Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

These few days happen to be the Garifuna Settlement Day in Belize, which is said to be the commemoration of the black people’s landing in Belize. The national holiday is one day, and the weekend is three days.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The place of celebration is Dangriga, and the celebration time is November 19 every year. So we drove over two hours from Belize City to Dangriga.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The reason may be that it is close to the entrance of the river, and the sea water is muddy yellow.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The town of Dangriga is relatively small, with low-rise houses.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

We found a hotel next to the square to stay, and the car could only be parked in front of the post office.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The seaside square was crowded with people who came to celebrate.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

All kinds of snacks, barbecue, drinks abound.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The parade started, first the town’s Huanzhen ** entered the venue in a carriage.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Then the parade team came over.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Should be students.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Some of the floats participating in the parade are horse-drawn carriages, pickup trucks and even large trucks.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Although simple, people’s enthusiasm is undiminished.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

In the evening, there will be a concert in the square, and a waist-twisting dance that the locals like.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

A rap singer on the stage is singing a song with a strong rhythm.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Local women perform a waist-twisting dance.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Welcome to Twist

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Our car is still surrounded by locals ;P

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

I saw a small Chinese supermarket. It was a holiday today, and there were so many people. However, it was closed with iron gates for business.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Just pay attention to safety. When I was taking pictures, some people asked me to take pictures for them. One of them was drunk and was extremely unfriendly. I hurriedly stayed away from him.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

After returning to Belize City, we headed to Belize Altun Ha (ALTUN HA) Mayan ruins, which is an ancient Mayan city.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

This is its location map

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

It is located 50 kilometers north of Belize City.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Containing two shrines and 13 temples, it served as a central trade link between the Caribbean coast and the central Maya region during the Classic Maya period.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

There are also some ruins that have not been excavated.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

You can go up the stone ladder

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The famous jade head has been found in Mayan ruins and has an image on Belizean currency.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The symbol of Belize’s local Belikin beer is taken from the flat-topped pyramids in the Mayan ruins of Atunhama.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

On both sides of the stone ladder, there is a statue of a human face.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Flat-topped pyramids can be topped.

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

Experience the Settlement Day in Califuna, Belize

The view from the top is better.