Explore Unlimited Chevrolet’s Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty Activity Notes

“The whole meaning of life lies in the endless exploration of the unknown, and the constant addition of more knowledge.”

——For exploration, the French writer Zola gave us such a definition from the perspective of life.


In the course of human development, new things can only be discovered through exploration. Exploration is the embodiment of human great intelligence and wisdom, and it is also the ladder of human progress. Limits are the subject of eternal exploration for human beings. Since ancient times, production and life, sports, scientific exploration, resource exploration, etc., have been exploring the limits of all fields, including the earth and space.

Explore Unlimited Chevrolet's Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty Activity Notes

Today, following in the footsteps of GM Chevrolet, we once again started the journey of extreme exploration. Since 2015, Chevrolet’s Most Beautiful China Tour has a theme every year, from “Seeing the World Together” in 2015, “Bravely Entering New Realms” in 2016 to “Searching for the Most Beautiful Sound” in 2017, and “Inquiry” in 2018. Searching for the beauty of extremes”, Chevrolet’s most beautiful China tour event, which lasted four years, has formed a brand of “Exploration Series”.

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Explore Unlimited Chevrolet's Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty Activity Notes

Chevrolet’s Most Beautiful China Tour 2018·The first stop to search for extreme beauty – “Extremely High Land” will start in Lhasa, which marks that this year’s Chevrolet’s Most Beautiful China Tour will start a new journey.

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“Go to a meeting on the top of the cloud”

Beijing and Lhasa, two famous historical cities, are 4,000 kilometers away from each other, separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as the “roof of the world”, lies between them. More than 1,300 years ago, Princess Wencheng set off from Chang’an and arrived in Lhasa after nearly three years. During the Qing Dynasty, the Fifth Dalai Lama set off on the first lunar month of 1652 from Lhasa to Beijing, and traveled for almost 11 months. Now, during the 3,000-kilometer air journey from Beijing to Lhasa, an Airbus A330 took us from the capital in the plain to the snow-covered plateau, which took 4 hours.

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Sitting on the flight to Lhasa, the stewardess handed over a cup of buttered tea to start this anticipated plateau trip. Passing through the vast Central Plains, across the towering snow-capped mountains, arrived at the holy city of Lhasa in the evening. Because of the time difference, the sky is still bright, and the bright sun shines on the city of Lhasa, which is hot and dazzling. It is said that the sunset time in Lhasa in June is at 9 or 10 o’clock in the evening, and it is true.

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As an off-road person who likes to drive by himself, in recent years, he has been to Tibet about 7 or 8 times, and he has gone through almost all the routes of self-driving into Tibet, only this time he flew into Tibet. I used to have the experience of having a splitting headache when I arrived at Daocheng Yading at an altitude of 4,000 meters. Later, I practiced to drive through Qiangtang by myself for more than 10 days. I traveled in the wilderness at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters every day, and I still ate large pieces of meat unscrupulously. Drinking alcohol without any high reaction symptoms, people are really a very adaptable creature. When entering Tibet a few years ago, rhodiola, glucose, and creatinine had to be prepared in advance, but now, these are not necessary. In fact, when you go to Tibetan areas, the psychological effect of the tolerance to plateau hypoxia is far greater than the physical reaction.

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It was the first time that the plane arrived in Lhasa. Lhasa at an altitude of 3,600 meters greeted us as always. It was not only like a kind elder, amiable, but also like a beautiful Dolma, warm and gentle. The magnificent and solemn Potala Palace stands in the sunset, exuding a fascinating charm. There are people coming and going on the road, and vehicles are constantly flowing. As a sacred place of Tibetan Buddhism, it attracts many believers to come here for pilgrimage, which is why we often see pious Tibetans prostrating on the way to Tibet.

