[Column] Taihu No. 1 Huang Weirong: Create a camping culture suitable for Chinese people

It has been almost eight years since I entered the camping industry. From the first time I came into contact with RVs in 2009 to now I am working on Taihu No. 1 and I am planning to build products around Taihu Lake. These eight years can be said to be a relatively tortuous process. After a year of market research and exploration, participated in more than ten car shows and contacted thousands of customers, I discovered that there are many problems in this industry, and the basic things that need to be solved are becoming more and more complicated, and the areas involved are also becoming more and more complex. wider. The biggest problem is the lag of regulations and the concept of consumers. Our national genes are agricultural peoples, while European and American countries are nomads in their genes. They are more adaptable and inclusive to this kind of outdoor camping than our people Stronger, so this is also a relatively big difference, which can only be changed after a period of time and many efforts.

[Column] Taihu No. 1 Huang Weirong: Create a camping culture suitable for Chinese people

In the actual operation, I met all kinds of customers and learned that their requirements for camp facilities, entertainment items, catering culture, and activity content are quite different from those of foreign countries. In today’s China, people living in cities are stressed and impetuous, and urgently need to find a place to release, but there is a lack of sufficient camping culture training process, so domestic camping projects must be grounded when planning and designing. To cater to our current domestic customer base. If you simply copy and copy the operation methods of foreign camps, you will not be able to adapt to the environment. The camping lifestyle requires a long acceptance process for the domestic population. This process is painful but must be experienced by domestic investors. Both the investor and the operation and executive team will face great challenges. To put it simply, in view of Chinese culture and consumption habits, we need to study when arranging projects, and arrange different projects through the camp operator to help him plan, combining the geographical location and the consumption needs of citizens. Most people come out to consume, and the concept is to buy products and services, so they like to be “hands-off shopkeepers”. Of course, there are very few people who will arrange their time reasonably.

[Column] Taihu No. 1 Huang Weirong: Create a camping culture suitable for Chinese people

Camping is about enjoying nature. Most consumers prefer a more comfortable environment. Usually, when designing camps and camping products, some infrastructure planning should be learned from foreign counterparts. In short, whether it is tourism or travel, it is inseparable from “food, lodging, travel, shopping and entertainment”. Therefore, when designing products for campsites, they must focus on these six words. Arrange the time reasonably and enrich the content, so that everyone who comes here can fully enjoy the satisfying, fulfilling experience and sense of participation.

Chinese culture has a long history, and the resources and scenic spots in various places are rich and colorful. I hope that all colleagues will have a solid foundation of basic skills within their own capabilities and sight, dig out and sort out local resources, and sort out camps with local cultural characteristics that Chinese people like. I believe, and I am confident that in the near future, the camping life in China will be more colorful and experience better than that in foreign countries.