Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

I left the Yangshugou Campground in the beautiful Qilian County. I traveled through the bumpy road at the junction of the two counties for most of the day and arrived at Yangkang Township in Tianjun County. I chose this road and crossed to Hala Lake. I also considered new team members. More, the terrain here is flat, close to Lake Hara, bypassing most of the swamps, and relatively close to the county seat.

When I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast while the snow was flying, and my heart was hanging. There is a saying in Mianyang: Come, come, let’s do it. 15 people and 7 cars set off resolutely. Before leaving, they sent the information of the personnel and vehicles to the second brother for backup, in case of emergency.

There was no danger along the way, covered with heavy snow, so I had to pick up places where the pits are relatively small, but you have to walk in the direction of the pits, otherwise you will go in the wrong direction. Fortunately, it is not summer now, and the small river you crossed It’s not too much, and the water is not too deep. God opened his eyes. When we arrived at the lake, the sky cleared up, and Tuanjie Peak, the main peak of Qilian Mountains, showed her smiling face again. She really cooperated with us and praised us.

The wind was very strong by the lake, so I retreated for a while, and ran on the washboard dirt road for more than 130 kilometers according to the rhythm of 306090. It was so refreshing.
Delingha rested.

Experience along the way: Qilian County is very beautiful, the campsite is very good, Hara Lake is amazing, and the Dema Expressway is very refreshing when going home, with unlimited scenery.

Yike (friend): Leaving Hala Lake, the rocky flat-topped mountains and endless unnamed mountains that make people almost desperate in the night, went to Delingha with a deep memory!

Author: Just a few of us finished the car slowly, rescued the roof tent of Allen once on the way, and I went for a walk in the side ditch successfully, quack

Accompany me & sake (friend): Is it comfortable to drive on the washboard road?

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

On the way from Qilian County to Yangkang Township

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Thank you to the administrators of the Yangkang Township Government Compound and the police officers at the police station for your care and support. After arriving in Delingha, you even called to report your safety and thank you.

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Yangkang Township Government Compound

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Yangkang township mansion courtyard grabbing heavy snow for dinner in the morning

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

first flower first flower first flower

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

go home with the setting sun

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

Fearless, braved the wind and snow to cross Lake Hara!

The vast snow log has a prospect, and the small hat will replace it! quack quack!