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“Pilgrimage to Potala”

On the second day of arriving in Lhasa, according to the arrangement, we came to the Potala Palace. For the Potala Palace, as tourists, our beliefs and devotion are different from those of the Tibetans. This is the holy place of Tibetan Buddhism and the place where many believers aspire. People travel thousands of miles to come here just for the persistence and belief in their hearts, and we come here more with admiration and respect.

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The Potala Palace is located on a hill in the northwest of Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. It was built in the 7th century AD during the period of King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet. It has a history of 1,300 years. In the hearts of people who believe in Tibetan Buddhism, this small mountain is like Putuo Mountain where Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva lives, so it is called Potala (Putuo) in Tibetan.

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In the early Tang Dynasty, Songtsan Gampo married Princess Wencheng, a daughter of the imperial family of the Tang Dynasty, and built a nine-story palace with a thousand rooms on the Red Mountain at that time, named Potala Palace as the place where the princess lived. According to historical records, there is a bridge made of silver and copper between Songtsan Gampo and Princess Wencheng’s palace in Sanchong, the inner and outer city of Hongshan. Outside the east gate of the Potala Palace is Songtsan Gampo’s racecourse. When the Tu Dynasty established by Songtsen Gampo fell, most of the Potala Palace was destroyed by war.

At the end of Ming Dynasty, with the military support of Gushi Han in Mongolia, the fifth Dalai Lama established the Gedan Pozhang Dynasty. In 1645 AD, the Potala Palace began to be rebuilt. The fifth Dalai Lama moved from the Gedanzhang Palace to the Sunlight Hall on the top of the White House. , completed in 1693. Later, after the expansion of the Dalai Lama, it reached today’s scale.

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The Potala Palace is the crystallization of the exchange and integration of Chinese and Tibetan art, and it is also a treasure house of religious art. The entire Potala Palace can be regarded as a museum of architectural art and Buddhist art. Whenever looking at the Potala Palace, there is always a touch, which is not only visual. In the past, everything you saw in pictures was always unreal, but when you face it for real, you will feel the shock that you have never had before.

“Unchanging Beauty”

On June 27, a brief launching ceremony opened the prelude to Chevrolet’s Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty. Afterwards, a convoy of 18 Chevrolet models including Explorer, Chuangku, Silverado, and Crowder set off from Lhasa in two groups. Today’s itinerary includes Yamdrok Yumco, one of the three holy lakes in Tibet, and Karola Glacier, one of the three major continental glaciers in Tibet.

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Explore Unlimited Chevrolet's Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty Activity Notes

The condition of the section of the road leaving Lhasa is very good. Along the way, we often meet cyclists in smalls and threes, as well as Tibetans who worship Zhuanshan. Winding up the mountain and crossing the Gangbala Pass, we arrived at Yamdrok Yongcuo at noon.

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Standing on the top of Gangbala Mountain at an altitude of 4,950 meters and looking south, Yamdrok is like a sapphire inlaid among the peaks, dazzling and dazzling. The blue lake is as smooth as a mirror, and the lake and mountains, the water birds that occasionally pass by the lake and the snow-capped mountains in the distance form an interesting contrast. The calm surface of Yanghu Lake changes with the depth of the water and the angle of sunlight. There are various shades of light blue, lake blue, sapphire blue, and dark blue, showing extremely rich layers.

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The undulating mountains nearby, the snow-capped mountains in the distance, the white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the clear and rich blue lake are intertwined to form a beautiful three-dimensional picture scroll, which seems to be within reach. Everyone will be intoxicated in this beautiful picture scroll between heaven and earth. On the north side of Gangbala Mountain is a winding mountain road with many bends and steep slopes and a large drop. When you climb over the top of the mountain, a pure and beautiful natural picture is vivid in your eyes. This strong contrast makes people feel unreal. This is often the case in people’s life. When you have worked hard, many wonderful things will come to you naturally.

