Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Ningbo has a rich cultural heritage and a long history and culture. It is a typical Jiangnan water town and seaport city. Dongqian Lake in Ningbo was hailed by Mr. Guo Moruo as “the scenery of West Lake, the spirit of Taihu Lake”, and the project is located in Dongqian Lake Scenic Area in Ningbo, Zhejiang.

▼Project background

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

The land pattern of the project is surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing the water on one side, and the terrain descends from the north to the south, forming a landform feature of sitting on the mountain and watching the water.

turn dreams into reality

The overall temperament of the project is clean and natural. Relying on the mountain environment, we strive to create a harmony between nature and living. The demonstration area tries to interpret the standard villa area in the large area as faithfully as possible. It is also hoped that the owners can feel the mountain dwelling in the experience of the model area. The comfortable mood of life finds a suitable design direction for the villa space of the mountain dwelling. The mountain is both a mountain dwelling and a return to nature without deliberately moving lines. , does not seek the Chinese style of style, but seeks the purity of Taoism. In mountain scenery, in ancient trees, in nature.

▼Scheme 1 of demonstration area

The original intention of the design is to integrate the natural and varied living experience space through the landscape circulation and even the overall layout planning of the building. In the presentation of Scheme 1, the planned road belt is used as the main vehicle entry circulation. Through the organic combination and penetration of architecture and landscape space, the height difference between the external road and the site can be digested. The mirror mountain and still water in front of the sales office implicitly reflect the bamboo mountain on the east side of the demonstration area. At the same time, customers who enter the car dealership can have a clear view of the space and buildings of the overall demonstration area.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

▼Demonstration Area Plan II

Option 2 uses Mogu Road as the main vehicle entry route, avoiding the risk factors of using planned roads.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

▼Scheme 3 of the Demonstration Area

Due to the demand for building volume and functional space area, the layout of the building space has changed greatly, and the overall landscape movement has also undergone great changes. However, we have kept the overall movement consistent with the concept of mountain dwelling. The living atmosphere relies on the natural space of the mountain, and the natural space of the mirror mountain and still water in the middle is preserved, and the end of the backcourt movement line is located in the high-lying area to provide an overview of the space, so as to achieve a panoramic view of the mountain.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

▼Scheme 4 of Demonstration Area

After many times of design improvement, Plan 4 reorganizes the water system in the backyard, turns around, and turns around. At the same time, plants squeeze and penetrate into the space, making the backyard space a more intense natural mountain living atmosphere.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Journey of discovery

What will start at this moment is not only a journey of seeking the world, but also an exploration of the real life. There are many experiences, and what you see in the dream life is what you get.

▼Demonstration area floor plan

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

A realm: the realm of pine

It aims to create a simple and pure front space to interpret the aesthetic thinking of oriental freehand brushwork and modern aesthetics, and to show the connotation of quality residence with museum-like tranquility. “Blank space” is the most artistic expression in Chinese painting art. The front space uses a clean wall facade as a drawing board, and a white hanging board as a base. Interspersed with suspended geometric structures, the pure modern aesthetics is objectively displayed. And these are just platforms to show nature, and pine trees with different postures float on top, highlighting the purity and majesty of “pine”. The soul of the space is the turquoise soaked in the aura of the mountains. The wedge-shaped entrance highlights the volume of the building’s facade, and at the same time further enhances the elegant and pure temperament of the space.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Two Realms: The Realm of Lakes and Mountains

The space pursues a comfortable and refreshing picture for the viewer. The mountain scenery around the project is used as a design element, and the green mountain scenery of Zhushan is reflected on a large area of ​​water, so that the beauty of nature is introduced into the eyes without extra decoration, and it also reflects the unbounded integration of human living space and natural environment. There are often egrets around Dongqian Lake, which is elegant and quiet. The space freezes the posture of egrets taking off and circling. Egret sculptures are arranged on the waterscape. 

