Epidemic prevention and control, online car purchase, “Chery New Retail” accelerated implementation

Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, public transportation has been blocked, and more and more people have realized the importance of private cars. Many first-time buyers have the idea of ​​advancing their car purchase needs, but unfortunately, in the face of the epidemic, they cannot go to the store to check and choose a car. Issues such as car maintenance in the future have become the biggest hindering factors. In special times, safety must be the top priority and direct contact between people should be reduced. To this end, Chery Automobile specially launched the “Chery New Retail” online car purchase platform to help merchants sell cars online and users buy cars online.

Epidemic prevention and control, online car purchase,

For merchants, they can order Chery brand vehicles through Chery’s new retail platform. At the same time, the new retail system provides a large number of the latest marketing posters, and can directly handle auto loans and auto insurance for users in the system, reducing direct contact with customers. For customers, Chery’s new retail platform provides online car selection and purchase services, allowing them to purchase cars without leaving home, and provides customers with other services such as door-to-door test drives after vehicle disinfection, and door-to-door delivery.

Epidemic prevention and control, online car purchase,

Chery’s new retail platform integrates resources and builds a complete platform for merchants to promote online, reach out, attract customers in an all-round way, cash out commissions, handle third-party services (insurance, loans, etc.), and sell vehicles, reducing operating costs for merchants At the same time, it can also use the new retail platform to reconstruct the relationship between “people, goods, and places”, break the boundaries of online and offline consumption scenarios, and bring customers a more convenient and efficient car buying experience.

Since last year, Chery has continued to accelerate the deployment of “new retail”. First, cooperate with a number of automobile “new retail” platforms, integrate customer big data, artificial intelligence and other resources, actively improve the user experience of car purchase and use, rely on the Internet to expand new retail models and sales channels, and integrate brand, finance, inventory, traffic, etc. , scenarios, intelligence and other aspects fully empower offline channels. Then in June last year, it launched Chery’s first “new retail” model Tiggo 7i; it also actively deployed major mainstream e-commerce platforms, and borrowed digital technology to open up “online traffic connecting offline outlets”, “offline A new model of car sales in which outlets undertake online business.

The epidemic is merciless. This time, Chery launched an online car purchase mode, which is convenient for customers to choose and purchase cars online, which minimizes the risk of customers being exposed to the virus, and fully embodies Chery’s corporate values ​​of “people-oriented” and “customer first”. Previously, Chery Group had announced a donation of 10 million yuan, including providing cash, special ambulance vehicles, and medical protective materials such as medical protective masks, protective clothing, goggles, etc., to help Hubei and other areas with severe epidemics, so as to help contain the epidemic as soon as possible. The spread of the epidemic and the victory in the fight against the epidemic.