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From Yamdrok Yumco to Karola Glacier, passing through Naiqin Kangsang, one of the four major snow mountains in Tibet. The Karola Glacier is just under the Naiqin Kangsang Snow Mountain, at the junction of Langkazi County and Gyangze County. The snow-white glacier hangs on the mountain wall like a pair of giant thangkas, shining brightly under the sunlight. According to reports, the closest road in Tibet is the Karola Glacier, about 300 meters away.

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Hundreds of millions of years of glaciers stand on this plateau forever. When you silently examine this wonderful work of art of nature, you will feel the magnificence, and you will find that the traces of time come from the ancient time and space changes. In Tibet, under every vast snow-capped mountain is the source of the river. Under the glacier, there is naturally a trickle flowing into the torrential river, and it never stops.

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The itinerary is arranged in an orderly manner. When you approach the Potala Palace and stand on the top of the holy lake, you will slowly blend in and search for the beauty of the limit. Everything is just right.

“Extremely High”

Some people say that you must go to Tibet once in your life, otherwise you don’t know how big China is and how beautiful the scenery is. Only those who have been there will appreciate the high sky and wide clouds and the meaning of extreme travel.

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As for reaching the foot of Mount Everest, its significance is self-evident, and this will be a milestone time point. A person’s life is worth it; after experiencing it, it is precious.

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For me who have been to Tibet 7 or 8 times, this is also the first time I have reached the Everest Base Camp. In the past, I imagined countless scenes in my heart, and I also had some dreams, but when the dreams became reality, I was still moved to tears.

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The friends in the team will more or less have high reactions. Some people feel uncomfortable and can’t eat, and some people have been weak and depressed. The worry about high rebellion exists in the hearts of most people. This rich and full experience was unexpected before departure, but at this time, after going through hardships and reaching the top of the plateau, this is destined to become an unforgettable memory for everyone.

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Explore Unlimited Chevrolet's Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty Activity Notes

Standing at the place closest to the sky and touching Mount Everest with your heart, whether you are outstanding or ordinary, human beings are insignificant in front of nature. Only when you are in the magical embrace of nature and feel the power of life, you Maybe you will experience the true meaning of life.

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The 5,200-meter Mount Everest base camp has reached a limit for car brands. Chevrolet searches for the ultimate beauty, and we are already on top of the world.

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“Unknown Land”

Not many people have walked through Pekutso.

Pekutso is the largest lake in the Shigatse area, with an area of ​​more than 300 square kilometers and an altitude of 4,590 meters. Compared with Yamdrok Yongcuo, Namtso, and Manasarovar, Pekutso is not well-known. Due to traffic reasons, the area between Mount Everest, G318 and G219 national highways has almost become a vacuum. In 2011, by chance, I participated in a plateau student aid activity and set foot on this magical land for the first time.

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Explore Unlimited Chevrolet's Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty Activity Notes

Pekutso, which has retained its natural and primitive features, appears in front of us in a stunning manner. Not only is there the reflection of Shishapangma Peak, but it is also so quiet that it seems that the sound of the Yarlung Zangbo River can be heard. The pure natural features, quaint primitive villages, and those simple smiling faces have become eternal in memory.

Coming here again this time with the Chevrolet team seems to be for a beautiful agreement, waiting for each other, freezing the memory and the mood.

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Explore Unlimited Chevrolet's Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Search Extreme Beauty Activity Notes

Pekutso, who met again, still showed an irresistible charm. It was raining lightly along the way. When we reached the lake, the sky gradually became clearer. The air after the rain is always extraordinarily fresh, mixed with the smell of soil, nature gives us a refreshing feeling, I like this feeling.

A major feature of Chevrolet’s Most Beautiful China Tour 2018 Searching for Extreme Beauty is that experts are specially invited to participate in the whole process. In addition to the regular line running activities, newer and more academic research topics have been added to the exploration trip. In this extremely high-level exploration activity, Jin Lei, executive director of the China Association for Scientific Expedition, Luo Hao, executive chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Outdoor Association, and Pan Zhenguo, a mountaineering expert from the China Outdoor Association, joined the expedition, which added a lot of color to the itinerary.

