Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to “keep the smile of the finless porpoise”

In the Yangtze River Basin of China, there lives a unique population of freshwater dolphins – finless porpoises. They are lively and active, with a pleasant smile. There used to be tens of thousands of them, but now they are less than a thousand.

With the destruction of the ecosystem, water pollution, illegal fishing and other superimposed factors, the living environment of the finless porpoise is getting worse.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

Protect the Yangtze River and keep the smile of the finless porpoise

On August 10, 2019, the “Keep the Smile of the Finless Porpoise” jointly initiated by Anhui Traffic Broadcasting and Chery Automobile – the trip to protect endangered animals kicked off in Wuhan. Chery car owners from all over the country gathered as scheduled in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China Institute of Hydrobiology, Academy of Sciences.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

On the day of the event, under the introduction of the staff, we learned that the factors that threaten the finless porpoise mainly come from the impact of human activities. The high density of the main stream of the Yangtze River, the noise of busy shipping ships and propellers have become the biggest threat to the finless porpoise.

At present, there are less than 1,000 finless porpoises in the entire Yangtze River Basin, and they are listed as “critically endangered” by the IUCN List of Threatened Species. Their living environment is very bad. Shipping, sand mining, illegal fishing are repeatedly banned, climate change, water pollution, etc. all seriously threaten the living space of the finless porpoise. If this continues, the Yangtze finless porpoise will become another functionally extinct species after the baiji. species.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

Here, Chery car owners interacted closely with the lovely finless porpoise, and learned more comprehensive knowledge of “Yangtze River Ecological Protection” through the explanation of the popular science teacher. Let’s help save the Yangtze finless porpoise together, call for the improvement of the water environment, maintain the biodiversity of the Yangtze River, and contribute as much as we can to protect the “giant panda in the water” and keep the angel’s smile.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

Tiggo 8 implements the public welfare plan of “Protecting Rare Wild Animals”

At the press conference of the new generation of Tiggo 8, Chery Automobile and Yang Shuo jointly launched the “Protection of Rare Wild Animals” public welfare plan: that is, the top 10,000 users of the new generation of Tiggo 8 can be donated to the “Protection of Rare Wild Animals” public welfare plan Chery donated 100 yuan per person. As the exclusive vehicle for this endangered animal protection trip in Wuhan, the new generation of Tiggo 8 has excellent product advantages in power system, intelligent technology configuration, and safe driving, making the public welfare road unimpeded.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

Powerful 1.6TGDI engine, leading platform technology, “Lion Zhiyun” intelligent network connection system integrated with AI genes, L2 level automatic driving technology… These configurations make the new generation of Tiggo 8 easier to drive, safer to drive, and easier to park. It is more convenient, and has also won unanimous trust and praise from car owners during the event.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

“Keep the smile of the finless porpoise” – the public welfare activity of protecting endangered animals has come to an end temporarily, but the public welfare and environmental protection journey of the new generation of Tiggo 8 has never stopped. We know that the road of public welfare has only a starting point and no end.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

As an independent brand, Chery has been committed to public welfare undertakings and has achieved remarkable results. In July 2019, Chery Automobile and Anhui Traffic Broadcasting Co., Ltd. launched the “Looking at the World Together with Big Hands” public welfare activity to care for left-behind children. This “Journey to Protect Endangered Animals” is also a continuation of Chery’s series of public welfare activities. In the future, Chery’s public welfare undertakings will continue to pass the torch of love and contribute to environmental protection.

Delivering Love and Responsibility Chery launched a public welfare visit to

Rescuing the finless porpoise is a complex and systematic social project. It is impossible to keep the smile of the finless porpoise alone. It needs the participation of the whole society. Chery Automobile calls on more people to pay attention to the endangered animals and the natural environment of the earth, and strives to become the “best car company” “At the same time, it is also practicing the social responsibility of “a good corporate citizen”, actively practicing social welfare, providing more opportunities to trigger users to practice public welfare, and promoting the implementation of “National Public Welfare”.