules: Analysis of Campsites in Hongshizhai Tourist Resort

Yimeng Culture 

The geographical environment and cultural background of Hongshizhai Tourist Resort are the core competitiveness of the entire resort and a strong driving force to attract tourists. There are hills and mountains around the water on both sides of the stockade, and the top is flat and cliffs on three sides, forming the unique landform characteristics here. This kind of terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Since ancient times, it has been the land of the heroes of the grass and mang, so it is called the village, and because the rocks on the village are mostly ocher, it is called the red stone village. Now, it has been designated as a 4A-level tourist attraction. The unique mountain architecture and cultural customs make it one of the most representative tourist attractions in Yimeng. 

Hongshizhai is located in Tongjing Town, Yinan County, adjacent to Yishui County in the north and Linyi City in the south, 12 kilometers away from Yinan County and 50 kilometers away from Linyi City. Located in the hinterland of central Shandong, the source of tourists radiates to the whole province and surrounding provinces and cities. The entire resort is composed of two major areas, the Hongshizhai self-driving tour camp and the Hongshizhai water surface project. It creates a differentiated operation mode of “scenic spot + camp” that complements each other. With the help of natural mountains and cliffs, it has excellent ornamental value and event space.

Its cliffs facing the water have strange shapes. There are 500-meter cliff waterfalls in spring, summer and autumn, and the unique ice-hanging wonders in the north in winter, which attract a large number of tourists to watch. Car and motorcycle shows, rafting, pirate ships, Ferris wheels, bumper cars and other entertainment projects bring interactive experience to tourists. Compared with the independent campsites that fight alone, the Hongshizhai campsite appears as a supporting facility for scenic spots, which to a certain extent makes up for the lack of tourist power that is common in domestic campsites, especially providing a strong guarantee for winter operations .

[Camp] Jigsaw Puzzle Rules: Analysis of Campsites in Hongshizhai Tourist Resort

“Catch” tourists 

It is reported that tourists who stay in scenic spots for more than two days can bring more than three times the economic benefits of a single day. Whether they can “catch” tourists and stay is a factor that must be considered in all tourism products. Hongshizhai Resort gives full play to the advantages of campsites, provides tourists with an accommodation experience different from ordinary scenic spots, and prolongs the experience time of tourists in the scenic spot.

In the camp, four camping units with different styles, including caravan camping area, wooden house camping area, tent camping area and yurt camping area, have been built, covering a total area of ​​1,500 mu. A total of more than 1,000 self-driving parking spaces have been set up, which can accommodate 1,800 self-driving tourists for camping at the same time, which shows the scale of the camp. 

[Camp] Jigsaw Puzzle Rules: Analysis of Campsites in Hongshizhai Tourist Resort

The main function of the caravan camp is RV camping and cultural experience; the wooden house camp is built in a rural architectural style according to the four-star standard, creating a high-end living space for families; the tent camp chooses dry and flat roads and has 200 tents The camps can accommodate more than 500 people at the same time. The camps provide centralized power supply facilities, and are equipped with good drainage facilities and a complete sewage system. In the yurt area, each yurt can accommodate 4 to 6 people at the same time. The diverse accommodation units well meet the needs of tourists of different levels. 

Of course, in addition to accommodation, the Hongshizhai Campground also has a rich variety of entertainment facilities, including drive-in theaters, barbecue squares, campfire squares, cafeterias, ecological parking lots, car-type public toilets, showers and other supporting facilities.

In the context of tourism upgrading, purely sightseeing scenic spots are transforming into global tourism, and campsites usher in a broader market development space. Through the integration of business forms, Hongshizhai better fits the general trend of tourism industry development and brings tourists an all-round immersive tourism experience. The fly in the ointment is that the integration of Hongshizhai Resort and the Internet for operation and marketing has not yet made major moves, and we look forward to better performance in the future.