Concentrating every heart, “Guarding the Home and Burning the Moment” is in progress to protect endangered wild animals

From August 17th to 22nd, Chery Automobile will join hands with public welfare ambassador Yang Shuo to officially launch the public welfare action of “Guarding the Homeland and Burning the Moment” to protect Platt’s wild horses and Bactrian camels in Dunhuang, Gansu, aiming to arouse the public’s attention to wild animals. At that time, Chery Automobile’s new generation of Tiggo 8 spokesperson Yang Shuo, invited Chery car owners and family members of the media will participate in the whole process, and walk into the Dunhuang West Lake National Nature Reserve to get a close look at how to protect Plattsman’s wild horses and Bactrian camels and other rare and endangered species.

Concentrating every heart,

In recent years, Chery has actively participated in public welfare undertakings, launched a series of extensive and far-reaching public welfare activities, widely called on all sectors of society to pay attention to environmental protection, and continued to make efforts in public welfare publicity, fully demonstrating the corporate social responsibility and self-responsibility.

As early as May at the launch conference of the new generation of Tiggo 8, Chery Automobile announced the launch of the “Protection of Rare Wild Animals” public welfare plan. The top 10,000 users of the new generation of Tiggo 8 can become donors , Chery donated 100 yuan per person. Let more people participate in the scientific research and monitoring of the living environment and living conditions of Przewalski’s wild horses and Bactrian camels, and arouse more people’s attention to the endangered animals and natural environment of the earth.

In this charity event, the team will first go to the West Lake Nature Reserve in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, to participate in the “Small Classroom that Burns Life” hosted by Professor Sun Zhicheng of the Reserve Administration, and the “Significance of Scientific Research” participated in the interactive discussion by scientific experts, and set foot in the wild A series of rich and interesting activities such as “Exploring the Survival Secrets of Rare Animals”, the “Honorary Banquet of Burning Life Journey” full of rewards, and the “Dunhuang Cultural Journey” to feel the history. What is even more surprising is that the participants of the event not only learned about the habits and characteristics of the endangered Przewalski’s wild horse and Bactrian camel, but also clearly understood the concept and model of scientific research, overall planning, schedule and The main points of the division of labor, learn the working methods of scientific research, inspire interest in natural science, and finally obtain the scientific examination certificate jointly issued by the scientific research master and the founder of Watch the Earth.

Concentrating every heart,

It is worth mentioning that the place where the activity passed was full of yellow sand and the dangerous place of Gobi dunes. Chery’s all-new Tiggo 8, as the field test vehicle of Dunhuang West Lake National Nature Reserve, will rely on its superior chassis and excellent driving performance Control and strong power, leading everyone to shuttle through various dangerous road conditions, escorting this scientific expedition.