In addition to the daily expert explanations and interactions, in Pekutso, Mr. Luo Hao, a Tibetan bio-imaging expert, gave a vivid rare biological science examination class for everyone on the spot.

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Pekutso, surrounded by mountains on three sides, has an open terrain and rich biological resources. Wild horses, Tibetan wild donkeys, Tibetan antelopes, cranes, yellow ducks, gray ducks and other wild animals often appear by the lake, and there are more wild animals such as “green velvet”. Rare plants such as “Artemisia” are distributed in the mountains by the lake. At present, you must pass through Pekutso when you enter and leave the Jilonggou (port). When you pass by, it is indeed a good choice to see this pure plateau. When we came to Pekucuo, Chevrolet’s most beautiful China Tour 2018’s exploration activities in extremely high places also reached a staged climax.

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There is a saying in China that “know astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom.” Through a series of exploration activities, let us understand the earth’s environment better, increase astronomy and geography knowledge through exploration trips, and achieve harmony between man and nature – live in harmony and coexist harmoniously . This is the meaning of limit exploration to improve each of us’s understanding of the environment.

“About the driving experience of the explorer”

The vehicles used in this event consisted of all Chevrolet models, including 12 Explorers, 4 Chuangku, 1 Silverado, and 1 Crowder. Our trip started from Lhasa, passed through Yamdrok Yumcuo, one of the three major sacred lakes in Tibet, and Karola Glacier, one of the three continental glaciers, to the summit of Mount Everest Base Camp at an altitude of 5,200 meters, and walked through the seldom-traveled Peku Cuo Lake. Experienced the ups and downs of the plateau altitude, both cloudy, sunny, rainy and snowy weather, and complicated road conditions, almost all urban roads, expressways, winding roads, gravel roads, dirt roads and other road conditions have been experienced. In four days, the total The journey was 1,600 kilometers, and there was no problem with all the models, and the exploration journey of the “extremely high place” was successfully completed.

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As we all know, comfort is the first condition for long-distance travel; passability is a necessary condition for complex road conditions; the Chevrolet Explorer we took almost perfectly completed the itinerary for the past few days. Generally speaking, “balanced” is my direct feeling about Chevrolet Explorer. Now let’s talk about our car-Chevrolet Explorer directly from the driving experience. Regarding the appearance and interior, there have been many media reviews, so I won’t repeat them here. In terms of appearance, the 2018 Chevrolet Explorer is a well-regulated model, which is neither ostentatious nor unusual, and well inherits the consistent style of the Chevrolet family, stable and restrained. The interior is still quite satisfactory. The four people traveling together in a car are all between 1.7 and 1.8 meters tall, although the overall length of the body is only 4652mm and the wheelbase is 2725mm. But it doesn’t feel oppressive in the car, and the reasonable layout and design make the car feel good.

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As far as daily life is concerned, we mostly use urban streets. In such an environment, our speed will be lower than 100 kilometers per hour in most cases, which means that it is smooth, powerful and economical within this range. That is our real appeal. From Lhasa to Shigatse, except for the gravel road from Pekutso to Sakya County, most of them are urban roads. The Explorer 550T equipped with 2.0T power and 9AT gearbox gave us a more satisfactory answer. The performance of this explorer far exceeds expectations. The engine power responds quickly, the shift logic is clear, and the response is very timely. It can accurately jump to the appropriate gear at various speeds in urban areas and national highways.

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When driving on the road, the silent effect of the explorer is still good. Regardless of high-speed or urban paved roads, the interior of the Explorer is relatively quiet, and it has an advantage in its class.

