Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

Inheriting the glory of the championship, the Beijing® Off-Road Family Team will compete in the 2019 China Ring Tower (International) Rally with a strong all-star lineup, and fully demonstrate the brand charm of “Only Off-Road Traveling Without Boundaries” through the test of arduous events.

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

Lineup: Five cars compete in two groups

In this race, the Beijing® off-road family team is divided into two groups, among which foreign aid driver Christian (leader: Pierre), Chinese champion driver Zhang Guoyu (leader: Liu Yuan) and driver Liu Yangui (leader: Sha He) represent Beijing® off-road The family team participated in the competition; the Beijing® off-road family Run Racing team sent famous players Lu Binglong (leader: Meng Bin) and Wang Hai (leader: Li Pengcheng), both of whom will drive the BJ40 Ring Tower Championship Edition racing car to hit the podium of the national four-wheel drive group .

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

Stage: Challenge the most difficult track

The 2019 Ring of Tasmania Rally focuses on the concept of “100% Taklimakan”. It will start on May 20 and end on June 2. It will last for 15 days and consist of 9 stages. The special stage will be 2,500 kilometers, and the proportion of desert will exceed 50%. This is the first time in the history of the ring tower, and it is also expected to be the most difficult competition overall.

As the largest and most challenging car race in China, the Ring of Towers Rally is famous for its harsh environment and long-distance and high-intensity tracks. Most of the stages are far away from the road and need to pass through sand dunes, mud, grass, rocks and deserts. . In this process, the five officers and soldiers of Beijing® Automobile Off-Road Family have to withstand the test of 5,000 kilometers and pass through the harshest and most challenging track environment, fully demonstrating the confidence of the “Chinese off-road brand” in motorsports and the inheritance of military industry The quality of the enterprise is responsible.

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

Record: The champion’s division set off again

In the ring tower competition, the Beijing® off-road family team has a brilliant record. In 2016, it took the Beijing (BJ) 40 ring tower chariot for the first time, and won the glory record of the factory team championship; in 2017, the Beijing® off-road family team even won the championship The overall winner and runner-up, with absolute advantages and strength to reshape the ring tower competition pattern, to defend the golden signboard of the off-road family! In 2018, the Beijing® Off-Road Family Team took advantage of the victory and once again boarded the T1 champion podium.

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

It is worth mentioning that Run Racing, the operator of the Beijing® off-road family team, has made sufficient preparations for this competition. The model of international standard management and combination of Chinese and foreign technical teams aims to achieve zero mistakes under any harsh conditions. Through participating in the three national-level events of CRC China Rally Championship, COC China Off-Road Championship and CCR China Off-Road Championship, as well as the honing of the Silk Road International Rally, the dedicated and high-standard Run Racing has grown into a leading event in China service operator.

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally

2019 Tournament Rally, in Beijing Automobile Group Off-Road Vehicle Co., Ltd., Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd., Beijing Grain Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Tongrentang Century Advertising Co., Ltd., Beijing Tongrentang Health Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Beijing Ailai Faxi Food Co., Ltd. With the support and encouragement of the company, Beijing Zhuofeng Investment Co., Ltd. and Beibingyang (Beijing) Beverage and Food Co., Ltd., the Beijing® off-road family team took off-road veterans’ love for the distance, persistence and bravery for dreams, and set foot on the ring again. Tower Journey.

Champion Journey Beijing® off-road family team set off for the 2019 Ring Tower Rally