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Three Realms: The Realm of Zen Mind

The atrium space uses a characteristic paving form to create a Zen-like resting space under the forest. The two-color paving of dark gray and light gray is alternately paved, and the details reflect ingenuity and surprise. The monolithic stone benches are interspersed with the changes in the pavement, which is naturally reflected in a relatively restrained form. The game and integration of artificial and natural also express the artistic conception of Zen.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Four Realms: Mountain Dwelling Realm

Four Realms: The space in the backcourt brings the temperament of a mountain dwelling to the extreme. It does not seek to deliberately move the line, and the leisurely route blends into the changes of the peaks and turns. Walking in nature, you will return home leisurely inadvertently. The space is built according to the mountain topography, giving viewers a different sensory experience. The overall design of the moving line for returning home is the same as that for mountaineering, from low to high. The mountain stream accompanying the road uses materials with few artificial traces to reflect the natural atmosphere. The selection of facades and pavements also reflects the dark colors of the mountain atmosphere. The natural leather surface of the stone and the stone slabs with irregular edges are the main ones.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Listening to the waterfall: The viewer comes out of the building space, and the natural waterfall will appear in front of his eyes. The shocking feeling of the mountains, and the growth of vegetation with special postures from the walls also enhance the natural atmosphere of the space.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Linliu: “The quiet flow illuminates the clear shadows, and the chime and rocks stack waterfalls.” According to the mountain situation, the springs and springs flow in the space like mountain streams. The facade of the stacked water is made of dark and delicate stone, while the bottom of the pool is The schist layout exudes the natural atmosphere of the mountains, and the dark stone slabs with the stone skin on the edge float on the water surface. The delicate processing techniques better reflect the mountain atmosphere of the space. The characteristic folding water wall at the end of the stream has quiet golden cicadas staying there, depicting a vivid mountain and forest scenery.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

River Fragrance: “Qingxi Fangzhu jumps, Jiaan mountain flowers bloom”, the natural stone garden road on the edge cooperates with rich layers and plant groups to reflect the experience of mountain living leisurely, and the bamboo lamps inadvertently arranged in the space are like elves in the mountains to give viewers The warm feeling of coming home at night.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Guanzhi: “The sky is clear and the peaks come out, and the night is quiet and the stars appear.” At the end of the garden road is a small gate that integrates into the natural space. The facade material is unified with other natural stone walls, and the shape is light. The configurations are slightly different, reflecting a more comfortable and warm feeling.

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

design concept

In such a natural scene of lakes and mountains, we have proposed a way of life in a natural Zen environment. Life is like a practice, from nothing to enlightenment, being born in the ground, becoming in the scene, and blending in the residence.

Pure mountain dwelling, leisurely hidden in the valley, living among the emerald green valleys, not asking about mundane affairs.

Connect the lifestyle into the form of travel, appreciation, maintenance and residence. Feel the state of Zen life in the pure nature, and create a homely mountain living situation.


Walking home with different mountain views;

Life streamlines and landscape layers intersect each other;

Create a natural and exquisite landscape artistic conception.


Appreciate the towering ancient trees, the sandy trees and the singing of birds;

Looking at the mountains and jungles in the distance, the water waves are not happy;

Seeing and being seen is a rich viewing experience of visual art.


Borrowing the natural energy of Dongqian Lake Scenic Area to nourish your body,

Cultivate the mind with the Miaoman Zen environment of the valley.

live in

Living among mountains and fields, high-quality landscape resources and suitable space scale create a homely mountain residence.

explore space

east into ancient tree

The luxurious hotel-style entrance brings together luxurious and magnificent spirit, quiet and profound elegance, magnificent and luxurious surprise and natural and harmonious comfort.

▼Rendering of the entrance on the east side

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

We retained the centuries-old trees in the site, fully considered the original elevation of the trees and the elevation conditions of the site, combined with the sense of ceremony at the main entrance and the needs of the sponge city, we created the main sinking space around the ancient trees; recorded and witnessed the changes of a century The ancient wood will continue to write a chapter of mountain life together with people.

▼The sunken area of ​​ancient trees on the east axis

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

▼Stone stairs

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

▼Zumthor style log cabin

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

south into the valley

According to the valley-level terrain formed by the height difference of the site, we set up waterscapes, simulating the natural state to form a unique valley landscape, providing a public space for viewing and leisure for row and stack customers, combined with mountain views, to create a natural ecological leisure experience. The design concept of the valley is also a preview of future life in the region, allowing people to experience it while full of expectations for future life.

▼Rendering of the entrance on the south side

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Case: Create the natural habitat of your dreams!

Source: Yinuo Cultural Tourism

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