[Camp] Solo Desert Rhapsody Shunbo Racing Big Lee Bay Camp Analysis

From east to west in the Dalat Banner section of the Kubuqi Desert, there are 5A-level scenic spots Xiangshawan, 4A-level scenic spots Yinkentala and Engebei. Inner Mongolia Shunbo Racing Daliwan Camp is located in Yinkenta In the middle of La and Engebe scenic spots. Located in a low-lying area on the edge of the desert, there is a small river formed by an underground spring in the north. The white container villas, tents, and RVs look like a secluded retreat from the distant hills.

Desert-type camps are born because of their environment and are also limited by their environment. How to drain traffic, how to break the shackles of seasons and environments, how to survive in the “cracks” of desert scenic spots, and form a normalized operating state are actually not easy. Through long-term research and analysis, Shunbo Racing Daliwan Camp has found its own way of survival in terms of the assimilation trend of scenic spot operations and the space of market demand.

[Camp] Solo Desert Rhapsody Shunbo Racing Big Lee Bay Camp Analysis

desert experience

Since it relies on the desert environment, it is natural to maximize the characteristics of the desert. Xiangshawan Scenic Area and Yinkentala Scenic Area are similar to playgrounds in the desert. Engebe Scenic Area mainly conducts parent-child research activities around the Desert Science Museum. However, many tourists do not want to go to the desert to ride camels, play amusement facilities, and enjoy food. I also hope to hike and camp in the desert, and feel the vastness and desolation of the desert at close range. Therefore, Shunbo Racing Camp focuses on outdoor sports and corporate team building, and mainly promotes desert hiking events, corporate desert team building, desert parent-child research and Baji. Create differentiated operations with products such as racing sand experience.

In order to break the boring field training and seek to realize the value of team building activities in extreme terrain and special environments, the camp launched a 5-day, 4-night desert hiking activity for individual customers, which was published on the OTA platform. It also launched 3 days 2 nights and 2 days 1 night desert corporate group building activities, and carefully designed hiking routes and group building routes, which were well received by customers.

[Camp] Solo Desert Rhapsody Shunbo Racing Big Lee Bay Camp Analysis

In March 2017, the camp held a 10,000-person desert hiking competition with 5,426 participants. In May 2018, it held a business school elite desert hiking competition with a scale of about 200 people. Since 2017, it has received a total of corporate team building customers More than 30, more than 20 parent-child study customers, and a total of 15,000 customers have been received. Therefore, the camp has won a place in the Kubuqi Desert, and also transported high-end customers to scenic spots such as Xiangshawan, Engebei and Ordos Grassland.

Accurate service

Desert trekking and team building activities are not unique, so if you want to win market share, the camp needs to have unique “added value”. What Shunbo Motorsport Daliwan Camp does is firstly to accurately screen customers, secondly to highlight security and logistical support, and thirdly to standardize the service process and implement it to people. As a micro camp, the equipment and facilities of the comprehensive camp set up a limited number of people to receive. In the case of service boundaries, serving mid-to-high-end customers becomes the primary goal, and the corresponding marketing channels are also targeted at mid-to-high-end users.

Desert hiking and corporate team building involve multiple links such as assembly, airport pick-up or station pick-up, transportation, board and lodging, recreational experience or team building activities, and specialty product procurement. In the process of designing products and communicating with customers, the sales and customer service teams of the camp will inform customers of the precautions for desert hiking and camping, and what materials to prepare. In addition, the camp will also be equipped with professional hiking and camping equipment, such as competition-level sand-proof socks. Visitors do not need to buy special high-top sand-proof boots, and daily running shoes or sports shoes are also available. In the desert, there is a large temperature difference between day and night, and sometimes there will be sudden strong winds. The camp has also prepared inflatable tents and moisture-proof pads, and custom-made longer and thicker ground nails. In May 2018, during the Chaos Business School Desert Hiking Competition, there was a sudden 8-level wind and rainfall that night. The logistical support of the camp allowed tourists to camp safely in extreme weather. These meticulous services reflect the high-end value of its products, and are also the general principles of camp activities.

[Camp] Solo Desert Rhapsody Shunbo Racing Big Lee Bay Camp Analysis

Rescue Guarantee

The Kubuqi Desert is the desert with the finest sand grains in the world. There are many mobile sand dunes, and the sand dunes are soft. It is difficult for cars to drive into the desert hinterland. It cannot be supported by trucks like Tengger and other deserts. Even off-road vehicles need Lower the tire pressure and drive around the dunes with an experienced driver. When a tourist emerges in an emergency and cannot be dealt with on-site, stronger safeguards are needed. For this reason, Shunbo Company has launched a rescue guarantee system such as medical insurance, racing insurance, and professional outdoor insurance. For business school elite desert hiking events and large-scale corporate team building, Shunbo Camp also provides additional guarantees for rehabilitation physiotherapists and blue sky rescue teams, so that tourists can quickly recover their physical strength after hiking all day. Quickly realize on-site rescue.

In the summer of 2017, when a blockchain team was hiking in the desert near the Shunbo camp, someone suffered from high temperature and heatstroke, which caused difficulty in breathing. After being transported back to the Daliwan camp, the doctor quickly relieved the condition through first aid, and saved the client from danger. Baji racing guarantee and desert off-road experience are the characteristic service measures of Shunbo Dali Bay Camp, which also attracted Xiangsha Bay Scenic Area, and actively contacted the camp to sign a cooperation agreement to provide services in its scenic area. This can promote the gradual realization of a desert rescue guarantee system within a certain range, which will undoubtedly enhance the value of the desert tourism experience in the entire region.

[Camp] Solo Desert Rhapsody Shunbo Racing Big Lee Bay Camp Analysis

break the bottleneck

The shackles of the environment and seasons are currently the biggest challenges facing the Shunbo camp. From November to March of the next year, due to climatic constraints, many camps in the Kubuqi Desert have ceased operations. At present, in order to break the natural bottleneck and extend the operating hours, the camp has remodeled two tents, designed a fireplace package plus Baji racing experience products, and operates in the off-season. It is reported that during the winter vacation, the camp will also cooperate with the local ice and snow festival and other operators to create outdoor products in the ice and snow desert, and explore real winter operation products in cross-border cooperation.


In recent years, hiking events in deserts and Gobi and corporate group building have become a trend, but surrounded by 4A and 5A scenic spots, heavy asset investment is no different from hitting a stone with a pebble for private enterprises, and the gain outweighs the gain. Therefore, differentiated operations and standardized service processes have become effective means of asset-light competition. The competition between desert hiking and corporate team building is also intensifying. Price competition is no different from drinking poison to quench thirst. Shunbo Motorsport Daliwan Campsite highlights characteristic services and perfect logistics security, which not only increases the unit price of customers, but also improves its reputation. Brands form competition barriers and provide reference value for special landform environment camps.