[Encyclopedia] Are there laws and regulations on RVs? What should I pay attention to?

At present, there are no laws and regulations for RVs, mainly based on the “Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Relevant Interpretations on the Registration and On-Road of RVs” promulgated by relevant state ministries and commissions. Therefore, the current RV still belongs to the category of motor vehicles and is within the jurisdiction of the “Road Traffic Law”. RVs are mainly divided into four types: A, B, C, and trailers. Among them, the highest domestic stock is C-type RVs, that is, RVs with a large forehead within 6 meters of the blue plate. Generally, a C-type RV can completely solve all the needs of home travel. However, it should be noted that the height and width of the C-type RV are different from that of ordinary small motor vehicles, so special attention should be paid to the width and height limit of the road when the RV is driving.

[Encyclopedia] Are there laws and regulations on RVs? What should I pay attention to?

[Encyclopedia] Are there laws and regulations on RVs? What should I pay attention to?

In addition, the caravan is composed of two parts, the chassis and the carriage. The configuration of home appliances, so compared with ordinary vehicles, RVs have greater wind resistance. Therefore, the safe speed of the RV is generally not more than 90 kilometers per hour. Of course, it is not that the engine power cannot be achieved, but the needs of the safety and comfort of the vehicle.

[Encyclopedia] Are there laws and regulations on RVs? What should I pay attention to?

Furthermore, RVs should choose models with light truck and light passenger chassis, such as Iveco, Ford and Chase, because their center of gravity sinks, and despite the addition of a tall carriage, the center of gravity is relatively stable. Because the chassis of these types of models are only designed to carry loads. Compared with pickup C-type RVs, it is safer to drive, so for new riders, it is recommended that you still choose C-type light trucks/passenger RVs, just for safety and stability.

[Encyclopedia] Are there laws and regulations on RVs? What should I pay attention to?

Generally, the driving of a C-type RV requires a C1 driver’s license, whether it is a manual transmission or an automatic transmission, it is a C1 driver’s license. But the difference between a caravan and a car is that it has a larger “body”. The visual range of a RV is also relatively small, so driving a RV needs to remind yourself that it is different from the width and height of traditional vehicles. At the same time, the cabin of the RV loses the function of the rearview mirror, so you need to be careful when merging and overtaking. Finally, I hope you read the product manual thoroughly! Finally, let me emphasize again, the height of the caravan is more than 3 meters, remember the height limit pole!