Chery Pioneer Team “War Epidemic”: “Retrograde” guarding the passage of life

A sudden outbreak of new coronary pneumonia has brought public transportation in many cities to a standstill. In order to effectively block the spread of the novel coronavirus, Wuhu City has also stopped the operation of all cruising taxis in the urban area since 24:00 on January 31, greatly reducing bus schedules. The transportation department of Wuhu urgently formed a party member vanguard emergency service team composed of 55 volunteers to provide free guarantee services for medical staff commuting, patient travel, emergency prevention and control tasks, etc.

Chery Pioneer Team

Nearly 1/3 of the “retrograde” online volunteer team comes from the same company – Chery Taxi Company under Chery Holding Group, and they are also the main players of the “Chery Taxi Pioneer Team”. After learning that there was an urgent need to set up a volunteer service team in the local area, everyone passed on messages to each other, and everyone responded and signed up one after another. In just over 20 days, they traveled between hospitals and extremely poor groups, provided more than 400 voluntary services for front-line medical staff and the elderly, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant, and delivered more than 20 emergency medical equipment. protector”.

Escorted by wind and rain, opening up “life channel” for medical patients

On February 10, Ms. Guo, a citizen of Wuhu, posted a sincere “thank you letter” in her circle of friends. The letter read: “Dear party members, Mr. Tang and Mr. Peng of the Pioneer Emergency Team: At the moment when the epidemic is so tense, you rely on your kindness and awareness of party membership to take risks to serve special people like me. , We don’t take a penny, thank you, it makes us feel very warm and moved. Good people in the world are like this, let us feel warm and beautiful in this cold winter that is about to pass. May the good people have a happy life, peace and success!”

It turned out that Ms. Guo was a uremia patient and needed to go to the urban hospital for hemodialysis twice a week. Her family lives in the north of Wuhu City, more than 20 kilometers away from the main city. Due to Ms. Guo’s advanced age and inconvenient mobility after a stroke, she usually asks her daughter to accompany her to the hospital by taxi. During the epidemic prevention and control period, taxis were out of service, and her family did not have a private car, so dialysis treatment became a big problem. When the family members were anxious, with the attitude of giving it a try, they found the contact information of Chery Taxi Pioneer Team from the Internet. After the team learned of Ms. Guo’s actual difficulties, they immediately arranged for captain Tang Hongwu and Peng Changsheng, two masters, to form a “pickup pair” with her, pick up and drop off on time twice a week, and help Ms. Guo and her family relieve their urgent needs.  

Chery Pioneer Team

Mr. Jiang, a Chinese in the United States, lives abroad all the year round. His old mother is over 80 years old this year. She lives in Wuhu with her husband and suffers from many diseases. On the morning of February 9, Mrs. Jiang needed to go to the hospital to get medicine urgently, but her son was not around, and the bus and taxi systems were basically out of service. The community workers helped her get in touch with Master Ma Benxuan of the Pioneer Racing Team. After learning about the situation, Master Ma immediately drove Mrs. Jiang and his wife to the hospital without saying a word. He also supported the two elderly people all the way into the hospital, queued up for registration on their behalf, and accompanied them throughout the treatment. At around 11 o’clock, after Mrs. Jiang finished her treatment, Master Ma sent the two old people home safely. Mr. Jiang was very moved after learning all this, and “Kuayang” sent a message to Master Ma to express his gratitude.

Many beneficiaries who have been helped by the party members’ vanguard team hope to send red envelopes in the form of fuel expenses to express their gratitude. In order to support the Pioneer team to continue to fight on the front line of the epidemic, some recipients tried their best to send instant noodles, anti-epidemic gloves, anti-infection spray, and the son of the elderly recipient who was far away in Tianjin bought a car air pump for the team members , It is convenient for them to work overtime and leave the car. All these made the volunteers of the Pioneer team feel warm and strengthened their confidence in winning the fight against the epidemic.

Solve emergencies and be the strong backing of “angels in white”

Ma Benxuan, a veteran party member with 38 years of party experience, is the vice-captain of Chery Pioneer Racing Team. As the epidemic prevention and control entered a critical period, Ma Benxuan took the initiative to find the designated hospital for epidemic prevention, the Second Municipal Hospital, and offered to pick up doctors and needy groups for free. “I am an old party member and have received training in medical knowledge. Please give me the most dangerous emergency transportation guarantee tasks.” Ma Benxuan, who volunteered to volunteer, formed a “pick-up pair” with the medical staff of the Prevention and Control Center of the Second Municipal Hospital. From dawn to dusk to pick them up and go to and from get off work. Regardless of his personal safety, he stayed at the fever clinic on standby and provided emergency car services for medical staff fighting the epidemic at any time. Because there is an old mother in her 90s at home, Ma Benxuan does not dare to get close to her family members every time she returns home, and always quietly rests in the living room by herself.

Chery Pioneer Team

“Your waiting and devotion make us front-line medical staff feel very warm. I believe that we will win the battle if we work together to fight the epidemic!” Zhang Cuiping, a nurse who has been working in the fever clinic, expressed her gratitude to Ma Benxuan, who came to pick her up in the past few days. At 10:00 p.m. on February 3, Ma Benxuan waited in the car for more than 2 hours in order to send a doctor from the prevention and control center home. The doctor felt very sorry, but Master Ma said: “You work overtime to treat patients, I should wait a while.” Sometimes the hospital is overwhelmed with manpower and vehicles. The porters help the medical staff carry equipment. Each box of equipment weighs more than 50 kilograms, and they are often sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Persevering for many years, the warm relay of the caring team

Chery Taxi Pioneer Team has been established for 7 years, and was once rated as one of the “Top Ten Most Beautiful Volunteer Service Teams” in Wuhu City in 2019. This volunteer team formed spontaneously by 17 taxi drivers has carried out more than 100 voluntary services in the past 7 years, traveled more than 40,000 kilometers free of charge, donated 17,000 milliliters of blood for free, and sent more than 2,000 test takers with love. The team also actively participated in various public welfare activities such as donations, caring for left-behind children, and condolences to orphans and widowed elderly. One summer, the blood station in the city center was running out of blood. The motorcade drivers unanimously decided to go to the blood station to donate blood after hearing about it through the radio. They donated 3400CC of blood on the same day, alleviating the “blood shortage” of the blood station.

    It is understood that the Chery Taxi Pioneer Team is one of the many volunteer teams that Chery has invested in various public services. Faced with the severe test of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, while strictly implementing internal epidemic prevention and disaster relief, Chery Holding Group has invested in anti-epidemic and disaster relief operations in various forms such as donations, overseas procurement of materials, production of rescue equipment, and voluntary services. Epidemic prevention and control.