Dialectics and Sharing: The Survival Rules of New Zealand’s TOP 10 Chain Camps

New Zealand has beautiful natural scenery and is one of the most beautiful countries in Oceania. New Zealand’s coastline is long and narrow, and its territory is mainly composed of the North Island and the South Island. The white sandy beaches and dense forests of the North Island divide the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea. The total area of ​​forest resources in New Zealand even accounts for 30% of the total land area. There are many national parks with a long history hidden in the 8.1 million hectares of forests, which also provide excellent camping places for New Zealanders who love the outdoors.

Dialectics and Sharing: The Survival Rules of New Zealand's TOP 10 Chain Camps

New Zealand has a lot of natural beauty. In order to preserve the wealth gifted by nature, the New Zealand government is very careful when developing these areas, trying not to damage the local ecological environment. Therefore, in order to facilitate tourists to visit and at the same time prevent artificial buildings from destroying these natural scenery, many scenic spots in New Zealand provide campsite accommodation to solve the rest problem of tourists. It can be seen that the camping industry in New Zealand is very mature, and this kind of camps participated and managed by government departments are also extremely regulated. Most campsites in New Zealand are managed by the New Zealand Department of Conservation and they are responsible for the land and equipment including campsites, cabins and sheds. The development of the camping industry in New Zealand and Australia is slightly similar, and the pace of development is also relatively synchronized. Just like the Big 4 chain camps, the leader of the chain camps in Australia, the TOP 10 chain camps also play an important role in the camping industry in New Zealand.

Dialectics and Sharing: The Survival Rules of New Zealand's TOP 10 Chain Camps

As a chain camp that has been successfully operated for more than 30 years, the TOP 10 camps do have some unique management wisdom that other camp operators should study and learn from. Over the years, the TOP 10 chain camps have always been committed to providing tourists with high-quality and affordable camping experience. So far, there are as many as 47 TOP 10 chain camps in New Zealand, including 23 camps in the North Island. There are 24 in the South Island.

To respond to “change” 

According to a survey of 1,400 tourists conducted by the camp, the age of camping tourists has gradually become younger in recent years, and more and more new millennials in New Zealand have begun to love camping and outdoor lifestyles, and 70% of tourists also said that they have visited other places. Enjoy your camping time at the campsite. It can be seen that periodic, regular, and targeted market research can help the TOP 10 camps better understand market demand, and also allow them to always be at the forefront of the industry in a rapidly changing market environment.

The TOP 10 camps classify the camping lifestyle in detail. The type of camp (including cabins, RVs, mobile hotels, etc.) will be marked on the TOP 10 website and on the signs in the camp, so that tourists can choose the camping method that suits them. This method of refining camping methods provides camps with a large amount of data and information that can be analyzed, and camp operators can use these data to judge which camping methods are more popular with tourists. The TOP 10 chain camps usually divide the camps into three categories according to the quality of the camps: luxury camps, high-quality camps and classic comfortable camps.

Dialectics and Sharing: The Survival Rules of New Zealand's TOP 10 Chain Camps

details make a difference

Classic camp:  The classic comfortable camp among the TOP 10 chain camps is the entry-level choice for the camp. Compared with the other two accommodation options, the classic comfortable camp has more advantages in price, and the facilities in the camp are relatively complete, including children’s playgrounds , a barbecue area, a TV room, and 100MB of free unlimited internet per day. There are also a variety of recreational facilities, enough to meet the basic entertainment and accommodation needs of campers, and there are motels in many parks.

High-quality camps:  High-quality camps are more suitable for tourists with higher family incomes to camp and live. In addition to all the facilities provided by classic camps, high-quality camps also have summer swimming pools and are located closer to scenic parks. Similarly, the campsite will provide 250MB of free unlimited internet per day, a TV room, food and coffee shops, and there will also be motels for tourists to live in.

Dialectics and Sharing: The Survival Rules of New Zealand's TOP 10 Chain Camps

Luxury camp:  Although the price of the luxury camp is not very competitive compared with the other two camps, the camp is equipped with almost all the facilities needed for camping, including a heated swimming pool, a compound hydrotherapy pool, a high-end TV room, and 500MB of free daily Unlimited Internet and the most comprehensive entertainment facilities and equipment. Many luxury camps also offer children’s programs when students are on vacation.

With the development of the TOP 10 chain camps, motels, single-family rooms, wooden houses and camps have become the main accommodation methods of the TOP 10 camps. The motels are usually equipped with a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom with a shower .

Member benefits cannot fly alone

In addition to refining the classification of camping, another important factor for the TOP 10 chain campsites to become the industry leader is the “all-inclusive” membership benefits. From RV rental to catering services, from scenic spot services to hotel accommodation, becoming a member of the TOP 10 chain camps means not only enjoying preferential accommodation fees, but more importantly, the TOP 10 chain campsites cooperate with many scenic spots and services in New Zealand and even the world The institutions have established cooperative relations, and becoming a member of the TOP 10 chain camps is equivalent to owning more than 300 membership cards of other scenic spots and service institutions. The global networking system allows members to enjoy the convenience of resource sharing without leaving home.

Dialectics and Sharing: The Survival Rules of New Zealand's TOP 10 Chain Camps

The substantive benefits that members can enjoy in the TOP 10 chain camps include: 10% discount for accommodation in any of the TOP 10 chain camps in New Zealand. This discount is also applicable to the Big 4 chain camps in Australia. Holders of TOP 10 chain campsite membership cards will enjoy preferential services from more than 300 companies, including 10% off adult tickets for the world-famous Oamaru Blue Penguin Habitat, 10% off on Ma Maison restaurant, 10% off on Stand Up paddle boards and bicycle rentals Discounts, free golf for one person at Highfield Golf Club, 10% discount for 360 Discovery Journey, 10% discount for most adventure forest tickets in North Island, 10% discount for AON RV insurance company, 5% discount for Subway fast food and other benefits. Membership benefits are a powerful tool for camps to attract tourists, but membership benefits and brand value cannot be separated. The two should complement each other and promote each other.

A single tree does not make a forest

In New Zealand, where the camping culture is highly developed, the competition in the camping market is also very fierce. Against this background, the TOP 10 chain camps clearly understand that competition is important, but effective alliances will enable all parties to enjoy to the results of benefit sharing. The TOP 10 chain camps have cooperated with some of the world’s top RV rental companies, including Jucy RV rental company, Maui RV rental company and Apollo RV rental company. On the basis of the combination, each partner has also made a lot of money.


Benefit sharing, complementary advantages and risk sharing are usually the goals of industry innovation strategic alliances, and this golden rule is also applicable to the camping industry. Over the past 30 years, New Zealand’s TOP 10 chain campsites have continuously expanded their partners, from the RV rental industry to catering and accommodation, striving to provide members with more and better camping and living services. In recent years, the chain camp model has gradually taken over the mainstream of the camping industry in New Zealand and Australia, and more and more non-park and camping companies, such as hotels and real estate companies, are also eager to get a share. Therefore, the camp management concept also needs to be adjusted and changed at any time according to the market environment and needs. On the other hand, improving service quality and innovating products are also one of the essential elements for the development of camps. The TOP 10 chain camps have grown from the initial obscurity to the current household names by relying on such business philosophy.