Every second counts! Changan Automobile’s “epidemic” funds arrive immediately

Quickly implement the donation details, simplify various procedures, and handle special events… After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, Changan Automobile Group announced on January 29 that it would donate 10 million yuan to support the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia. control work. On the afternoon of the same day, more than 1 million yuan in cash from Changan was immediately credited to the Red Cross Society of Wanzhou District; a day later, the remaining 9 million yuan was also credited to the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission (hereinafter referred to as: Chongqing Health and Health Commission) in the form of cash before noon on January 31. Committee).

The supplies on the main battlefield are urgent, and time is life! In order to ensure that the funds for the “epidemic” war will be credited to the account in time, and the supplies will be supplied to the front line of the “epidemic” war without gunpowder smoke at the first time, Chang’an Automobile races against every second, runs hard, and once again with efficient execution. It demonstrates the company’s strong sense of mission and responsibility in fulfilling its social responsibilities and participating in the fight against the epidemic.

Every second counts! Changan Automobile's

According to the donation information published on the official website of the Chongqing Municipal Health and Health Commission on February 3, Changan Automobile Group donated 9 million yuan (Changan Automobile 5 million yuan, Changan Ford 2 million yuan, and Changan Mazda 2 million yuan). The payment has been confirmed before noon. The 1 million yuan donated by Changan Chaoyue to the Red Cross Society of Wanzhou District in the form of cash was also paid on the afternoon of January 29.

Regarding the whereabouts of the donated funds, we learned from the Chongqing Municipal Health and Health Commission that all funds have been allocated to Chongqing Public Health Center, Jiangbei District People’s Hospital, Yubei District People’s Hospital, Three Gorges Central Hospital and other designated hospitals for procurement. Medical, medical, living and other emergency supplies needed for epidemic prevention and control, help doctors and patients who are fighting on the front line, and provide them with strong logistical support services. Changan Automobile Group expects to make a modest contribution to the battle against the “epidemic” and help overcome the epidemic as soon as possible.

Every second counts! Changan Automobile's

A difficult one, P Plus support. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, in addition to donating money and materials, Changan Automobile has participated in the “epidemic” war in various forms.

Changan Automobile quickly took advantage of its global layout, and cooperated with R&D centers in “six countries and nine places” such as Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany, as well as overseas bases and dealer partners, to launch a “race against time” emergency procurement, and strive to find medical protective masks Waiting for the domestic shortage of epidemic prevention materials, rush to help the epidemic prevention and control.

Changan New Energy actively responded to the call of the Chongqing Municipal Government, and cooperated with T3 Travel and Chelai Travel to deploy vehicles and provide medical staff with free travel services for commuting, business and emergency tasks.

Every second counts! Changan Automobile's

Changan Automobile and Changan Minsheng Logistics have provided free transportation and warehousing services for the government and public welfare organizations. At present, they have assisted in the transportation of more than 200 boxes of masks and 6 tons of disinfection supplies from all over the country to Chongqing, and supported the transportation of Nanjing Jiangning Development Zone Management Committee Disinfect 500 boxes of emergency supplies; complete the emergency distribution task of 2 tons of urgently needed materials (for ventilator manufacturing) in Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital…

Every second counts! Changan Automobile's

The epidemic is “heavier than Mount Tai”, and prevention and control are “urgent”. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Changan Automobile has spared no effort to support and serve the overall situation of national epidemic prevention and control, regardless of conditions or costs. The quick arrival of the donation demonstrates the efficient execution of Changan Automobile, which is on the front line of fighting the “epidemic”, fulfilling the responsibility of China’s corporate civil society. Changan Automobile has also proved with actions that in this “epidemic” war without gunpowder smoke, there is no mountain that cannot be overcome if all people are united; Changan Automobile will walk together with the people of the whole country to overcome the difficulties and resolutely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control!