Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Crossing route: Luliang City – Wubao County – Mengmen Town – Qikou Town – Congluoyu Town (small off-road crossing: Liujiata Village – Nanyangjiashan Village) – Kehu Town, Linxian County, Fugu County – Hequ County – Playing in the water at the beach at the Yellow River Ferry – Longkou Bridge crossing the Yellow River – Exploring the small crossing – S249 Fengducheng Bridge (dangerous bridge, trying to pass several roadblocks) – Wanjiazhai Yellow River Bridge (broken road, trying to repair the road and trying to pass, being protected by hydropower station security Persuading to return) – Zhungeer Banner – Laoniuwan, Inner Mongolia – Xianglu Xiao crossing the broken road and returning to the provincial highway – Expressway Datong – Beijing.

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing along the Yellow River

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019

Cross-country crossing of the sea along the Yellow River in 2019