Chevrolet Silverado pickup low-profile modified version

The traditional impression of American pickup modification seems to be like a raptor, through the use of off-road kits to create a fierce all-terrain rescue tool. However, there are exceptions to everything, and it is not impossible for American-style pickups to be made into low-profile cars. Office-K, a Japanese car modification company, has launched a low-profile car based on the Silverado pickup.

Chevrolet Silverado pickup low-profile modified version

Chevrolet Silverado pickup low-profile modified version

From the appearance point of view, this low-lying version of the Silverado Picard adopts a white color scheme, including the wheels. And it is worth noting that this low-profile version of the Silverado pickup is still a reloaded version of its car series. Its rear axle adopts a two-wheel configuration, and the cargo box is also lengthened. An additional cargo box cover is added above the cargo box to make it look more integrated. The two-wheeled rear axle also makes this low-profile version of the Silverado pickup look thicker and more textured.

Chevrolet Silverado pickup low-profile modified version

Chevrolet Silverado pickup low-profile modified version

In terms of details, it also includes blackened headlights and large-sized wheels, the size of which is 26 inches, and the matching tires use low-profile sports tires. The mounting bolts on the hub also use a custom pointed shape, which is really aggressive.

Chevrolet Silverado pickup low-profile modified version

Chevrolet Silverado pickup low-profile modified version

As for power, Office-K did not make too many modifications to Silverado’s original power, and also retained the original car’s four-wheel drive system in terms of drive form.