[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

After a week of crossing and traveling, the extreme crossing team successfully arrived at Lhasa, the middle point of this crossing! In the first stage, they completed the crossing of more than 2,140 kilometers from Xinjiang to Lhasa on the 219th line.

The Xinjiang-Tibet Line traditionally refers to National Highway 219. It starts from the zero-kilometer stele in Yecheng County, Kashgar, Xinjiang in the north, and ends at the 2,140-kilometer stele in Chawu Township, Lazi County, Shigatse City, Tibet in the south. Called Yela Highway. You can go to Lhasa instead of going from Urumqi to Lhasa, which is an important route to Tibet. The average altitude of this road is more than 4500 meters, and the annual average temperature is -9°C. Along the way, it crosses 5 mountains over 5,000 meters, 16 icebergs (or mountain passes), and 44 glaciers. It is the highest difficult road in the world, and some sections are difficult and dangerous. The desolate area of ​​this road is long: there are only 3 villages and 1 town in the Xinjiang section, and there are hundreds of miles of uninhabited land in the back, and there are few villages and towns in the Ngari area of ​​the Tibet section. After the crossing team passed through Daban, Ngari, Mount Kailash, holy lake Manasarovar, Zada ​​soil forest, Guge Dynasty and crossed the Everest Base Camp, the speed limit was all the way, 20-30-40 -50-70 This security measure is really helpless! It was not far from more than 100 kilometers, but I drove for three or four hours abruptly, and arrived safely around ten o’clock in the evening!

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

Yesterday, the blue sky and white clouds all the way, the wind and the sun were beautiful. The team started from Lazi County, the destination of 219, and went to Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse City.

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

Tashilhunpo Monastery means “Auspicious Sumeru Temple”, and its full name is “Tashilhunpo Baiji Deqin Song Tangjiele Nan Bajwarin”, which means “Auspicious Sumeru gathers blessings and wins all states” . It is located at the foot of Niseri Mountain in Shigatse, Tibet. It is the largest temple in the area.

In the orthodox 12th year of the Ming Dynasty, Gendun Lord, a disciple of Tsongkhapa, built it. The fourth Panchen Lama, Luosang Choji Gyaltsen, expanded it. The Cuoqin Hall in the temple can accommodate 2,000 people to chant scriptures. There is a statue of Sakyamuni in the hall, and there are standing statues of Gendun Lord and the Fourth Panchen Lama on both sides. On both sides of the main hall are the Maitreya Hall and the Tara Hall. On the west side of the temple is the Great Maitreya Hall, which is 30 meters high and very magnificent. There is also the Pagoda Hall of the Panchen Lama, where the body of the relic is stored. There are four dratsangs (scholastic schools) in the temple, and the teaching is both explicit and secret. The Tashilhunpo Monastery is comparable to the Dalai Lama’s Potala Palace. Together with Ganden Monastery, Sera Monastery and Drepung Monastery, the “Three Great Monasteries” in Lhasa, it is called the “Four Great Monasteries” of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. The Four Great Monasteries, Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai and Labrang Monastery in Gansu are listed as the “Six Great Monasteries” of the Gelug Sect. The architectural structure also deeply influenced other Tibetan Buddhist buildings such as Wudangzhao. Tashilhunpo Monastery is one of the six famous Yellow Sect monasteries in China. One of the national key cultural relics protection units. In August 2017, it was approved as a national 5A-level tourist attraction.

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

Tashilhunpo Monastery covers an area of ​​150,000 square meters, surrounded by a palace wall, which winds along the mountain, with a circumference of more than 3,000 meters. There are 57 scripture halls and 3,600 houses in the temple. The whole temple is built on the hillside, with a high mountain on its back, facing the sun in the north. The most magnificent buildings in the temple are the Great Maitreya Hall and the Panchen Lama Pagoda Hall. The Great Maitreya Hall is located on the west side of the temple, with a height of 30 meters. It is dedicated to the seated Maitreya statue cast by the Ninth Panchen Lama Choekyi Nyima in 1914.

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

After visiting Tashilhunpo Monastery, we drove to Lhasa! This time I encountered a road with good greening and a flat and open road, but it made people feel helpless! One speed limit section after another. The last 100-kilometer route 318 took more than three hours to drive! Just arrived in Lhasa! Fortunately, the sun is setting and the clouds are chasing the moon. It is so beautiful! It makes people less anxious!

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

In the evening, stay in the Cicun Bieyuan, a Tibetan-style building near Princess Wencheng Theatre. The artistic atmosphere is very strong, like living in an art palace. The decoration here is high-end, luxurious and luxurious, and it is a good place for leisure and entertainment. Because the hostess is also the beautiful sister of the off-road caravan! Therefore, for off-roaders, the price will be 40% off! On the third floor, you can overlook the Potala Palace!

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

[Extreme Crossing] Farewell to 219, speed limit all the way to Lhasa

In the evening, everyone is free to eat and drink. Relax, clean up for the day, and move on tomorrow! The Xinjiang-Tibet line has been successfully concluded, and the ancient Tang-Tibet road crossing is about to kick off! ! In Lhasa, we have new team members joining us to walk the ancient Tang-Tibet road together. In this way, our team has changed from 11 people to 12 people! Under the leadership of Car Destroyer and Xinbi Cheye, continue to complete the crossing of the Silk Road! As a journalist, I am looking forward to these meaningful travel activities! There are different routes and different scenery!