The performance of the Explorer on mountain roads is worthy of recognition. Whether it is over the Gangbala Mountain or on the multi-bending mountain road leading to the Everest base camp, the continuous curves are a direct test of the suspension of the Explorer. The direction of the explorer is precise, the support in the middle and rear of the suspension is sufficient, and the brakes are more linear, all of which give people full confidence to pass through corners at a faster speed.

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Non-paved roads such as gravel roads and muddy roads are a comprehensive test of the suspension. During the 1,600-kilometer journey, such road conditions accounted for 2,300 kilometers, especially the section from Pekutso to Saga County. Due to years of disrepair and construction, there are many such road conditions. To be honest, the harder suspension does not completely filter out the vibration of the ground, and some bumpy sounds from the chassis suspension are still partially transmitted into the car. Compared with these complex road conditions, the suspension of the explorer still seems a little thin. Of course, the Explorer is more positioned on urban roads, which must be clear to the majority of users. If it is used for running a construction site, it is not recommended to buy an Explorer.

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During this trip, I did not encounter too extreme road conditions. It can be said that although the road conditions are complicated, the four-wheel drive road conditions are hardly used. Therefore, the four-wheel drive of the explorer has not become the focus of this test drive.

From Lhasa to the end of the event in Shigatse, 4 days is enough to have a preliminary understanding of a car. Most people in the team have conducted a test drive, and the performance of the car has been generally recognized by everyone. To sum it up, the biggest advantage of Explorer lies in balance, power and comfort, space and design are all just right, neither radical nor mediocre.

“A thousand miles begins with a single step”

For a perfect trip, the importance of car tires is self-evident. Let’s talk about tires now.

For this search for extreme places, all Chevrolet series are equipped with Giti tires AT100 and HT152. As we all know, under the harsh conditions of the western plateau, in addition to the performance of the vehicle itself, the most important thing is the tires that can cope with various road conditions. For vehicles, tires play an important role in contacting the ground, such as power transmission, grip, quiet performance, wear resistance, puncture resistance, etc. Any of these complex performance indicators will directly affect the handling of the vehicle. , safety and comfort, can be described as the top priority of long-distance travel performance. The complex and changeable plateau climate and the harsh and complex plateau landforms will all cause severe tests for driving. The road conditions in Tibet are not only urban roads, but also various landforms such as sand, gravel, mud, rain and snow will be encountered at any time, so the performance of tires is particularly important.

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There are 18 vehicles in this convoy. We saw that 12 Chevrolet Explorers, 1 Silverado pickup and 1 Crowder pickup were all equipped with Giti AT100 off-road tires, and 4 Chevrolet Chuangku were equipped with Giti HT152 off-road tires.

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During the 1,600-kilometer journey on complex road conditions, none of the tires were damaged or any problems occurred. The reason is that, first of all, in terms of the material of the tire, the puncture resistance and wear resistance are the common characteristics of the two types of tires, Giti AT100 and HT152. Still maintains good driving performance. The unique pattern design of the stepped groove greatly improves the passing performance on non-paved roads, and the quiet performance on paved roads has been proved to be very good. It can take care of various performance indicators and achieve balanced performance. This is indeed true in the field of tires. not easy.

Real knowledge comes from practice. For the performance of tires, whether the mule or the horse comes out is very important.

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It is understood that Giti Tire has started supporting cooperation with Chevrolet since 2012, with a total of more than 4.6 million tires and more than 1 million vehicles. Based on the good partnership between the two parties and the common “exploration” brand core concept, Giti has been the official tire supplier of “Chevrolet’s Most Beautiful China Tour” for three consecutive years. The grind and challenge of performance.

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As the official tire partner of the event, Giti provides its high-quality off-road series products for all vehicles. The “all-road condition” Giti off-road AT100 and the “crossover king” Giti off-road HT152 will help Chevrolet play better in extreme environments Grip and stability, with stronger cross-country passability, start a journey of exploration in the four extreme fields of extremely high, extremely wet, extremely hot, and extremely cold, and also bring a safer and more reliable off-road experience to all participants.

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